Fun Monday #19, Being Crafty

A long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away: I sewed. I had to come up with something because I didn't want to get left behind on Fun Monday.

This is Kar-2-D-2 and Queen aPamilana. (You may have already seen the "Where are they now" special.)

I haven't sewn anything but buttons on shirts in years. My sewing machine is probably an antique.

Please visit Karmyn at Dreaming What If's and check out some Real Crafty People.

And - May The Force Be With You.


Anonymous said…
All I can say is that you better keep moving or people will try to put their plates on you.

You owe Karmyn an apology for that.
Anonymous said…
awww... cute;)
Anonymous said…
Are those dresses? or nightgowns? And is that an escape ladder in the background?

I'm impressed, but I'm not sure why ;).
Anonymous said…
Thanks WT - I've been waiting for years for an "I'm sorry I made you wear that hideous green dress"...but have never gotten one. (hee hee)
tlawwife said…
I love mother daughter dresses. We had those too.
Pamela said…
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Pamela said…
Wolfbaby: kindnes!!!

WT: I bet I got a good deal on the material.

Robin: I think it was a wedding reception in a youth hall. The other option is it really was Star Wars, and we were thrown in the garbage bin because of our dresses... and that was our means of escape. Hans Sewlo, come to my rescue.

Karmyn: Yeah, I'm sorry. But you just wait until buttercup see's some of the pictures you have of her.

tlawwife: Finally -- someone who understands.
Anonymous said…
I'm sure that was very stylish back then! hee hee.
ChrisB said…
Little girls always want to look like their moms-even if they regret it later. It's kind of cute and I'm sure it was a very fashionable look at the time.
Molly said…
Pamela , May the 4th be with you too. The dresses look superbly crafted. I am sure you two were the hit of the party.
theotherbear said…
I loved my mother daughter dress when I was a kid. Although mine was not gingham, I'll say that for it. ;)
Hootin Anni said…
Oh my.....the fashions we used to think were 'hot'!! But, I love the fact that they're matching outfits!! That is SEW cool!!

Mine's shared.
Kelly Curtis said…
Oh - that's so sweet! You little seamstress you! Though you may have put away your sewing machine, it's good you picked up a paintbrush;) One girl can only have so many talents, you know!
Debs said…
Thanks for letting me know about this Fun Monday. :)

I can remember my mom making us matching dresses.

One year on a family vacation, she made me, her, and my little sister all matching shirts. Talk about annoying. *LOL*
Sabrina said…
so so so so so so SO CUTE!!!
Peter said…
Somewhere there's a table that is minus its table cloth!!!!
Jenni said…
Well, you have to take it in the context of the time period. Very cute for the 70s/Holly Hobby look. I still love Holly Hobby.
Amy W said…
Cute! I think my daughter would kill me if I tried to wear matching clothes with her.
Anonymous said…
My town had a centennial celebration when I was little. My mom made my sister and I matching dresses that looked very similar to yours. I loved it. I don't ever remember matching my mom though.
M@ said…
You know you can buy clothes. The Chinese keep getting better and better at textiles. No kidding.
I love it - so many memories just flooded back to my mind. Now it's hard to remember when material was cheaper than store bought clothes!

DesLily said…
oh gosh.. every time i try to sew a button on ... it falls off again! I can't sew to save my life LOL.. gave up eons ago! (in that same galaxy far far away hahaha)
BarnGoddess said…
nice dresses. You look good in plaid:)

maxi dresses ruled, did they not?

bellbottoms and hit huggers came back, lets hope like heck maxi dresses dont!
Anonymous said…
Sorry but I'm dying laughing at Willowtrees comment LOLOL But just ignore him, because there's nothing cuter than mother-daughter matching 'anything'!
Beckie said…
Priceless and adorable! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Aww. So cute. :)
AngelConradie said…
hey- i've also done a bit of sewing!
i made some scatter cushions for my sister for her anniversary once and i've made clothes for damien. my biggest project was an evening gown that my mommy darling helped me with... but i also haven't done anything in aaaaaaaaages!
Anonymous said…
People might put their plates on you - OR draw you like a curtain, lol.

Seriously though -- where is the photo of the last button you sewed?!
Kila said…
Suddenly I want a daughter ;)

Very precious.
Whippersnapper said…
Uh, wow! Play that funky music, white girl!!

Actually, you look incredibly beautiful in that dress. Do you still have it?
Unknown said…
OMG, we have a similar photo of my mom and I! She made most of my dresses - aren't you glad we don't wear those anymore?
Dear pamela - how cute! I love the mum and daughter matching outfits. Or are you just using the jedi mind trick on us?
Shelby said…
That is a preciously funny post and delightful photo!! :)

I used to sew once too. I gave it up for Lent.
Mary said…
Sew cute! A wonderful seamstress, you are! *said in Yoda voice*

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