One Year Ago Today

One year ago today this blog was born.

This is my 297th post --

I'm closing in on 5,000 comments.

I'm happy. I am enjoying writing. Hooked I am, reading all the blogs I've stumbled on in this 365 day journey. One year ago there wasn't a strategy, there wasn't a goal. More than anything I wanted to publish some family history for my grandchildren and write some of my own. Perhaps the genuine plan is to pour like a pitcher, until empty.

The most astounding product of this adventure is the friendships. My cyber smiles and hugs are just as heartfelt as the ones I share in person. There are so many bloggers I want to meet.

To commemorate this 1st Blog-o-birthday I am going to give away a sweet present to the lucky one who types that 5000th comment. It's not big - it's not exciting. It is a small gesture of appreciation to all of you for being a part of my life this year.


Anonymous said…
In my haste, my comment was misplaced.

Happy Blog Birthday, Pamela.
Jodi said…
Happy BlogDay!!

I have enjoyed visiting your blog... you've made me laugh, you've made me cry... I look forward to many enjoyable posts in the future!! :-)
Shelby said…
o happy DAY!!!! Congrats on one year!!

happy monday too - it's gonna be a great week :)

hugs and more hugs!
Heather said…
Happy Birthday Blog day!
(Is it me? Is it me?)
Shauna said…
Whippersnapper said…
Oooooh, I hope I'm comment 5000. Would... would it be cheating to leave 40 comments today?!

Happy Blog Birthday!
tlawwife said…
Congrats! on your milestone. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog which led me to yours. I'm looking forward to more.
Kila said…
Happy Blogoversary! I'm certainly happy to have met you and enjoy your blog.
Susie said…
Happy Blogiversary! You are an amazing writer and I'm so glad we connected in cyberspace!
Now: How do you track how many comments you've had? (just curious!)
Did you go back and add them all up???
Anonymous said…
hmm is it that painting of the flower?

that would be cool
Anonymous said…

Happy blog birthday...
Anonymous said…
Happy Blog Start Day Mom -
Anonymous said…

and still hoping it's the painting;)
Anonymous said…
Happy Blog Birthday Pamela! I've really enjoyed your company so far. :)
Kelly Curtis said…
But you're, like, an ICON. How is it possible you've only been at this a year?????

I, too, am in the class of 2006;))
Sabrina said…
Happy blog birthday!!!! Way to go!!! And many more. . . .
AngelConradie said…
happy first blog-aversary!
i haven't been around for the whole year- but i have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts and looking at your photographs!
Beckie said…
Happy Blogiversary (or something like that)!

Wow, 5000 comments - that's a lot of comments.
I'm so tickled for you! I'm still a few months and MANY more comments away from your mile marker! That's so wonderful!

willowtree said…
Happy Blogiversary Sis!! xoxoxo

You've made friends?!? Man, I've got to start being pleasant just to see what happens!
BarnGoddess said…
woot! congratulations on the 1 year mark.

My blog reading time is sorely limited. The Dust Will Wait is one of the first places I go when I get on my puter.

You are worthy of your fans!
Masago said…

Here's to another 297!
Amanda said…
I am glad you are enjoying your new hobby. I hope you are neglecting Dad!
Molly said…
Happy Blog-o-birthday Pamela, I am sure that is number 5000... or not. You are so right an astonishing product of this adventure is the friendship. I guess that is a grand prize.
Bobbi said…
Yay. How exciting hitting the one-year blog mark! I know I for one enjoy reading your blog. I hope you continue for a long, long time :o)
James Cooper said…
Congrats on the milestone! Here's to many more interesting stories, photos, and anecdotes to come!
Heather said…
Just in case, I'll leave another comment. You know, just in case.
Anonymous said…

** tears **

And Happy have been one of the highlights of my first year, too (even though in September, it'll be my second anniversary...but as you know, I didn't go public til the Spring after).

I don't know how you count, I can't go higher than a thousand, anyway ;).
Ian said…
Happy blogthday!

How do you count your comments?

Peter said…
Pick me, Pick me, congratulations on the blogaversary, you should have juggled it around so that your 300th post came up at the same time, Keep On Bloggin'
Pamela said…
I have a file in my Micrsoft Outlook folder that I move all my comments into and mark them as unread.

The number of unread items is numbered.

I can open it and see exactly what time of what day each comment comes in.
Debs said…
Happy blog birthday. :)

After I started my blog, your blog was one of the first I read. I look forward to reading more. :)
Susie Q said…
Wow! What a big anniversary!!
I love your blog and getting to know you and your family! I never fail to leave here without a smile and something to think about!
~grey said…
Congrats on such a huge milestone!
Debbie said…
Congratulations on one year of blogging and I'm glad that you get so much enjoyment from it. I do too!

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. :)
Julie said…
Congratulations and thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Anonymous said…
Happy Bloggy Anniversary! I'm so fortunate to have met you in your journey. Here's to many more blogging years!

Did I win? hee hee
Heather said…
Seriously, Pam, are you evah going to announce the winner?
Bibi said…
Congrats on your one year anniversary!!
AngelConradie said…
woohoooo!!! happy blog-aversary!!!

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