Ending November

This morning I took 8-year old Z-bub, 6-year old Dinkum Devo, and 4-year old Mizelle up to the lake, which is really a flood diversion reservoir managed by the Corp of Engineers. It is a great place to walk and to bird watch. Unfortunately, it is currently being drained. Or as they call it, "the draw down." I'm not sure if it s done for repairs on the earthen dam or if it is just an annual event. Each time there is a "draw down" the beaver dam collapses and the ducks and other water fowl head for other wetlands. But lots of walkers, bikers, dogs, and horses take advantage of the trails. And hunters, too. I forgot my binoculars but was able to see Red-tailed Hawk, Kestrel, Northern harrier, and a Bald Eagle soar overhead. Using my cheap cell phone, I snapped this photo of the kids being rock-climbers on the dam slope. The camera was safe and warm at home, snuggled in the cupboard with the binoculars. The inversion that is currently ...