Smokin' in the Garage

Sayre, of SayreSmiles, is the host today. Naturally she wants to know about the holiday that just passed. She wants touching and wonder, and crazy, stupid, and funny. I can't cover it all, but here's my contribution to the cause!
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On the 12th of December I drove the 6 hours to watch 7 month old little Caboose while Karmyn and Dave enjoyed a Saturday afternoon stage production and dinner. (You had to twist my arm, really!)

I also planned to enjoy the Christmas program in which Buttercup and Jammin’ would be participating, bake a cake with Buttercup for her mama’s birthday, and then head home for a week and come back with Grandpa for Christmas.

Then it started snowing. The forecast was cold and white. School was cancelled, and thus the performances by the children.

Between storms, I drove home on compact snow and ice.

More extreme weather arrived, and I-84 through the Cascade Mountains was closed.We (grandma and grandpa) would definitely not be driving anywhere for Christmas. We considered Amtrak until we read about the horrible delays.

Kim and Mike, our good friends, were in the same situation. Except, it was their parents who were forced to cancel a trip from southern Oregon. It seemed natural for us to spend Christmas together: Kim had lots of food (turkey and ham) and we love to eat!

Having always celebrated the holidays with one or both sets of parents, Kim had not previously prepared a turkey by herself. To her credit, it was one of the best turkeys we’d ever eaten. She basted and roasted it to perfection. Yum!

But… yes, dear Kim had a BUT in her lovely dinner. She placed the turkey dressing in a corning casserole on the stove top …on a burner. While she was bustling around putting the last touches on the Christmas feast, that wonderful tasty dressing began to char.

Kim smelled it first and scrambled to save it. Too late! It was blackened.

The dish had to be relegated to the garage, where the container could cool down and the burnt offering could “smoke” a bit. (The alternative spot was the two feet of snow in the 4 degree front yard. The sudden cold would most likely have cracked the glassware.)

The rest of the dinner was met with great enthusiasm.

Our conversation that afternoon, however, inadvertently took us to topics that allowed jokes about “smoking in the garage.” The laughter was fun and not at all critical.

Kim was a good sport and joined the merriment, even though she was irked that the food had burned to a crisp.

The "snow storm of Christmas '08" will be something we talk about in years to come, and “smoking in the garage” will be a cherished memory shared with good friends.

Go check out the links at Sayre's blog - to read more holiday stories.


Sandy said…
I love this story and how you made not only your Christmas better but also your friend, Kim's.

My sister once took the pyrex pan the turkey had roasted in and put it on the burner to make the gravy from the drippings. The pyrex cracked right in half. We spent a lot of time cleaning the stove that day!

Thanks for the memories.
Sayre said…
Sounds like "smoking in the garage" is going to become a code word for you people... And inside joke among friends.

I'm glad Kim had a good attitude about it. A first holiday dinner can be a nerve-wracking thing!

Love your snow - even if it did keep you from going to be with your family. Things worked out anyway!
Desert Songbird said…
Great story, great new memory. I'm glad you got to spend the holiday with someone's family, even if you were isolated from Karmyn's and hers. Best to be safe!
Anonymous said…
That sounds like a lovely Christmas, despite the smoke!

Gattina said…
The best feasts are the surprising once ! but so many snow !!! I can't remember when I last saw that much ! When it snowed here the last years it didn't even cover the grass !
Anonymous said…
I am sure this year will be a memorable one for sure. We had a lot of laughs at the expense of one of the guests at the fondue the other night; not all bad, but a lot of laughs. Gorgeous photo.
I had no idea that you were Karmyn's Mom! I am totally jealous of all the snow you all have gotten this year! We were about 60 degrees in MD on Christmas Day. It just didn't feel like Christmas!
Jan said…
Great Christmas story. You'll have many chuckles in the years to come, recalling this year.
Anonymous said…
Ahh but another Christmas story to tell for many years. Glad you were safe during the storm. Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
We had 9 inches of snow and then we had a random day of 60 degree weather. Snow no more.
Anonymous said…
Looks to me as though AnodeMan has been at your place with my "microwave." If you see a "fat," jolly, bald man at your house hooking up a hose to a blue contraption, BEWARE! You're about to lose your electricity but have about 3 feet of snow.

Why is the song, "Smokin' in the Boy's Room" stuck in my head?
Molly said…
Gosh, Caboose is 7 months old. They grow up so quickly. Your post is typical of you, Pamela, making the best of any situation. I hope that the weather in 2009 is much milder for you. Take care.
Helene said…
you sure made lemonaid out of lemons! lol

Great pic! It was actually warm here on Christmas... 62!
Cruise Mom said…
Hmmm.... that's one thing I didn't manage this year - I did not set off the smoke alarms!
ChrisB said…
Your Christmas does sound fun even if it was not your first choice. As you are aware I know all about burnt pans! (mine did actually clean up quite well but I think I would worry about using it to cook food again)!

Beccy was only saying to me, over the holiday, she has never cooked a Christmas lunch(turkey) as she has always been here except the couple of times she was at her in-laws!
Tammy said…
It sounds like a good Christmas, in spite of all of our ice and snow here in the great northwest, Pamela!
Beautiful photo...and it looks so similar to scenes around here last week!
karisma said…
Glad you all could give each other company. I don't think I would like xmas so much without my mum. This year our family were in and out as everyone had to be in several places at once. It was not as much fun as previous years.
Faye said…
Moral of this story--if you're going to get snowed in be sure it's with a couple of friends who have a good sense of humor and can cook everything except for dressing! I'm glad you at least got to do a little gingerbread construction with the Grand before getting marooned.

All the best to you and your family in '09, Pamela.
Anonymous said…
Swampy and I must be on the same wavelength, Smokin' in the Boys Room is stuck in my head now. HA!

I love your story! You took the lemons and made your lemonade. :) What a way to pull together.
Susie Q said…
Oh how I love your stories...and look at this!! I can now leave a comment!! Whoo hoo!

Visiting your blog is a treat that I give to myself several times each week...and no a single calorie In that treat!!

Happy New year dear Pamela. May 2009 be sweet to you and all you love.

Anonymous said…
how funny thats what came to my head too!! Smokin in the boys room!! love your story!! beautiful winter white!!!
Alison said…
that is a beautiful picture and I am glad you enjoyed your Christmas, even if it wasn't what you had planned to do!!
A Spot of T said…
I read so many posts on bloggers who had to skip Christmas with family because of the weather. But like you and your friends, everyone seems to have made the best of it. Burned food and all!
Anonymous said…
Pam you were smart to stay home. several people got killed or injured on the icy roads in our part of the country. Rose
Wendster said…
Glad you stayed home and safe ... and were rewarded for your wise choice with delicious perfect turkey. And good company to boot.
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Anonymous said…
I will pass on your article introduced to my other friends, because really good!
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