Heron on The Roof

This morning a neighbor called to say that a Great Blue Heron was flying over our house.

"We thought we should warn you!" M told us.

They weren't aware that we have the net covering our pond. There has been so much snow and ice that it hasn't been visible from their upstairs window.

I walked out to the patio and looked around but didn't see anything. It wasn't until I stepped out onto the little bridge and looked up that I saw the large wader posing on our old antenna. (I know, I know...why is that useless thing still on the roof. We've had cable for years!)

It was eying the pond just behind me with a hungry eye.

When I turned to retreat to the warmth of the house, I noticed the heron tracks in the snow beside the water.

I feed the birds that come to my yard -- but not the heron.

I'm feeling a little bit guilty.


DesLily said…
I can't say I've ever heard of a Heron being in the snow!.. great pics of the bird and tracks!!

ps. you should be guilty! LOL
ChrisB said…
You got a great picture.
Jan said…
Love these photos. I can't vote on the guilty part, my theory is: Birds have wings and can fly to food.
Carla said…
He's a mighty stately looking bird. Nice snap.
LadyStyx said…
What a couple of gorgeous shots!
MarmiteToasty said…
WoW what a great photo...... how loverly to have a Heron come visiting lol......

darkfoam said…
poor wittle starving birdie ..
but what happy fish!
and what great photos!!
Kim said…
He's gorgeous and he's obviously been eating. No guilt. Your fish love you for the net.
Alison said…
great photo. I love herons, they are magical birds. Don't feel guilty, he is just lazy and wanted fast food and your pond had the golden arches over it in his eyes. He is much better getting off his lazy butt and doing some real hunting!
Hayden said…
how wonderful to have this visitor right at your home - and yes, good that the fish are safe, too! I thought they flew away from snow! Had no idea they stayed...
Jennifer said…
That's so cool...can't you spot him some sardines or something???
Anonymous said…
I love that shot of the heron. We have them here at the lake and we had them at the farm.
Anonymous said…
Great shot!
Tammy said…
Very nice pictures!
We have several protected areas in our town where herons like to hang out...and I think their so neat since I never saw them before moving here. (Even though I was in other parts of the NW)

By the way, re: your comment...So sweet that you also use to sing with your mom. I can surely imagine how much you miss her. (((HUGS)))
BlondeBlogger said…
I think he's trying to tell you something. :)

I wish you lived near me. There is a gorgeous red bird (Cardinal?) that waits for cars to go across this one-lane dirt bridge...he/she will hop onto the passenger-side mirror and ride across with you.

The other day, I saw it fly across a busy intersection near that area, dive-bombing cars. I'm pretty sure it was the same bird because I don't think it's that common to see that kind of bird in the winter and not many dive-bomb cars, lol.

It would be awesome if you could capture it on film!
Gattina said…
The poor thing ! Why didn't you give him something ? I don't think I have ever seen one.
Anonymous said…
Good photos. We have herons around here, but I haven't noticed any lately. Of course, I haven't been outside much lately!
Desert Songbird said…
I wouldn't have thought that herons and egrets would hang around in cold weather like that.
dear pamela. Might he have eaten something in your pond, or might he have drowned?
Jenni said…
It looks like there's a reason for that TV antenna after all! We have a heron (or maybe more than one?) that sometimes visits the pond in front of our house and always flies away before I can get a picture. Our property backs up to the river and on the other side of the river is a low spot that is planted every year and then floods destroying that portion of the crop. I've discovered that this is where the heron can be found most mornings about the time I'm taking the kids to school. I don't think it's been there lately though. Some Saturday when it is warmer I'll have to go looking, camera in hand.
Unknown said…
He looks a wee bit cold. Isn't it funny how responsible we feel for keeping the bids fed in the winter. :)
Shelby said…
He's beautiful. Wintry. Perfect.
Kaytabug said…
What great shots!!
karisma said…
Cute! I would not be feeding him either!
A Spot of T said…
Do you know we have the world's largest Blue Heron right here in Alberta? We do. Um. And not alive, it's made of...erm...something hard. Just a little bit of really bad trivia for you. You got a great shot of him. I always feel guilty about the birds too but once they start eating...oiy!
Anonymous said…
I have never seen one of those. I haven't seen the one Joy is talking about either, but she would know about all the big things we have here because she likes to stop and see them. I have seen lots of the big things here but not that one. I think the real one with real tracks would be a bigger draw; for me anyway.
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Anonymous said…
the heron must be hungry that is why he goes near the water to find some food, nice pics ;)
Anonymous said…
i took this picture yesterday. that is my neighbors house. your weather looks like ours,we live in coeur d alene Idaho, wherabouts areyou?

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