Fun Monday #21, Hangin' on the Wall

Todays Fun Monday is being hosted by mjd at Return of the White Robin. Her Challenge: show us something that hangs on your wall that is fun, interesting, endearing, sentimental, or otherwise enticing. Select the picture of Uncle Horace, Grandma Galt's needlepoint, or little Susie's first fingerpainting to show the blogging community.

There are so many things hanging on the walls of this home. Where to begin and where to end?
Just look at the crowded hallway!

I think I will zoom in a little closer on the drawing front and center. Our eldest, Karmyn, did this self-portrait when she was in first grade. We stuck it in a frame - thinking that we would eventually get a mat on it. It has hung without the mat for 30 years, but I'm sure I'm going to get around to it next week. I swear.

(Sorry, about smearing out her last name.... just some privacy requirements.)

Little did I know those many years ago how she would grow up to love working in her flower garden wearing blue jeans, red shirts, and matching high heels. However, I believe she changes into her garden boots when she hits the tomato and zucchini.

If you look further towards the end of the hall and down you will see a picture that Amanda drew for a wine label contest. She didn't win. But, the Winery plexi-glass framed her entry and sent it back with a consolation prize: a stuffed Micky Mouse that was bigger than she was.

As a 7-year old she knew the sun and rain were required to grow luscious grapes. The hands sized like the INCREDIBLE HULK must have been all the better to pick them. Or, maybe to squeeze one of her sister's necks. There was some of that going on when the three of them were on the grow. (and it does look like a menacing "sis" written in there, doesn't it?)

I'm sorry I don't have a drawing done by their other sister Jennifer. I do have her hands up!

Head over to MJD's and check out the side bar with all this week's participants. Fun Monday is always a good time!


Amanda said…
You know, I gave the Mickey Mouse that I won to Jammin when he was little. Karmyn must have felt bad, because when Curly Mop was a year old, she gave her a Minnie Mouse in return.

And I still, to this day, draw people's hands disproportionately big to their bodies. hmmm..

Nice post, Ma!
theotherbear said…
Love this post! I'd like to come and wander up your hallway, looks interesting. (Plus, you might have a good tv I could nick. Just kidding. It just seemed like a good line to go next. If I were brave I'd have left it like that with no apology.)
I don't think my mum kept any of my art. Although she did offer to hang my year 12 major artwork in the outdoor pit dunny at their fishing shack.
ChrisB said…
You have a lovely collection hanging in your hallway. That's a sweet self portrait of Karmyn and I just love the 'hand'.
Anonymous said…
Wow Sis, I just love that hall of treasures. MDW says I always try to cram too much in, but if I had my way, every room would have a collection like that.
Anonymous said…
Children's art is the best. I have a purple Santa that my son did in first grade that gets hauled out every holiday season. I don't have any from when my children were little on the walls, but I do have some of my daughter's work from high school at home and in my office.

I would like to wander the hallway too. I bet there are pictures of your family mixed in with their art.
DesLily said…
wow, great photo's and great artwork (hand included lol)..
Molly said…
I am enjoying your post with the wall of pictures. Seeing your children's artwork is especially fun. Since Karmyn is a regular Fun Monday participant, it is fun seeing what she looked like in first grade. Like you, we have some pictures that are waiting many years to be matted. However, if we waited until the pictures were "properly" matted, the pictures might be still in the closet.

Ooooh...sidebar that's the word.
Kelly Curtis said…
What a lovely wall. I think it's awesome you've showcased Karmyn's artwork all these years. I really need to do that. I have some of my kids' stuff framed, but it's in a pile somewhere. I need to do something about that.

Thanks for the inspiration.
Debs said…
I LOVE your wall!!! So nice to see the close up of the pics and the hand. :)

Side note, if you did send me a pic of you dressed as a clown, I would not put you in the "scary" section *LOL* I really don't like clowns, but I was laughing as I typed it up. Thanks for commenting. :)
Anonymous said…
When I saw the first pic, my eyes zoomed in on the self-portrait. I was happy to see that you featured it in the second picture. Love all the children's artwork, especially the hands. This post motivates me to go dig out more of my girls' 'artwork' and reminisce...maybe even frame and hang it.
Anonymous said…
I just love how you've framed your children's artwork. Right now I just have mine hanging on my fridge, but I'm definetly going to have to frame some of theirs too.
Sorry, this is a silly question,but is the handprint bronzed? That's a very precious treasure to have too.
Enjoyed seeing all your things hanging in your hallway.
Jodi said…
I always like seeing hallways filled with family photos and artwork... it reminds me of home.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE walls like this. Lots to look at and great memories!! Thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
I wish I had a wall or two like that! Great memories always where you can view them.
Shelby said…
Delightful wall hangings!!! love the choice - I'm gonna have to join in on this meme :)

happy Monday!
Anonymous said…
Well, Pamela, it is true. Great minds do think alike. My hallway is hung with family pictures and mementos just like yours!! Great post and it is touching that you featured your childrens' art work and hand!
Anonymous said…
Your hallway reminds me of my sweet Aunt Beth...
Anonymous said…
To cute... I have got to remember to do that for my kids;)
BarnGoddess said…
omg, wall treasures!!!

I like the "small hand frozen in time"
Robinella said…
I love family walls. My Mom always had one. She also frames the artwork the boys send her. Unfortunately, I don't have a wall suitable for that. So much for open and airy homes. Thanks for sharing.
Tammy said…
Oh, I love that you have these drawings framed and hung up after all these years. As a mommy (howbeit kind of old mommy LOL ) in the midst of it, it touches my heart to see these. These years do go by so very fast, don't they? (sigh)
Susie Q said…
The most amazing pieces of art are those from our children.
Your hallway gallery is the best...perfect treasures all.
I so enjoyed seeing these priceless things!

Anonymous said…
That is a great collection! Loved reading about them all!

Hope you have a wonderful day!
AfKaP said…
The children's drawings are terrific!
I couldn't produce artwork that good even today.

Bobbi said…
Oh my gosh, I barely have anything up on the walls here! The wall space is different from our last home and I'm having trouble figuring out what "fits" where. One of these days soon I hope to have it all be hung!

I love what you shared!
my4kids said…
I love your wall of photos! That is what my wall looks like when I'm not trying to pack!
Oh and we have lots of pics of the kids individually just haven't had many of them with us included.
Anonymous said…
I love it! This reminds me of my grandpa's "grandchildren hallway" - the whole thing was filled with art from all 9 grandkids. My older cousins who could do things like woodburning got just as much wall space as my paint-by-number My Little Pony masterpieces.

ps: Karmyn, love your blue nails. I'm sure you're still wearing them that way?
Kila said…
I love how prominent Karmyn's drawing is after all these years :)
bichonpawz said…
Great Fun Monday...I enjoyed checking out your wall!
Anonymous said…
That does it! I'm saving all of Girlie Girl's artwork and hanging them up! What a great wall of memories you have there!
Jeanette said…
Hi Pamela Love Your hallway with all the pictures and specialy the self potrait still good as new 30 years on.
Anonymous said…
I love that you have all these pictures your children dreww on the wall. The handprint is gorgeous.
Karina said…
Great stuff! I love the "hand", it looks like a true piece of art, how cool that it is a handprint of your daughter's!!!
Anonymous said…
Pamela...this is where I feel like a failure--I never have gotten around to framing my kids' OR artwork. We do have 5x7's in frames, that kind of thing, but few pictures like this on the wall.

Maybe you (and others) will be my inspiration and motivation to get it done.

Loved that I've been reading you long enough to recognize several of your things from the hall of treasures...:)
Anonymous said…
Now that's what my hallway is supposed to look like...only I took everything down to paint and well...

It's delightful to see. You have inspired me to get moving and put all our own treasures back up!
AfKaP said…
It IS a boll weeveil! You are SO smart. Thanks for IDing the monster!
Susie said…
What precious keepsakes! I love how the rain and the sun are out together!
Anonymous said…
I was always embarrassed at that picture in the middle of the hallway - but now that I have children, I understand why it is there - and love it.

And now I feel even MORE horrible about "stealing" that Mickey Mouse - it was a prize? sill sits proudly on Jammin's bed.
Anonymous said…
That's great. I have afile folder full of artwork that my mother culled from teh rest and saved for me. I love looking through it no that I'm older
Shauna said…
Wonderful post and love the reminiscing. . .Sorry I missed it!
Biker Betty said…
I just love your wall. I need to frame a few of my boys' art works now. I do have some of their early works still on the fridge and hanging around the kitchen.

Have a great day,
Betty :)
Debbie said…
Great wall of memories. Love the children's framed art. I've been meaning to do with a couple of my children's pieces.

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