Just Like The Ones We Used To Know

The old timers say this winter "is like the winter of..." Like when they were kids.

I would be one of them (old timers), but I grew up in the Seattle area.

However, I do admit to memories of the winter of 1969 when the Puget Sound area had one of those freak snow storms. Eighteen inches blanketed our small farm.

We have that much here tonight and more falls as I write.

I discussed the snowstorm with with my friend Glenda on the phone this evening and it went as follows:

Me: I can't believe it is still snowing, isn't it just beautiful?
Glenda: Yeah. At first it was pretty. Now it's just STUPID!

(She has to go to work in the morning, her husband is recovering from leg surgery, she doesn't have snow tires, she's out of sick leave because she used it all when she broke her leg during the last big snow, she was worn out from shoveling, and she was a little misty eyed from having just received a letter from her son in Iraq.)

Me: Oooops.

So, Glenda, this little digital camera moment is dedicated to you!

I agree it is STUPID to sing "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" this year.


Unknown said…
It is beautiful! Although annoying when you need to go somewhere.
LadyStyx said…
You could always send to Virginia (up near DC, dont send it too far south!)...I'd LOVE to have it right about now. We've had a grand total of a half inch, if that. Im tired of green Christmases.
Jenni said…
I agree with both of you. That is the kind of snow that is really beautiful--when you can stay holed up in your house. God bless Glenda and her family!
Anonymous said…
You aren't Dreamin of a White Christmas - you are living it!! I remember having it that deep because Meagan and I fell backwards off the brick pillars into the snow.
Amanda said…
I don't think it was THAT much snow, but I remember a heavy snowfall when I was in high school and Jordan took the bug and did donuts in the high school parking lot. :)

The video is beautiful... it looks so quiet and serene. I hate to see when it starts to melt and people start driving - that beautiful white snow turns into black mush. Yuck!

Stay warm, Ma. I love you and Dad.
Amanda said…
I don't think it was THAT much snow, but I remember a heavy snowfall when I was in high school and Jordan took the bug and did donuts in the high school parking lot. :)

The video is beautiful... it looks so quiet and serene. I hate to see when it starts to melt and people start driving - that beautiful white snow turns into black mush. Yuck!

Stay warm, Ma. I love you and Dad.
Kim said…
I love the snow. As long as I don't have to go out in it.
Anonymous said…
That is a lovely picture. I am jealous, here in North-eastern Wyoming it is so cold we have a sprinkling of snow. It has just been to cold to snow...
Coffeypot said…
Glenda is out of sick leave, tell her to call in dead. In a day or two she can go back in and tell them it was a Christmas miracle that she came back to life because the company needed her so much. It beats driving in all that snow. And if she worked with a bunch of atheist and non-believers, how would they know she wasn’t telling the truth.
Anonymous said…
Here in Seattle they are comparing it the Dec '96 I'm ready for it to be gone now!

Hugs to Glenda. It sounds like she's having a rougher time of it than most.
Desert Songbird said…
The Puget Sound area is getting hammered with snow as badly as you are. I know the PacNW is just not equipped to deal with lots of the white stuff. Ugh.
Walker said…
I actually started up my generator just to take care of the my two cats who have heated mats in their houses. It is 1 below here!
Masago said…
Nice. Thanks for the video.
DesLily said…
wow.. i think it's beautiful too but at my age shovels and me do not get along!
ChrisB said…
It does look beautiful if you don't have to venture out! I loved hearing all the birds twittering away in the background.
Anonymous said…
Many folks around here have been saying the same thing, "It's a good old-fashioned winter!" I remember snow piled as high as the garage roof when I was a kid. Except for last year, we were spoiled for several years with warmer winters and not much snow. (I personally preferred those winters!)
Alison said…
It is absolutely beautiful...My kids are praying for snow here, it actually did snow last week a few miles from us, but we were too late to play in it.
A Spot of T said…
That would be pretty normal for where I live but this year we barely have any snow. Seems you have taken it all. I'll live :o) It sure is pretty though and the frost on the trees make it even more so.

I'm also stopping by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

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