"Fall Fun"

Fall has the capacity to make me sad because I hate to see the birds fly away south. But, it does become Fall Fun when I get some unusual visitors in my yard. If you look very carefully at the photo below, taken through the front door, you will see a MacGillivray's Warbler. What a lucky moment that I spotted it from my kitchen window on an early day in September. I also saw an Orange-crowned Warbler but didn't score a picture. They flit around so quickly! Same rock around the same time, digitally zoomed in is below. On the left is a very common House Sparrow having a swig. The one in the foreground acting like she is peaking back at the sparrow, is a House Finch . To her right towards the back is a Pine Siskin . I see these birds year round at my feeders. Well, the Pine Siskins do leave in the heat of the summer and I think they head up into the Blue Mountains that frame our valley. The yellow bird center bel...