Fun, it be, to catch up on your blog! Now pass me some grog! Aaaaaaaaaar matey. Fall be coming and the lilies be goin', but that be the way of it, dontcha know? Me favorite recipe is me cheesecake recipe from me mum. Too creamy it be. Post it I may if I be gettin' the time. But I prefer eatin' it. I be lovin the spider pic. Nice focus, and I wonder ... if we could hear it. .. if it might be speakin the queen's english?
Anonymous said…
Pamela, for your sake, I am GLAD you only met this spider through a camera lens...the thought of that thing wrapped around your head??? YIKES! Heebie-jeebies!!
Thanks, Pamela... I'll be having nightmares tonight!!
You should see the "dance" I do when I accidently walk into a spiderweb!! I give myself a bit of whiplash!! ;-)
Anonymous said…
the one in my tomatoes has disappeared - which worries me.....BUT, one landed on Dave's arm while he was picking corn. (I have to giggle - because I've never seen him freak out before and he did!)
I would have had heart failure to have walked through that web with the spider on it...YUCK! lol I'm petrified of shivers just seeing that picture! Brrrrr...hehe xox
My brother Mike emailed me this photo last night. He said this was a goodbye salute that he snapped today in his garage where this old freezer has been chugging away since 1988. That was the year our mama decided she was tired of bending over and digging through it. Besides, she no longer needed the capacity and hadn't for several years. Mike and my sister-in-law spent the next 25 years "digging" through this old freezer. My sis-in-law was very good at keeping it and the cupboards stocked. The two of them kept promising each other that "It is going to die soon, so we will just keep it until that day." Twenty-five years may seem like a very long life for a freezer. It is MUCH older than that. Sears only sold Coldspot through 1976. I thought that my parent's purchased this freezer in the sixties. My brother said he put the serial number 'on-line' and it matched a 1953 manufacturing date. Here is a close up of the make and model that
Karmyn is the host of Fun Monday this week with a subject that is near and dear to her heart. Not to mention her knees and fingers. But I mentioned them anyway. The subject? --- What's Growing In Your Garden. As soon as I signed up I grabbed my camera and headed out the back door. Alyssum, lady's mantle, gaillardia, Jupiter beard, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember is blooming in this photo. We didn't put as many annuals in this year so I miss all the yellows and reds that we often enjoy. But, something else showed up in that surprised me. Can it be that my yard is haunted? Cheeky little ghost! A shot from the deck near the hammock shows off some ornamental grass, petunias, pond plants ... and that bold apparitio
The sweet little digital camera that the hubby purchased (after I dropped our old one) has encouraged me to do a little more walking. Last week I took it with me when I walked up the "creek" path, which doubles for joggers and bikers as well. I've seen beavers, mink, deer, birds, birds, birds, and once the tail end of a bear run running away through the brush. Of course, without a camera. Now I carry it often. This time I was watching the Belted King Fisher performing an acrobatic display and chattering at the ducks and geese in his fishing territory. I was zooming in on him in a tree across the water when I spotted what I thought was a huge wasp or hornet nest very high in the tree. (Thanks to Susan for bringing up bee's today.) The heavy binoculars were at home, so I continued to try to see it through my camera. Then, a weird movement caught my eye. What I thought was a giant paper wasp nest was really a Great Blue Heron sleeping on one leg with his head ben
Me favorite recipe is me cheesecake recipe from me mum. Too creamy it be. Post it I may if I be gettin' the time. But I prefer eatin' it. I be lovin the spider pic. Nice focus, and I wonder ... if we could hear it. .. if it might be speakin the queen's english?
I don't like spiders and snakes.
Well done!
I like to watch spiders as long as they are away from me! LOL
You should see the "dance" I do when I accidently walk into a spiderweb!! I give myself a bit of whiplash!! ;-)