A Mountain Day

We accepted a dinner invitation and a Frisbee Golf Challenge on Father's Day from our friends, G and L, who live in the mountains. (The teenagers, M and F, were toddlers when our daughters baby sat.)
Before dinner we hiked around in the old growth, looking for a log that we might use in one of our flower beds. Big Boy, their beautiful Belgian Draft Horse, and Sam, the fuzzy little donkey, acted like dogs and followed us along the path. Look at him just chasing me down the path!!! I seemed to always be last in line and never quite fast enough for Big Boy. He would nudge my shoulder with his nose to remind me to get a move on it. He also wanted to chew on my straw hat. The hubby finally found the piece of wood he wanted and the men returned to the house for the chain saw and tractor. We ladies sat on the log and chatted with the company of Big Boy and Sam.

The big horse walked a short distance away, stretched out in a comfy position, and began to pee; and pee, and pee, and pee. I finally grabbed my camera and snapped a photo because I was dutifully impressed.

My friend said, "Oh, he is just showing off!"The donkey walked up and started sniffing the frothy bubbles on the ground.
"Whaaaaaa?" I laughed. "I suppose he's going to show off, too?" Sure enough. Sam straddled the same spot just vacated by Big Boy and proceeded to add his donkeys worth.
I know nothing about equine, so maybe that is just all in a days work.

L and G have a hot tub hand built from a kit that is heated by an attached wood burner. A pool will be installed this week and warmed from the same source. The trampoline sits back in the trees with other native flora.I'm sure I would fall in the nettles.

We ate dinner on the log picnic table.
I watchedthe birds while sitting on thebench next to the clothesline.
And this is Dee-Oh'-Gee preparing to give me a Terrier kiss.

I want to live in the mountains!


Gattina said…
It looks like a very beautiful place ! I like the Big Boy who wanted to eat your straw hat, lol !
Devon said…
I am left with the visual of a big beautiful horse following you down a path! AAAHHHH! Soul food! Glad you had a lovely weekend!
Anonymous said…
Great pictures, great story. I'm sending you something via email.
Sunrunner said…
Ooooh, I would love to be there right now!!!!!
Peter said…
Sure looks like a pretty area Pamela.
ChrisB said…
Oh this is idyllic (I want to live in mountains) all that peace and beauty; love the pictures especially the last one such a cute little face :)
Hazel said…
ahhh.. that took me back to our living-in-Oregon days.....(she said wistfully
Jodi said…
I like you, Pamela... I like you ALOT!! Anyone who has the guts to post a picture of a horse peeing is okay in my book!! tee hee :-)
Anonymous said…
I just loooooove those pictures!
Masago said…
A shangrala!
Anonymous said…
WEll, if you can't live in the mountains, you are certainly welcome to come visit me. Of course, you would have to put up with all the craziness that just happens here...
Great pics and glad you had a wonderful time.
BTW...be sure to just 'repost' your shelves so you can join us for Fun Monday June 25...it won't be the same without you.
Shelby said…
such a beautiful place! I am glad you all had a wonderful time there :)
Susie said…
What a fun way to spend the day! Our "mtn children" have a hot tub almost identical to that one!!
Heather said…
I love your pics. Makes me want to live there, too.
Amanda said…
They've got quite the beautiful spot out there, don't they.
Anonymous said…
They do have a beautiful spot - but sadly, all I can think of is: TICKS
Anonymous said…
I want to know why everyone isn't talking about the horse and donkey peeing? That's what I took from it. Thank you for capturing it for us, Pamela.
katy said…
wish i was there too, even with the peeing donkeys ha ha ha
DesLily said…
when you move there.. take me with you!
BarnGoddess said…
what a beauty! Most all of the draft horses I know are gentle giants. I learned to rideon my grandparents old gray Percheron when I was a toddler.

You spent a perfect day!! the scenary is beautiful.
Nan said…
Looks gorgeous and so much fun! I would love to take a walk with a horse meandering behind me. And his name. I love his name. He's so cute that he stole the show for me but what an idyllic place!
Biker Betty said…
Your photos are awesome. That's very cool how the horses follow you like dogs. Big Boy sure is handsome. The hot tub is very unique. What a wonderful day you had.
Kila said…
What fun walking companions.

I like the ideas for the woodburner.

Like Karmyn, I wondered about ticks. They are a big problem here this summer.
Anonymous said…
Lordy woman your so making me want to move west..like now..

awesome pics and so fun;)
Anonymous said…
What a cute little doggy face! Love the pictures especially of the horse/donkey urinal. Looks like your friends have a beautiful home in the woods!
Beckie said…
Yeah, the horse and donkey thing was really interesting. It looks like a beautiful day you had in the mountains!
Wendster said…
Thanks for taking me with you on that enjoyable mountain outting. I felt like I was there.
Funny story about the equine behaving like Dee oh gee's. Great name for a dog. Is that his real name? Or did you just think of that out of the blue?
debi said…
Love the pictures.Looks like a great day.
AngelConradie said…
oh what a gawjiss place!!! i love the one of big boy walking along behind you!
Susie Q said…
Beautiful pictures and oh how I want to kiss that sweet doggie face!!


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