Fun Monday - Front & Center

Julie, today's F/M host at Another Chance Ranch, invited us to join in the 2nd anniversay of this meme by taking the very first Fun Monday theme and adding a twist. On that initiating Monday, we took a photo facing out our front door. Today we have been asked to take a photo facing in our front door.

I did not get this assignment done - and it was such as easy one.

However, I did find a photograph I took ages ago of the view after you pass through the entry. It really hasn't changed very much since then.

This was taken on a warm autumn day of gathering fall leaves in a basket. They were so beautiful that I set them out for display.

When you walk into my house there is a very small entry way. In it, sits the little antique desk that graces my banner above. If you are wondering -- No, I don't have my name written in the dust at the moment.

Then you step down into the living room.

There is a brick hearth and fireplace just to the right of the rocking chair. We only used the fireplace once in all the years we have lived here because it drew all the heat out of the house and up the chimney. Every year I plan to install a gas insert for comfort and aesthetics, but we always seem to find other ways to spend the money. As a result, we use the fireplace in the family room!

Can you believe that Fun Monday is still rolling along and allowing us into the homes and minds of the participants?

If you want to play, click the link over to Julie's place to sign up on Mister Linky. Show us your front entrance!


Anonymous said…
Oh, a fire in the fireplace sounds good right now!

Thanks for sharing :)
karisma said…
Very nice and those leaves are beautiful too!
Gattina said…
When I first came to the States I was surprised that when I entered a house I was immediately in the Living room, with some very few exceptions.
Here in Europe you first have an entrance, in Belgium they call it entrance "hall" and from there you see all the doors leading to the rooms.
Your living looks very cosy !
Hootin Anni said…
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, love this. It looks so warm and friendly and comfortable. Love the 'tiled table'!!!
Molly said…
Warm autumn days, I remember those. Your home looks inviting. Thnas for the visit.
Shelby said…
yes, inviting room.. to sit and chat :)
Gorgeous! Love the table! I had to use an older pic as well, but nothing has changed!
Cruise Mom said…
I love what you did with the leaves - I'll have to remember that come fall.
darkfoam said…
nice livingroom! ..
i'd have to ..err.. dust first before i could post a photo like that .. :)
Anonymous said…
I think you should have shown the windows on the other side of the fireplaces.
Jientje said…
Lovely, very warm and welcoming! Thanks for having me!
Anonymous said…
thanks for sharing, I like what I see. thanks for always stopping by mine
ChrisB said…
The leaves add a lovely touch and I'll book my seat on that sofa (or maybe the rocking chair as I'm a granny!) for when I visit :)
Anonymous said…
I like the idea of putting the leaves in the basket, nice touch for fall deco. Looks very homey.
Living Life said…
I really like that coffee table. Is it a slate top? It goes nicely with the sofa. Thanks for the glimpse inside your lovely home.
Kailani said…
I think having a fireplace would be so cool! Well, maybe not where I live but someplace where it snows. :-)

An Island Life
Anonymous said…
OOHH fall..I love fall....looks so cozy!
Sayre said…
Your coffee table is quite nice - is it custom? Did you do it yourself?
Anonymous said…
oh I love real fires, they are hard work and messy, but oh so cosy, its good to be back.
Jennifer said…
Well, where DOES the dust wait?? Cuz your house looks pretty darn clean to me!!
Unknown said…
I love your table! Slate is something I just love love love!
Pamela said…
wanted to thank you for the sweet blog comment you left me.
Your blog is very nice. I loved the story about the sisters so much!!
M@ said…
That house looks a lot cleaner than I would have expected.
M@ said…
Memes are having birthdays now? I must be getting old.
Mozi Esme said…
Looks comfy. I love the touch of the leaves...
Kaytabug said…
Comfy, warm, inviting...just like a Grandma's house should be! You bake cookies too right?
Anonymous said…
I have a very similar table, except all the tiles are brown! We have one broken tile thanks to carpet cleaners, but I think I like your colorful ones better.

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