Apparitions in my Garden

Karmyn is the host of Fun Monday this week with a subject that is near and dear to her heart. Not to mention her knees and fingers. But I mentioned them anyway.

The subject? --- What's Growing In Your Garden.

As soon as I signed up I grabbed my camera and headed out the back door.

ghost1 Alyssum, lady's mantle,
gaillardia, Jupiter beard, and a bunch of other stuff
I can't remember is blooming in this photo. We didn't put
as many annuals in this year
so I miss all the yellows and
reds that we often enjoy.

But, something else showed
up in that surprised me.

Can it be that my yard is haunted?

Cheeky little ghost!


A shot from the deck near the hammock shows off some ornamental grass, petunias,
pond plants ... and that bold apparition that makes the hammock squeak and swing.

A wine barrel keeps the hose hidden - but not the green phantom. It moves through my photos in a blur.

I also see day lily, hosta, and coreopsis in this shot.

Strawberries, onions, kohlrabi, beets, chard, tomato, carrots, cucumber, peppers, and

And a little something else
that is growing like a weed.

This front entrance shot includes the Siberian snow pea beside the bird feeder, euonymus spreading beneath it along with some sedum, and a dwarf dogwood in the foreground.

Hey, I think I lost my playful shadow.

"No you didn't Grandma! I'm right here"

Along with Anemone, various grasses, lupine, and a lot of small blooming plants.


<-----(I can't remember what these
are either)


Masago said…
Sweet! ...and the finger really makes it!
cherie said…
ms. pam, i am so thankful there are no GHOSTS in your garden or mercy me, lol! you have a LOVELY, LOVELY garden, with a fairy princess right in the middle of everything in the pictures!!! btw, my birdies fledged, and i just posted pictures - could you help me determine if they are indeed robins? i don't have pictures of the parents, though. thanks, ms. pam!
Sayre said…
What a beautiful garden you have!!! I am quite envious of your veggie garden. Mine has been something of a failure (as you'll see in my post).

Perhaps I need a ghost.
karisma said…
LOL! Thats no ghost silly! That is a very special garden faerie! Don't you know that if you keep them happy they make your garden grow far more beautifully? Gorgeous garden and super gorgeous faerie!
Hootin Anni said…
Such a lovely, lovely private flower garden. Except for the haunting figure running by....I'm sure she's a sweet, darling 'haunt' tho!!! [the idea of a 1/2 wine barrel for the hose is great!!]

YOUR flowers however, are so pretty!!! [wish we had had rains]...we have been in a sever, what's growing in my yard is totally colorless. LOL]

Happy F M
DesLily said…
lol great pictures! I don't know how you have the strength to do it all ! (i used to but no more).. I'll take some veggies please!
Gattina said…
Your garden looks very nice and a little ghost as decoration makes it perfect,lol !
Jill said…
you have a garden gnome, maybe a good one that doesnt upend all your flower pots.. hmm...
~grey said…
I love your photos!!!
What a cute theme...and fun shadow.

The flowere at the end might be... An Indian painted blanket. or something like that.

by the way...
Thank yoy so much for your continued visits and wonderful comments. I appreciate each and every word.
Jenni said…
Beautiful garden, but I like the little phantom flower fairy the best.

You don't want to see what's growing in my garden! We got the raised beds assembled but not planted this year. I have pigweed and both common and giant ragweed growing in them along with some (more friendly and attractive) Chinese lantern/purple ground cherry.
Janis said…
Your gardens are absolutely gorgeous. Everything looks so healthy and thriving. You had me at first with the little ghost. She is a cutie and only enhances your garden photos. BTW I enjoyed your post about your Great Grandmother, isn't it so very interesting to see and read about past relatives. Thanks for sharing Pam. I am putting you on my blog roll so I will come visit often.
heather said…
I'm jealous. I'm discovering I have the blackest of thumbs. The only thing growing in my gardens (flower and veggie) are bugs.
Karmyn R said…
I don't know if Curly Mop is growing in your garden - but she sure is running!
kailani said…
What a perfect theme for you! You have such a beautiful garden.
Living Life said…
Very nice landscaping, Pamela. I'll bet your grandaughter is growing like a weed! Very cute!
Faye said…
Is the little apparition still visiting Grand? Love this photo of the apparition in orange beside the ornamental grass--they go together. I've always heard that the northwest is a great climate for growing--your garden proves it. Don't hold me to it, but your mystery flower might be gallardia. . .
Unknown said…
First, and foremost, you must be exhausted!! I love your little garden ghost! She sure has tons of energy! You have lovely green stuff everywhere too - but that darling ghost!!
LadyStyx said…
These remind me of shots my SIL takes of her lil girl. Something about a slow exposure or a double exposure or something... makes the girl transparent and ghost like.
bichonpawz said…
Pamela! Your gardens are absolutely stunning!!! You must be exhausted!! Either that or you have a really good gardener. And your little Garden Fairy is adorable!
Anonymous said…
A charming post. You have a beautiful back yard.
Bonnie B said…
Your garden is so beautiful! Your ghost is precious.
Molly said…
Pamela, your garden is lovely and your granddaughter is too. I have joined Fun Monday late this week, but I love the topic.
Hazel said…
It's all gorgeous... how do you find the time?!!
ChrisB said…
Pamela as the white rabbit said 'I'm late for a very important date'..... but better late than never! I too love your garden I must show these pictures to Embee!! Your little garden fairy ghost is the cutest thing in the garden :)

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