The Birds and The Bees (In my Garden)

House Sparrows caught in the act.

A honey bee

I don't know who his friend is.


BarnGoddess said…
wee Im first!

I think....

very good photos. The purple flower is my fave.

Scooter (my horse) has a bird friend that follows him around in the evenings and picks bugs off him, its funny to watch.

LAstnight his bird friend may have went hungry because I gave Scooter an extra good bug-spraying..
Debs said…
Beautiful pics as always. :)

TY for wishing Thing 1 a happy bday.
willowtree said…
Ah yes, close up photography, the friend of the textually challenged blogger.

Very nice Sis, I like the bees ones the best.
Anonymous said…
Great pictures...Love the bird porn.

And those flowers are beautiful!
Anonymous said…
ha! on bird porn. Pamela, oh, SPICY?

Very n i c e pictures...:)
Pamela said…
Barngoddess: most likely a cowbird. males are dark with brown heads. females are brown.

Debs: you're welcome and thank you, too

WT: I'm not textually challenged... I'm just pooped. Isn't that the excuse you used??? (:

JJ & Robin:
I nearly called this post Pornithology because of those birds doing the wild thing,
Carole Burant said…
You forgot to tell me that I should have closed my eyes at that first picture!! hehe I so love close up of flowers, especially if they have a bee on it...just beautiful!! xox
Masago said…
Birds & the bees... too cute!
Shelby said…
well, I guess if they gotta, they gotta.

fabulous post and photos :)
Fish-2 said…
I now have some of those flowers growing in my back yard. Someone said it's "Echinacea". Does anyone know if that's correct?
my4kids said…
bird porn....hehe.
I don't think I've ever seen that before....
Irene said…
Wow! Ain't nature amazing? ;p

You've got an eye for taking good photos, Pamela! Keep at it. ;p
Molly said…
Very nice pictures. At first, I didn't notice that there were two sparrows.
Anonymous said…
I love the birds and the bees as you tell the story with your photos.
Claudia said…
hehe...exhibitionist sparrows!! who knew???
ChrisB said…
You always manage to take some beautiful photos and these are particularly good.
Anonymous said…
Maybe they're on a lunch date?
Anonymous said…
Your pictures are really beautiful. I had to laugh at the birdy porn. How dare those birds! Don't they know there's human watching? =D

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