Photo Meme - 6th of 6th of 6th

I've been tagged.

It's been some time since I've responded to one. Reasons I've not played are many, such as: most of them I've already done, and some of them I've done twice, I'm lazy, I'm busy, or I forget. That last one is a problem. I always forget.

This time I've been tagged by my daughter. So I'm just going to "git 'er done."


1.Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.

2.Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder.

3.Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.

4.Tag 6 other peoples that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.

Karmyn is right about me, in that I have files and files of photos on my computer. In fact, I have files within files.

I needed to click on my personal pictures file, and then click on the sixth file (which is organized by year), and then click on the sixth file (which is organized by date and subject) and FINALLY identify the sixth picture by its IMG number.


The rules took me to a file of backyard photos taken on August 3, 2006. The other photographs in the file are of goldfinch, hummingbird and various flowers taken on that afternoon. In fact, several were used in my post of that day entitled (what a surprise) : Flowerbeds, Finches, and Hummingbirds.

Here is #6. I can see why I didn't upload it the first time around.

"What kind of moth is it?"

Yellow, of course.

Well, "hello" little unidentified moth.

I've drawn a total blank on the name of the plant. It didn't survive the following winter, and that is usually a good sign that we need to find a hardier replacement.

Tagging is the more difficult portion of this meme. I'll make it very easy for me and tag every last one of you.

Hey! Is anybody out there? (cricket chirping)


ChrisB said…
Lovely photo, I bet someone will name it! I've seen several of these photo memes I might just give it a go when I have a little time.
Just for fun, I went to my 6th folder, and sixth photo, and like you found a butterfly; actually a skipper. Interesting coincidence for I have hundreds of photos in my archives :-)
C... said…
I try not to keep too many pictures on my computer. I usually send them off to facebook or burn them on CD. BTW your word verification made me type amanbra - a man bra ??? - is that like a jock strap?
storyteller said…
I did this one at Small Reflections earlier this week after being tagged by Hootin' Anni a while back.
Hugs and blessings,
Junebug said…
I'm out here but for some reason I can't make myself do memes.
karisma said…
Lovely, I got tagged for this too but have not got around to it yet!
Gattina said…
Can I really trust you ? or did you pick out the nicest picture, hehe ?
Jill said…
apparently i dont have many pictures in each folder. not the 6th nor the 5th or 4th have one i can use. i gave up.
Anonymous said…
Cool! Thanks for playing along.
Sandy said…
What fun! Thanks
Unknown said…
Pamela: what a lovely blog you have going here! Great blog name, beautiful photos, very inviting!

That is a very sweet, happy, hopeful photo. Thank you.
I'm glad you stopped by my blog for Sky Watch Friday. Have a great weekend.


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