The Sun Melts

Watching the sun set on the ocean made me wish
that I read the instructions on how to photograph
a sunset.

The zoom uncovered the changing shape.

I've been told it is the curvature of the earth
and the reflection on the ocean that
provides the distorted shape on the horizen.

I imagine a "real" photographer would have
a filter.

Or a much more expensive camera.

The waves kept rolling into the beach and I never
heard any sizzling.

Have you seen the sun wearing a hat.

Or is the sun really a sky submarine that dives
beneath the surface.

Or in the end, a puddle of wax, from the candle that lights
the day.

It rests and day is done.

The heat in our room woke all of us at 3:00 a.m. We would have been funny to watch, all of us looking for our glasses in order to see the thermostat. Or a little fly on the ceiling listening to us babble: Who turned the heat on so high, I didn't do it. Well you touched it last. No, I got up to use the restroom and it was hot so I turned it down to 60. Well, it was set on 90... were you standing on your head..... hmmmph.. Still acting like siblings after all these years. What can I tell you. (:

We opened the windows to cool us when we saw the moon. It was the color and shape of a slab of cheddar as it fell deliberately into the dark water. The moon disappearing into the ocean was something none of us had previously experienced. We decided that the thermostat was a blessing. Because of it, we shared the moon.

Do people who live near the ocean take this all for granted?


Mary said…
Fancy schmancy (cameras)... I think your photos are beautiful! I never knew the sun wore a hat either. I would love to see the moon dip into the ocean for a swim, I bet that was a sight.

I have seen a huge moon once, you know the really big ones you see in movies? It wasn't quite that big, but it was so amazing, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I had you worried for a second with the "big moon" talk, didn't I? :O)
Anonymous said…
Wow, those are some spectacular photos, Pamela. Everybody keeps posting such nice photos my itch to buy a new camera gets worse by the day. Did you get any photos of the cheddar cheese moon for us?
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela Im glad someone turned the heater up,otherwise you might not have seen the moon slip into the water.
beautiful photo's of the sunset.
Shauna said…
Beautiful photo's Pamela!

LOL to the bickering of siblings!
Carole Burant said…
Oh dear, what absolutely fantastic shots you got...I could just imagine myself actually being there and seeing that sunset! The only time I've been near the ocean is when I was gone to British Columbia...the sunsets and sunrises were awesome over the ocean! Hugs xox
Gwen said…
Hi Pamela.
Great shots sounds like you all had fun.
Stay Well
katy said…
wow how can anyone take that for granted, absolutely beautiful shots well done
M@ said…
Those are some beautiful shots, Pam. I just regret that you didn't get anything of the roadway carnage the other day.... Keep that camera w/ you....
Heather said…
Thanks for taking us with you. I love the ocean. If I didn't think it heresy, I would dare say the ocean is my source of life.
Judypatooote said…
Great pictures.....i have an expensive camera, but i don't know if i'll ever get the whole hang of using it....of course it does help to read kids even bought me books to be a creative photographer....I always think I know what I'm doing LOL.....
that is so funny about the temp. and trying to find your glasses... that happened on my friends and my trip when the fire alarm went off, and we thought it was the alarm... trying to find my glasses and pushing every button on the poor old clock radio.....and finally we realized it was the fire alarm... but that was an accident..... a great memory though.....and you just made a great memory to laugh about......thanks for sharing and keep snapping those pictures....
Claudia said…
Those are some gorgeous pictures. It doesn't matter that you don't have an expensive camera...some people have great cameras and still don't "see" what you they never take the picture!! And, man...I would love to see the moonset like that!! Pretty cool!
Anonymous said…
4th from the last picture looks like a tea cup.

I like that you said you didn't even hear a sizzle.
Susie said…
We only live just over an hour from the ocean and I never ever tire of it at any time of the day or night!
Your photos are awesome!
Susan in va said…
Beautiful! Breathtaking!

I've never seen the sun SET on the ocean so I particularly enjoyed your pictures. Of course, if you just reversed the order, it would pretty much look like an east coast sun RISE!
Anonymous said…
I love your eye, Pamela.

And those photos make me miss living in Galveston! We're so close to the water, and yet so far, now... I really do love the water!
DesLily said…
beautiful photo's!.. I'm glad you had something like that to see after the accident.. I hope it helped you thru the scare.
Coffeypot said…
I wonder if the cave men of yesteryear had the same thoughts (well, not about the submarine and maybe not the hat) as you did. That sun has been doing the same thing over and over for millions of years. And it never ceases to amaze me, too.
Anonymous said…
I would have liked to have seen the picture of all 3 of you trying to view the thermostat in your nighties.
willowtree said…
Awww, pretty pictures. Out of interest, what time was that? Out sun is setting around 8:30pm these days.

I like the ones with the bird.

Had to laugh at the sibling shenanigans.
Kelly Curtis said…
Looks to me like you did a fantastic job!!

I have an expensive camera and my into-the-sun pics always have spots.

SO, well done!
Anonymous said…
I love these photos! Thank you for sharing. I have always wanted to watch the sunset over the ocean with McD. I know, I am a romantic. It probably won't ever happen, but a girl can dream. Thanks for taking me to the ocean. I needed it.

The heater thing cracks me up! We have done the exact same thing! Heehee!!! I love it!
Masago said…
Those shots are fantastic...enjoyed the remarks too.
Peter said…
Great pics Pamela, we only get sunrise photos over the water here on the east coast, it seems strange when I visit the west coast and see sunsets over the water.
Anonymous said…
I think we do take it for granted. There is nothing like living near the ocean. I'm a ways off, but if global warming does what the experts say it will, one day I will have ocean front property.
Anonymous said…
The pictures are beautiful...but the words...breathtaking.
Anonymous said…
What a great timeline! You can almost see the sun actually setting! I've also never seen the moon "setting". It must have been awesome!
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed the photos, especially the hat ones!

Anonymous said…
O-o-o-o-o! A-h-h-h-h! Wowowowowow!

Anonymous said…
puddle of wax... not brazilian, I hope ivy

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