Fun Monday

Quirky Lisa (Lisa's Chaos) is today's Hostess with the mostess quirks. She used the following instructions to enlighten us about today's topic: A quirk is defined as a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism. We are all unique individuals, having quirks that help make us who we are. I would like to know what your quirks are. Confess to one, confess to ten, you decide. Just come back Monday ready to spill the beans, the rest of the world may look at you like you are from Mars, but you‘re among friends here. We won’t laugh, in fact that eccentricity just may endear you to us more. Well ...I'm being as quirky as Swampwitch today. I'm sorta following the rules, and sorta not. Instead of hearing about my boring quirkiness, you are being treated to an old story about a quirky cat. * * * * Daggett was a cat with very odd behavior. I like to think she channeled my monthly mood swings. But, her excuse may be that her head was slightly injured in a c...