Fun Monday #22, What's In Your Shelves

The Swampwitch is hosting today's Fun Monday. I nearly missed it because we took a four day break and drove 6 hours to the ocean to be with daughters and their families.

Swampy wants to see my book shelves and my garage.

Sorry! Instead I'm going to show our storage rooms. The smaller one (lower right picture) contains our garden tools, and the larger one (lower left) catches e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g else.

Many years ago we were paying monthly fees for a storage unit to keep stuff in. Why do we do that? Why do we have so much stuff that we have to hire a place to put it? That changed when we attached a boatport (aka carport) and two storage rooms on the south side of our house.

Fortunately, the hubby can be very organized when it comes to our stuff.

Click on SWAMPY and visit all the other participants shelves, garages, and what nots.


Anonymous said…
OK, so don't look at the time thta this was posted...all good witches are up at this hour ! Love the pics. You are a champ and I lurv you. Wont't be back for a few know the routine: off on my broom.
Anonymous said…
So, it was 11:10 your know where I am and what time it is here in theSWAMP...after midnight and things get a little spooky at the witchin' hour.
Beccy said…
Storage room sound very posh to me, they also sound like something I could desperately do with!
Hootin Anni said…
This works for me!!

Happy Fun Monday
Anonymous said…
I would kill to have storage rooms.
theotherbear said…
I would have thought with all your dust you'd have mess. But you are way organised!
Susie said…
We also added two storage sheds for all our "stuff" I don't like clutter inside, so I just move things to the storage shed..
Hope your trip to the ocean was fun!
tlawwife said…
I could use a little of that organization. I just have stuff thrown in the attic.
Anonymous said…
ahh ahhh i need a couple of those seriously bad!!
Beckie said…
We paid for a storage unit for a long time .... then just moved to a larger house. I can have all my "stuff" with me all of the time.

Have a great week!
Anonymous said…
I'm such a packrat...I could really use a couple of those storage rooms too.
Anonymous said…
I wish our storage room looked like that. We call ours the black hole. Once you put something in there, you'll never find it again! LOL!
Jodi said…
What's the Ice Cream Maker doing ALL THE WAY up on the top shelf?!!? Such a shame!! Let's get that thing down and make some ice cream!! ;-)

Happy Monday...
ChrisB said…
Now I need to borrow your hubby to come and teach embee some organisational skills!!
MommaBoo said…
It's totally opposite at our house. "The Hubby" isn't organized AT ALL!

Thanks for sharing, though.

Enjoyed seeing your "Fun Monday" today.

Happy Monday
Anonymous said…
I'm married to one of "those", too. He's the yin to my yang ;).

Glad you're back safe and sound, glad you had time with the girls.
Susie Q said…
What a fun thing to do! I had my storage room all cleaned up but somehow it got all in disarray again! I wonder ow that happened??

Your looks ever so great! I think I will peek in on Swampy and play a little. : )

willowtree said…
Funny, I thought I left a comment here. Anyway, that doesn't look too untidy.
Molly said…
I am impressed with the organization of your two storage areas. My husband tends to be more organized than me too. We are trying to pare down so that we can retire some day.
my4kids said…
I would say that I could use more storage like that but the hubby would say no it would only give me an excuse to keep more junk!
I conside myself to be a sentimentalist, rather than a materialist.

Still, I have a lot of stuff that, admittedly, I'd have a difficult time parting with.
Shelby said…
yep the storage room sounds vvvvery poshhh!

hey - you are definetely a smart people (referable to my blog) :)

hugs and more hugs
AfKaP said…
Yeah, My garage is boring and empty - but it never occurred to me to photograph the shed that has all the tools and stuff in it! Great organization!
Unknown said…
You know we too have had a storage unit in the past and I have tried to declutter but we still have some items around stored in a little nitch.
Gattina said…
That's more a living room ! so nicely set up. In mine, a cat couldn't find her kitten in there ! I have to play "easter" the whole year looking for the "eggs" I just would need !
Oh I want an organised hubby too!! LOL
debi said…
How organized you are. If I had the nerve I would post pics I took of my laundry room. They are sooo bad. Oh, no I did not make the dolls. My Dad sent them to my girls for Xmas every year. We have about 20 of them. He passed away last year and now they seem so sad.
bichonpawz said…
My husband and I decided we can't retire to a smaller home...we have to much stuff and no where to put it!
BlondeBlogger said…
Looks like our basement!

You should actually see our toy room. It's FILLED with stuff and the kids never play with it.

Of course, the day I try to donate it they'll suddenly be interested again, lol.
Anonymous said…
I'm a packrat too...Thank goodness my husband is pretty good at organizing 'stuff'. He downsized (he helped me go through everything) my stuff, so I don't need to get a storage unit!

OK, Ice Cream party here at Pamela's! What kind should we make first! Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry??
Anonymous said…
SEE! That's what I need - a bonafide storage place. So I can have the barn back for an art studio. Good man, your husband - for being so neat and tidy and arranging everything.

After reading this - I'm definitely going to avoid ever renting a space just to store stuff.
Whippersnapper said…
Oh Pamela. You know any comment I could leave would be bitter, so I'd best refrain. Not that I resent your tidy husband. I just covet him.
Anonymous said…
I need more storage space for my garden items. Sigh. Never enough space. Great Fun Monday!

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