Remembering Auntie Fern

Great Auntie Fern would have been 110 today. There were times that I thought Auntie Fern might outlive all of us, and then halfway into her 108th year she was gone. I miss her. We all do. Fern on her 107th Birthday in 2016 enjoying a brief walk I got involved with all of her medical care, sort of by accident or maybe by providence, when she was 99. (My husband is related by way of his late "Gram", who was Fern's older sister.) We would stop at the retirement home to visit, and sometimes have dinner with her. She loved company. That's how the home happened to call us one day to say that Fern had been ill. This presented a problem for the staff because after a certain number of days a resident would have to move to a higher care facility. I offered to take her to the clinic and get some help for her. When the doctor walked into the examination room he took one look at me and asked, "Are you jus...