Scenes from the 200 mile bicycle ride

Six of the eight guys at 5:00 a.m. preparing to take off from Seattle. Hubby is third from right. Group included our Pastor and two of his sons.

One of the hottest days - 98 degrees in one area and very humid . Not typical Western Washington weather.

The hubby taking a break about mid point.

The finish line at Lloyd Center In Portland, Oregon after 11+ hours of pedaling.

Our good friend Mike and the hubby race to the second finish line. The first one is out in 27 seconds.

**update. Forgot to give our good friend Kim credit for the pictures. She drove the SAG vehicle - I didn't get to go. The hubby corrected me to a bit over 11 hours on the bikes. But, the day was actually 13 hours on the road because they took rest stops as well as a lunch stop. They consumed an inordinate amount of fluids and snacks.


ChrisB said…
I'm just amazed at their fitness and stamina. Great photos- after 10 hours I bet they were glad to hit the sack!!
katy said…
my oh my i would never last one hour nvr mind 10 hours! well done to all of them.
call over and collect an award from me
willowtree said…
As usual, I am in awe of Wal's stamina and determination.

GO WAL!!!!!!!!!!
Beccy said…
They did so well, I'm tired just reading about it!
Sunrunner said…
WOW!!! I think I'd fall off a bike after one hour (or in front of my house), much less 10! Good for him!!
Anonymous said…
Way to go Wal...I guess that could be: WTGW !
TWO HUNDRED miles? I look like they do in that last picture after I've DRIVEN two hundred miles.
Anonymous said…
I like that last picture best. That's how I would like to ride a bike.

Those guys are strong!
Susie said…
I'm always in awe of such examples of fitness and determination. Great job!!
Tiggerlane said…
Amazing - I hardly have the energy to rise off the couch in that kind of heat.

Kudos to Wal!
Anonymous said…
Heather said…
That is more than impressive.
27 seconds? It took that long to crash after a crazy day like that?
Heather said…
I forgot to tell you - i can't ride a bike!
Shelby said…
I too am amazed that ANYBODY can do this.. I'm inspired. Truly.

Great photos too.

BarnGoddess said…
wow! amazing ride. That takes a lot of stamina.

haha that last photo is good. They look worn out but ina good way :)
Beckie said…
Amazing! I only dream of such things.
Jodi said…
I think I would look like the last picture after 10 MINUTES of biking in 98 degree heat!!

Good job, guys!!
Anonymous said…
I would have been crashed like that after the first hour... wow.. way to go on the boys for making it specially on such a hot day!!
Anonymous said…
oh wow!

Okay the pastor is the second from the right. One of his sons is first on the right and the other son is the one all the way on the left.

Am I right?
Heather Plett said…
Go hubby!

I'm a pretty "avid" biker - I bike at least 22 kilometres a day - but I'm a fairly lazy/slow biker and a far cry from looking as fit as that bunch!
Anonymous said…
that's just plain cool!!
I'm curious. what about the bathroom? do they take regular pit stops and such. the more I move my legs the less time my bladder will hold out. I'd be in serious trouble here.

Love the pictures, thanks for sharing. go Wal!!
Carole Burant said…
I admire those who can go on these bike marathons and such...sounds too much like exercise to me! hehe Gosh, I can just imagine the stamina it takes to ride for so many miles, especially in that heat! My oldest son Shawn has participated in a couple of cycling marathons and he loved it...he's 29 and in the best shape of his life:-) xox
my4kids said…
There was a time I could have done that but not anymore! Good job for the hubby!
Carla said…
Wow! That must have been quite a day. Great pics!
Devon said…
How amazing!! I think I would find the cars on the road the most daunting part!

Love the sleep of the truly exhausted!
Whippersnapper said…
Heh heh, were they pumped on steroids like everyone in the Tour de France??
Kila said…
Wow, way to go guys!

I always get my right and left mixed up. When I read the beginning of your post and looked at the first photo I thought, "Your husband is black?...Oh, yeah, the other right."
Anonymous said…
I am in awe! What perseverance!

I tagged you for a meme that I think you'll really enjoy doing so be sure to check it out!
Irene said…
Cool! My husband also likes to bike. :)
Anonymous said…
Well done!! Oh, yes, and that last picture is just hi-la-ri-ous!!!
Unknown said…
That's MY DAD!! I'm so proud of him. I felt bad that I couldn't sag OR welcome him to the finish line. I can't imagine that how those guys must feel when they see that finish line and they are al.most. done.
M@ said…
Your husband wears biker pants!?
Claudia said…
wow...200 miles? I get tired riding that long in a car!!
Masago said…
Wow! (I know that feeling, even though I haven't peddled that far).
AngelConradie said…
seriously- i could NEVER do that!!!
Susie Q said…
I am amazed by their stamina and how fit they must be! My gosh, I would not lasted 10 seconds!

I am in awe. Congratulations from me to them!

Love the pictures!


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