Message in a Bottle

Brand Spankin' New Blogger, Rose, of Rose's Garden tagged me for this MeMe that I've seen circulating.

I think someone else may have tagged me, too. (Remind me if it was you so I can link to you here. Sorry, I'm leaking memories.)

Here are the Rules: You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not.
What message would you like to send out to the universe?

Here it is:

There were lots of other rules, too. But, aren't rules made to be broken? Rose has them at her place so please visit her blog -- say hello and welcome her to the sphere - and check out how the meme truly works.

Today I helped the hubby fix a section of our backyard fence that was hanging on splinters. The little neighbor boy, Kadon, thought having a big hole in the fence was the best thing since sliced bread. (Not that he knew there was anything but.)

Kaden played on our hammock while we ( I use we loosely) hammered and repaired cedar fencing. Then, his dad decided to help because he is big and strong and all that.

So I got to play with the kid until his mom called him in for lunch.

Surprise! He didn't want to go home!

I watched in amazement as she chased him through our patio and over the bridge and around the little pond. It is exactly the same circle our grand kids enjoy running around and giggling until they make me dizzy.

Finally his dad had to run the other direction and scoop him up. He promised Kaden that he could come over again next weekend when we repair the next section.

(I forgot to tell him I couldn't play next Saturday because I'm going to go see Curlymop in Portland.)

Hey! In the event you would like to post your message to the world I've been kind enough to add the original empty bottle here for you. I encourage you to copy and use with your Message in a Bottle post.

Ps. Let me know if you post the meme.


Wendster said…
So ... is your bottle message "Don't run in circles till Pamela is dizzy?"


And in case you were wondering, I did NOT honor naked gardening day in the "nekked" kind of way ... that was the sunburn I got on Friday trimming my cypress trees. And I SWEAR I was in the shade! At least it felt like it! (I never pursue tans ... but this year I just had a hankering for one. Couldn't even tell you why. Turned out to be a bad idea)
ChrisB said…
I actually remember finding a message in bottle when I was a child~ I had forgotten about that when I wrote my post!
Jan said…
Hi Pamela, I going to do this in a couple of days. Thanks for the idea. Love the story of running around your yard 'playing' with the neighbor, and because I've been taken on a tour of your garden, recently, I can picture it.
Anonymous said…
Kaden will be begging his mom all week to let him come over and his mom will say "No, we don't want to annoy Pam and Wally." Not knowing that you would LOVE to have him know I did that with the guy who owned the Peacocks?
Susie said…
Sounds like Kaden had a delightful time in the yard! From the pictures you've posted, I think most kids would have such fun back there!
Walker said…
Clever message, Pamela!
lucky kaden to have such awesome neighbors...

and i love the message in your bottle. i might do this later this week.
Unknown said…
Hey, your sense of humor is back. :) Glad you're feeling better. I think you got me sick. :)

Hanging by splinters - still laughing :)
Rose said…
LOL Love your message. Thanks for posting it.
This one really has become a sensation ... I made one months ago!
Hello from SpeedyCat
Unknown said…
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god bless you
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storyteller said…
Fun message in your bottle ;--)
I did this meme twice a while back with more serious messages. There are links in my sidebar.
Hugs and blessings,
Anonymous said…
Sometimes it is nice to have the neighbour kids visit. My in-laws have neighbour kids that like to come spend time at their place too.

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