A Winner

At 9:42 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time I received my winning comment from Hazel of Adventures in Ruburbia.

Her comment: God's timing is perfect.

Well... so was Hazels.

As soon as I hear from her I'll be preparing her gift and shipping it off to Kearney, Missouri.

My 4,999 commenter was sweet Heather of L'Chaim who is also celebrating HER FIRST BLOGGER BIRTHDAY. That, coupled with the several comments she popped off in in a row with such conviction convinced me to give her a prize too.

Both of you lovely ladies please contact me at pamelathedust at yahoo dot com with your addresses.

Congratulations, and thank you for settling The Dust.


Molly said…
Congratulations to Heather...sniff...To think that I actually cheated and left two comments for one post. Congratulations to you Pamela as well that is a lot of comments in one year.

The moon through the trees, how easy puzzles seem once you know the answer.
Peter said…
Hi Pamela, do you really have to count those comments? no wonder you don't have time to dust.
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamila, I missed you birthday . happy belated blogaversary mines on the 16th.
ChrisB said…
Congratulations to the winner.
Anonymous said…
Cool comment to have won. Congrats on YOUR milestone :).
Whippersnapper said…
But.. but I thought it would be cheating to leave more than one comment so *sob* I did the noble thing and didn't.


(heh heh.)

Congrats again on your anniversary!
Heather said…
Yay! I'm a winner (sort of, by Pam's grace). See, there are two parables in the Bible that talk about persistence.
And thanks for the happiness my way!

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