Kite Eating Tree

Can you spy the string and the holder.
Click on the photo for a closer look.

Fly on over to Wordless Wednesday headquarters for this weeks gallery of photographs.


Anonymous said…
I imagine that tree making cookie monster chomping noises.
I second what Mark said before me. This is a great picture. Other than the funny thought that the tree is eating, the other kite sure looks peaceful in the sky. It got away. hehe

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
Uh oh. Hope it wasn't a brand new kite.
Rizza said…
the sky looks very quiet and very beautiful for me. nice shot!
Anonymous said…
Great sky..., too bad for the kite!
Anonymous said…
Oh, that is hysterical - love the angle you used to get the kite, line, and holder.
BlondeBlogger said… are the handle and string hanging in mid-air like that? A tree branch we can't see?

I always hated those mean trees when I was a kid!
Anonymous said…
So, just who is flying what?
Robin said…
I liked the photo even before I noticed the kite, but your title made me burst out laughing.

Great job.
kitten said…
Yes, I did! Is it hung on a line? I hate it when we loose our kites like that.
Indrani said…
Yes, after I clicked it big! Cool shot!
Anonymous said…
Very nice photo. I love pictures of the sky.
Anonymous said…
Wow, just how is that hanging there?
Gattina said…
Oops ! somebody lost his kite there, lol !
ChrisB said…
I bet some poor kid is distraught that the tree has eaten his(her) kite!
Anonymous said…
Darn that tree!
Unknown said…
Uh-oh! What I wanna know is, Did a bird steal the kite first? I see the handle for the string is above the kite! I hope your grandchildren can't fly. :)
Ms. Kathleen said…
Poor Charlie Brown, it does him in every year.... That was my first thought... A UFO stealing the kite was my second thought ... ha!

Love the photo below -- precious!

Have a great day and I hope you get a little snowy Christmas cheer sent your way... Hugs!
Desert Songbird said…
I remember those trees from my childhood. Many of us lost kites to those guys.
LadyStyx said…
I can almost hear the tree going "nom, nom, nom" ~grinz~
Anonymous said…
Sorry about that Charlie Brown.
carrie said…
bummer! I hate when that happens.
Aw, darn tree. Great shot, though.
NoBS said…
Ooh! I remember those trees from my childhood. Evil!
Sandy said…
Wow, you know Charlie Brown???? How cool is that!
Attie said…
OOHh kite no more!!
Momisodes said…
Very cool shot! I love the title :)
Anonymous said…
I hate that when that happens.
Anonymous said…
So the kite is flying the string holder? hee hee

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