Thank you Mama Drama Min

Mindy Sterba, of the infamous Mama Drama, christened me (and four others) as Rockin' Girl Bloggers.

She must have seen my last summer post, I ROCK. I worked a second job sifting the drain system rocks out of our torn up back yard.

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It is always a treat to see what Min has compiled for her latest write up. Her style is inexplicable - Willowtree says I should use the word indefinable, and he is correct. I wrote this at midnight so my choice of words is not inexplicable– so I invite you to visit the Houston Chronicle’s Mama Drama team and check out the fun for yourself. Tell them I sent you.

As a recipient of this prestigious, esteemed, valued, and highly desired award, I am obligated to pay it forward to five other deserving rockers. How do I choose just five out of the 128 blogs I follow? They are all special and unique. Some of them are even rockin’guys.

Nevertheless, choose I must!

(Drum Roll Please)

Dreaming What Ifs and Full Time Everything.

Karmyn and Amanda are my daughters. I taught them everything they know. However, I did not teach them everything I know.

Grandmothers Musings.

Ruth is 80 years old. Still Rockin.

Here, There, and Everywhere 2nd Edition.

Deslily (Pat) is a Jersey Rockin Girl. She is a veritable Star Observatory (as in Hollywood.) Or, if you have interest in books of fantasy genre, then Deslily is your sorcerer. She’s read them all.

Catching The Light.

Vickie's tag line reads Diary of a Horny Red Necked Christian Woman. She is all that and more; sweet, unpretentious, funny, a great photographer and just the real deal.

Given that today is the 231st celebration of the Declaration of Independence - it was only fair that Min, who tagged me, and all the bloggers I have highlighted are all firecrackers. Please link to them and enjoy the celebration.


Anonymous said…
Pamela, you ROCK! Happy 4th!
Anonymous said…
ROFLMAO!!! "Her style is inexplicable"... I'm not 100% sure that this was the word you were after, but it sure is accurate!
Pamela said…
it was the word I meant to use...

How can one explain Min's extraordinary and imaginative take on her world. You just have to be there. Every day.
theotherbear said…
Cool, although I didn't realise you had another daughter, and one with such a fabulous name too...
Beccy said…
Congratulations Rocking Chick.
my4kids said…
Congratulations I agree you do rock! Your new to me but I have already linked you.
Have a Happy 4th!
Molly said…
Indeed, you do rock, Pamela. Congratulations!
DesLily said…
Oh my! Thank you for the honor! (someone beat you to it though hehe) I did a post a week or so ago.

I didn't know you had a second daughter that blogged.. hmmm, will check her out. I already read Karmyn's blog.

Thanks again for thinking of me!!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations !
Happy Fourth !
Debs said…
YOU do ROCK!! Happy 4th. :)
Susie said…
Rock on! Happy 4th!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks mom.
Amanda said…
Thanks mom! I didn't know I "rocked"! Happy 4th mom!! I love you!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! You definitely do rock! Happy 4th of July!
Gattina said…
Welcome to the "Rocking Girls" now we can rock together, lol !
katy said…
well done you rocker, hope you had good 4th july
Kelly Curtis said…
Yes, you do completely and totally ROCK, Pamela. Congratulations!
sallywrites said…
Happy Independence Day!
Judypatooote said…
Hi Pamela, I just have to ask, where did you get your templet for your is so nice.... I would love to put some lace or something different on the top of my memory blog.....but when I tried, it went half way down the page.....LOL.....hope you had a great 4th.....judy
Hazel said…
You DO rock!
Kila said…
You are definately rockin' :)

I haven't read #3 and #4--will have to check them out!
Anonymous said…
congrats... your awesome and your list is awesome;)

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