Wordless Wednesday on Toothsday

Wordless Wednesdays, which aren't confined to Wednesdays, can be found everyday right HERE!


Pamela said…
YES! I finally got the implant to replace the broken tooth.

You can't even tell!!!
LadyStyx said…
You have such a nice smile!
jams o donnell said…
Your smile is lovely. Happy WW
david mcmahon said…
The tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth!

Thanks for the visit and the comment, too ....
Anonymous said…
Now that is a toothy grin :)
ChrisB said…
The perfect smile :)
Desert Songbird said…
Yay for tooth fixes!
Mommy Jes said…
nice teeth!!! heheheh =0 thanks for visiting my site!!! happy WW!!! =) actually my entry is here http://ishiethan.blogspot.com/2009/01/wordless-wednesday-film-strip.html
Anonymous said…
Got great teeth, flaunt them.
Anonymous said…
How pretty...Now you won't be saying, "Wordleth Wendthday" anymore.
Remember the photo of me without a front tooth? That wasn't Photoshopped out. That was FOR REAL !
Dora said…
Are u making a pose for toothpaste advertisement? ;p

Happy WW.
Mojo said…
You're right... I can't tell! Nice job.
Anonymous said…
A wide smile that makes everyone happy to see :)
Smiling back, Pamela! And it really does look completely natural.
A Spot of T said…
Wow you really can't tell can you. Excellent work. And your smile is great!
Four-eyed-missy said…
Your WW post and my post should go together :)
Betty said…
Nice smile, Pamela
Anonymous said…
Great & interesting shot :)
Unknown said…
Boy you look happy! Is the sun shining there?
stan said…
I must go for that teeth whitening soon! nice set u have there!

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