Santa's Clothes

My brother Mike loves to dress up as Santa each year and pass out gifts to good little boys and girls.

He practices the HO HO HO and attempts to disguise his voice so that no one will know it is him. He's done an excellent job, too.

One year when our middle daughter Jen was 4 or 5, she was beyond excited about Santa's visit. She clapped with delight and was so entranced that she couldn't even open the present that he handed her.

Her eyes were glued to him as he waved goodbye, called out to his reindeer, and disappeared out the back door.

It wasn't too long after that he quietly sneaked back in through a side door and rejoined the merrymaking.

Our daughter, nervous from all the excitement, needed to use the "potty" and her grandma offered to take her.

When they opened the bathroom door, there lie Santa's clothes in a heap on the floor. In his haste, my brother had forgotten them.

Jen looked up at her grandma with eyes as big as saucers and a mouth drawn open in surprise.

"Oh No, Grandma!" she declared. "Santa is Naked!"


Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela
Your bro.makes a good santa.
laughed at naked santa
Susan in va said…

(*sigh*) I needed that.
Anonymous said…
That is SO cute! hee!
Susie said…
Very cute story and one she'll probably remember for years to come!
Bibi said…
This is such a cute story...I could just imagine her shock ;-)
SongBird said…
Ha, ha.....a nude Santa.....funny story!!
Anonymous said…
That's priceless! I think the only response to that would be that Santa was on his way to deliver toys to a nudist colony and will be back for his clothes later.
James Burnett said…
I'll never look at Santa the same again;>)

Thanks for coming by my blog. I like what I read here and will be back for more.
Kila said…
LOL, too funny!

Hope she wasn't too traumatized!
Shauna said…
LOL that's so funny! Does Jen remember it? Bet grandma had to use the restroom after that comment! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, outta the mouths of Babes. This story is a classic. You should submit it to some magazine. You would win that contest for sure.
Gattina said…
Ha, ha, ha ! that's a great story, I can see the little face ! What a surprise and poor Santa naked now, and even without hat !
Anonymous said…
I want to know how she reacted to Santa the next time she saw him. :)

That is too funny! I agree with Swampy, send it in to Reader's Digest or something. :)
BarnGoddess_01 said…
cute story!

I enjoyed this, it made me laugh.
M@ said…
Years later the therapist asks the woman about this deep-seeded antipathy for Santa Claus.
M@ said…
I knew you were kidding. I'm just... hungover and feeling guilty. But it's good to know people have a sense of humor.... :)
Kailani said…
That is the funniest thing I've ever heard! I'm still laughing!
CyberCelt said…
I can see the newspaper headlines now! Great story. Here from BCs.
Gattina said…
Thanks for your comment, I loved the story about your dog stealing a construction cone !
Anonymous said…
visions of sugar plums... or something ivy

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