Fun Monday - A vacation I remember

RDH Mom, as todays host, says : Vacations...this is the time of year when most of us go on vacations. Show us and/or tell us about your favorite vacation - where you went, what you did, etc. Pictures would be great. Let's all take a trip around a the world via our FM friends!!

One of my favorite weekends - EVER - found us with all three of our girls and their families at the Oregon Coast.

This is where we stayed - an Inn built on the cliffs with an elevator to the beach. (Click on the photo, which is from their website, to get more information - or make reservations!)

Below is the view from our deck.

This photograph reminds me how the breeze teased our lovely daughters hair and tickled our noses with the aromatic scents of the beach. The grandkids couldn't wait to ride the elevators down and get their shovels in the sand.

Cooking was not our responsibility -- so we got to enjoy each other without worrying about who was on the clean up crew.I had a broken leg. Buttercup was 10 days old!! Divorces force one to blur some memories.

When the sun sets at the beach - you know that the waves will lull all to a restful sleep.

I can't think of anything I would rather do than go to the coast with the people I love.

Thank you Alison, for allowing me these moments of reflection.


Peter said…
Beautiful photos and Daughters Pamela , shame about the broken leg and the blurred memories.
Book your flight... Guide available, I can even take you to see WT!!!!
willowtree said…
I'm glad you explained about the family photo, I just thought he was a bit heavy handed with the Clearasil.
kitten said…
Beautiful! Just beautiful!
Alison said…
beautiful post of a beautiful trip!!! I love the last picture, very peaceful!!

Thanks for playing this week!!
karisma said…
Looks like some lovely memories there! And how cute is Buttercup! Still little enough not to fight with flower pots! Awwwww!

Hey if Petes taking you to visit WT you guys better pick me up on the way! And you should bring the whole family too!
Tammy said…
As you know, the Oregon coast is near and dear to me...and those were simply gorgeous photos!
I can't believe your whole family still went, despite a 10 day old baby and your broken leg...what troopers you were! And not only that, it was one of your best vacations ever...wonderful!
Anonymous said…
The only thing I remember about that vacation was how exhausted and fat I was....ha!
Anonymous said…
How wonderful. A vacation worth giving tribute too. Certainly being with family adds to it despite the blurring of some issues. Thanks for sharing.
Wendster said…
Great memories. That inn on the beach looks super.

Hey, Peter? I wanna go with Pam to see WT!
Anonymous said…
I love memories like this! You have a beautiful family.
ChrisB said…
My post has a similar theme! I love family holidays :)
Hootin Anni said…
Beautiful Pamela. Nothing can beat the glory of the coastal region of the Pacific northwest. [I really enjoyed how you added how they couldn't wait to get on the elevator and run to the sand! ---kids, they really make life worth living!!]

This is really a fun Fun Monday this week, seeing all the stories of all the great vacations!!
Anonymous said…
How fabulous a vacation with family where you don't have to cook! Love it. I still want to get to the Oregon coast for a weekend sometime. Your daughters are beautiful!
Anonymous said…
What wonderful pictures and memories! Thanks for sharing.
Desert Songbird said…
Great photos of a great vacation. Family times are so precious.
How wonderful to be able to have such a wonderful holiday with all your family! And what an amzing place!
Susie Q said…
What a beautiful vacation and family. We all have some of those *blurred* memories don't we?
Thank you for sharing this all with us. I so enjoyed it!

Sayre said…
Had there been a storm? What was all the piled up wood at the top of the beach?

Sounds like a really great vacation though, even with the blurry memories!
storyteller said…
The coast of Oregon certainly is beautiful and what fun to see photos of your daughters and the rest of your family. What a great photo (though I certainly understand the effects of divorce on such memories). Gorgeous sunset too! My Fun Monday post is up at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,
Anonymous said…
It has been awhile but you brought back memories of the Oregon coastline for me. And you described it to a tee. Thanks for sharing these memories with us.
Anonymous said…
that is so beautiful, thanks for sharing
Anonymous said…
Pamela, thanks for asking after my family. They are hard times, but they are fine, thank God. It is more exciting, educational and safer when you go with someone you know, you get to see and experience the real life. maybe one day, we shall go together. I have never been to Zaire, but I have been down south, that is South Africa and Zimbabwe
Betty said…
Hi Pamela,

Oregon is a beautiful State. We traveled through there a few years ago, and I remember stopping at Crater Lake. It was in August, and I couldn't believe the snow banks and how they were. We almost froze as we had no jackets and were not prepared for the cold air coming off the lake and the snow banks.

I enjoyed seeing your pictures. You have a lovely family.

Thank you for visiting me. You mentioned I should link to my post, but I'm not sure how to do that. Would you mind posting on my blog or else send me an email at telling me how to link to a particular post? Thanks, Pamela. I consider myself still fairly new to blogging with a lot more to learn.
Joy T. said…
So beautiful and even though there is one fuzzy face in that photo, it's a great family photo for sure. I look forward to times like this with my family and hope we can still vacation together every so often as they get older. Man that last picture is so pretty!
Faye said…
I love your account of this family vacation Pamela--all the elements are there: people you love, unusual location, sand and sunsets for all, and someone else to cook and clean up. You have a very handsome family--glad they could gather around your broken leg!
Cruise Mom said…
Beautiful post with beautiful photos. Oregon is one of the few states I've never been in, and this certainly makes me want to visit - and now I know what hotel to stay in!
Masago said…
Absolute wow!
Mariposa said…
God!!! Another sunset...for today...I've been the sun rise and set many times...and I'm just so in love with it!

Thanks for sharing...have a nice week!
Melanie said…
Those pictures are amazing! I love the sunset picture!!

Too bad about the broken leg and the divorce... but everything else looks wonderful!

Our Happy Happenings
Anonymous said…
I love the photo of your 3 daughters. They're all so pretty!
Molly said…
Your vacation to this lovely spot in Oregon with your daughters and their families does look fabulous. Oregon is another place that I would like to visit. Thanks for the glimpse at this vacation spot.
Carla said…
Absolutely lovely. Beautiful sunsets, sandy beaches, what more could one want?
Sauntering Soul said…
Sigh....I've always wanted to visit Oregon.
a beautiful trip down memory lane.

i have a few of those blurry ones too ;-)
Amanda said…
And Curly Mop was in my belly!!

That was a nice trip. Spending time with family is so important.
Unknown said…
What a great vacation! How wonderful for you all to be together. :)

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