Butter Mints

Robin gifted me with an ornament filled with Authentic Kiawah Island, South Carolina Spanish Moss, some Hint Mints, and yummy butter mints that melted in our mouths. No reason in particular, but for the fact that she is who she is.

Here is the proof. EXCEPT... for the butter mints. As I said, they melted in our mouths.

Thank you Robin!


Donetta said…
yum butter mints are an old favorite. Hope you have a great day!
Anonymous said…
Glad you didn't get the mints mixed up with the moss...
That Robin, she's a SWEETY !
Gattina said…
I don't know butter mints. And honestly I don't like mint at all !
my4kids said…
Mmmm butter mints they wouldn't last till the picture here either!
Beccy said…
Butter mints, sound delicious.
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela im back, oh and now your making my mouth water with those butter mints take care
Debs said…
yum Butter mints.
Anonymous said…
Oh yum, butter mints.

I'm sorry Pamela! I swear bloglines just told me about, wow, FOUR of your posts?! :)
Anonymous said…
those look yummy;)
Anonymous said…
What a great gift. They sound good.
Anonymous said…
Hey Pamela, Glad you got 'em :). I'll post the recipe soon (or email you).

I'm just poppin' in, getting a bit of a blog fix...'cause the dust is waitin' at my house...!
AngelConradie said…
oh wow!!! SO cool!!!

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