Showing posts from December, 2009
A Christmas Decoration (Fun & Macro Monday)

Gattina, Writer Cramps , has asked to see our favorite Christmas decoration for the Fun Monday project this week. Mine happens to be alive and blooming - for well over 50 years. We always call it "Mom's Christmas Cactus," because I retrieved it from her home when she passed away sixteen years ago. It did not bloom for several years and I was afraid that I didn't have the green thumb for zygo-cactus. Fortunately, it grieved and I found a rhythm for feeding and watering. Now it is a faithful provider of lovely blossoms every winter. Three years ago it bloomed from November until April. The plant is very large - and thus susceptible to breakage from the people and pets who move about. The pieces that break off are placed in water to root and then shared with other family members. Each of my daughters has their plant growing from "Mom's Christmas Cactus." But, now I think that "Mom's" refers to me. In November 2006, I posted ...
An Update and Greeting
Christmas Eve Morning we find ourselves once more in Portland, Oregon at our youngest daughter's house where I am using her strange little lap top. The keyboard is made for miniature fingers and some of the buttons can do strange and improbable tasks. If only one could make me 36 once more. I slept (not) to the stereo qualitity of two snoring men. It is a small apartment and the things that happen in the apartment upstairs are no secret either. Even Curlymop, the 5 year old granddaughter, was awake until 11 p.m. as the result of sipping someone's Thai Tea. That could have been part of my wakeful problem, too. I actually blamed it on the salad; I crashed and burned on a whole chili that I misidentified as a dark peanut. When I did nod away, I dreamed that I didn't get any Christmas Cards. That has been on my mind because I didn't send any this year, or for several years past. It has to be very much like blogging. If yo...
Spell your Favorite Thai Food
There is a very small family owned Thai restaurant one block away from our daughter's apartment in Portland. We love to eat there. Last week I noticed a couple of interesting things on the lunch menu. I highlighted the "specials" with a little red stick pin. When Amanda passes her national court recorder test, we're obliged to host a celebratory dinner for friends and family at this yummy little place. The people who work there are aware of our plans and can't wait to feed us some of our favorite dishes: Crispy Basil, Pad Thai, and Green Mango Salad. There will be Stir-Fly and Pictures of Water for those who are a bit more adventuresome.
Eye Eye, Matey!

Jammin, my 8-year old grandson had eye surgery on Monday. When I stayed with him and his siblings last August, we were putting drops in his eye several times a day. The pediatrician thought he had growth caused by a bacteria. But, the antibiotics and steroids proved useless. He was sent to the Casey Eye Institute in Portland, Oregon, where the specialist recommended surgery and biopsy. After the surgery, his mother and father sat with him in recovery. Once he became aware of his surroundings his mother remarked, "Hey Jammin'. You look like a pirate." "AAAAAAAAAAARGH!." He replied. He is doing well. He should be back in school tomorrow and we are hoping for good news from the pathologist.

I've been in Portland, OR since Tuesday. My daughter Amanda is doing a 50 hour internship at the Federal Court for the last leg of her her Court Reporting certificate requirements. Her fingers are very tired. I've been grandma drop off to and pick up from school for the kindergarten kid. Today Curlymop missed school because her eyes were red and burning. The medical clinic sqeezed us in this afternoon for a quick check up. The Pediatrician hardly walked through the door before exclaiming, "Pink Eye! Poor kid has caught every bug that has come along in her classroom this fall. I still plan to get out to some of the great stores here in Portland and do some Christmas shopping. You'll note that Amanda and I already went to Powell's. (My eyes are sort of burning. Uh oh.)
Christmas Songs that Induce Insanity
Cynagirl wants to know which Christmas songs drive me bonkers for this Fun Monday . The fact that I heard Christmas music playing in Sears before Halloween gave me reason to get that crazy feeling entirely too early this year. But...for a particular song, I allowed myself to go back to a childhood memory. My mom had an LP with all the Stars of her day singing the season favorites. She would play that album quite often during the holiday season. Oh How I hated to hear Silent Night moaned out with despair by Marlene Dietrich. I couldn't find that particular recording available on the web. But, lucky you! I found her rendition of Little Drummer Boy. It's equally endearing. If you dare to hear it ... Oh.... SHUDDER!! There are several more that I love to hate - but I'll save those for another day. Share your hair pulling holiday songs and link your post at C is for Cynical Girl .
Turkey Lurkey
Carmi has asked for a picture of something different for this week's Thematic Photograph. Their unprecedented appearance is why I chased these three wild turkeys down the street with my camera. I think they were considering their escape options when I cornered them in our neighbors yard. In the over thirty years I've lived on this street I have never before been visited by a wild turkey . My neighbor Bill has lived here more than 50 years and claims it was his first sighting, too! Later that afternoon when they were enjoying the spilled sunflower seeds under my bird feeder, the neighbor's dog surprised them. All three flew high into the neighbors old maple tree and were still perched there when night fell. I wondered if they found refuge in town during hunting season and decided it was so nice that they would stick around. If you saw something odd this week, post it and link your blog at Written Inc . Or, just go check out what other blogger...