Litter. Bleep.

This morning on Good Morning America there was a segment featuring children giving advice to the new administration. It made me smile, of course. But I especially liked a little girl who commented on the problems of litter.

That is because I hate litter. It is one of my pet peeves.

I've been known to tap someone on the shoulder and say, "Excuse me, I think you dropped this!"

Just yesterday I took advantage of the Washington State Hotline/Web Site to report an abuser I was following on the highway.

I wanted to find the video to listen again to the children's ideas so I searched the Internet. That is when I happened upon this photograph of the morning after the inauguration.



Jill said…
how tacky is that? i would have carried my cups over to a trash can and saved the programs as souveniers. what a bunch of morons. its groupthink. if everyone else, or even one other person leaves their trash, its okay to leave mine too. I'm right there with you. GRRRR.
Junebug said…
What in the world is wrong with people? If each person would keep and properly throw away their own trash there wouldn't be a problem. That is a shame! And I'm surprised.
Anonymous said…
I know! How hard is it to hold on to your trash until the closest trash can? Seriously. They're not usually that far away.
Amanda said…
That's gross.
I hate litter, too.
Coffeypot said…
What do you expect from Democrats? They will wait for the government to clean it up.
LadyStyx said…
Dont look like much change there igmos. Y'all happy that "change is coming" but then you do the same ol' same ol'. How the heck are we to have change for the better when you do something like this? Shame....
Anonymous said…
Don't get me started on smokers who thing throwing their cig butt out the window isn't littering.
Jill said…
not sure if you have me linked or not.. but anyway..Please update your link if you have one to my new site. I got tired of doing two sites. I also need more hits to make sure I can continue blogging for spare bits of cash now and then, and I need the links for that, so.... if you please...
willowtree said…
I'm with you on this, it's just so arrogant.
M@ said…
Most people no doubt did throw their cups in the trash but it was jam-packed there with three feet per person.

It is not natural to squeeze more than one million animals into such a small space. That's what happens. The grass will grow in the spring.
M@ said…
ChrisB said…
I hate litter and always brought my children up to bring it home if there were no bins. I used to find all sorts of things in pockets and bags!
Pamela said…
Lil Mouse: Mob Mentality -- you're probably spot on.

Junebug: I was suprised, too. Painfully.

Heather: They could just take it home.

Amanda: I taught you well (:

Coffeypot: I don't think politics is at play here. I have friends on both fences who equally care for the environment. My first instinct was to say "youth." Ouch, I'm going to get hit on that one.

LadyStyx: I must go google igmos. (:

Nikki: little pyromaniacs, aren't they?

WT: Thats a perfect description.

M@: That old ad campaign with the teary eyed native American ran through my mind when I saw the photo of the litter. And... I will not buy into it being to crowded to be conscious of the litter. There were umpteen hundred plastic sacks in that picture. Which meant that people carried their stuff IN in sacks. They could DAMN WELL carry it back out.

I'm sure there were many who were conscientious. The other's give us all a BLEEP Bleeping bad name.

ChrisB: I don't remember preaching it -- but I know my kids were aware of my litter aversion.
Tammy said…
You know, sadly that almost looks like NY right after the attack...:(
Anonymous said…
oohh that is absoulutley terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I think littering just shows the persons character. It shows a general lack of respect for others. Hope you find that link of those children. I bet it would be quite interesting.
Heather Plett said…
Oh man - that sucks.
Anonymous said…
Oh my, that is awful. Can't imagine treating my nation's capital that way, or any other city!
Gattina said…
This view always makes me mad !! apparently it's international ! We have exactly the same dirt laying on the street when the King shows up !
A Spot of T said…
Being a neat freak and germaphobe this makes my right eye twitch a bit. It's beyond me why people do this. I've accidentally dropped things and will pick it up quickly. I can't even imagine throwing something down on purpose...then walking away. Good grief where are people's heads.
MarmiteToasty said…
Im with you on the litter front, its the most thing that pisses me off more then anything.... my lads from little knew it was more then their lives were worth to lob sweet wrappings or anything on the floor..... hence the pocket fulls of treasures always found in their trouser pockets...... I to have been know to say things to litter bugs like 'I hope you dont think your leaving that there' etc....

also another really big hate I have is ciggie ends..... ARGHHHHhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said…
oooh me too. Makes my blood boil!
carmilevy said…
Ew! People can be such pigs! We have been so adamant with our kids about never littering. They're quite funny when they see someone else toss trash on the ground...their sense of righteous indignation is inspiring to us.

Obviously, not all parents follow that credo. Bummer.
Anonymous said…
Oh no! That looks just horrible. Bleep is right!
The young and stupid I guess, what a mess:(
Karen said…
Not an unexpected sight, but what a shame it is.
Susie Q said…
Donna Brazile (Fail from the Clinton Administratin) who claimed that most people picked up after themselves. Hate to see if it they hadn't. Of course, this was right after she admitted that she swiped the blankets that the Obamas were sitting on...apparently it's okay to steal now that The One is in office....the whole thing is a great big GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

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