Wordless Wednesday -Will You Still Feed Me


Wordless Wednesday - Will you Still Feed me When I'm 64

Oregon Zoo Lorakeets - photo by my daughter Amanda - Canon Power Shot

Wordless Wednesday headquarters are here!


Anonymous said…
Yes I would!!! Ha!

Love both the photo and caption...
Snap Catch said…
sure I will! perfect catch for WW! mine's up too hope you can drop by...
Anonymous said…
Wow, those are some pretty tame birds!
karisma said…
Wow that makes me break out in song.....when I get older, losing my head/legs/ hair, many years from now, do de do de do!
ChrisB said…
Ha I wish I wasn't being fed as much~ it's hard to loose weight at 64!!!
Marsha said…
Terrific shot... love the color. It's obvious they are used to people!

Have a terrific Wednesday!

Check out my entry if you get a chance at Just Some Thoughts
What a cute bird butt. They look awfully calm.
Anonymous said…
Sure, I will still feed you.
The Laundress said…
Oh goodness, too cute.
Anonymous said…
I'll leave out the bird feeder for ya.
BarnGoddess said…
as long as your not a picky eater!

great photo!!
Desert Songbird said…
I always got a bit creeped out by birds on a shoulder.
Tammy said…
Whenever I'm at the zoo, I just love the tropical birds...especially the ones that talk (in English, I mean, because they all talk!) ;)

Thank you for your comment on my NY post...it was interesting to read your experiences too!

Anonymous said…
Love the caption. Love the birds!

Thanks for visiting my site! Happy Wordless Wednesday :)
storyteller said…
Cool photo … clever caption! Love that Beatles song!!! I’ve got (sort of) wordless OSI posts on each of my blogs today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Gabriel said…
Very good post, it was very smart! Another Beatles reference today! :-)

Happy WW, and thanks for stopping by!

My post...
Claudia said…
oh, the cuties!!
carrie said…
those are some cool looking birds!!

happy wednesday
Beautiful birds
I love Lorakeets

thanks for visiting me
My Little Drummer boys
Anonymous said…
Looks like fun!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my WW photo!
Joy T. said…
Wow and I do know a lot of parrots can live that long too. I have a friend who has Lorakeets and she keeps trying to talk me into getting one. I won't of course, but they are such sweet birds. Your daughter took a fantastic picture.
Amanda said…
I'm still glad you didn't get pooped on.

The birds certainly get fed well, don't they?!

Thanks for coming. I am glad you enjoyed the zoo.
Love you.
Unknown said…
Oh how cool is that!
Awesome birds! What a fun caption - it goes quite nicely. :D

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