It’s a gulag.

At first one is held captive by fascination.

(So many blogs - So little Time)

Then freedom is bound by technical ignorance.

There it sits. Wires, blinking lights.

The Mother of all Boards.

(The hubby got it running- hopefully until we can replace it. Then he said he is so tired of the problems that he's ready to buy me a MAC.)


willowtree said…
Well heck,it's obvious what the problem is! There's a big old hole in your computer.
ChrisB said…
I hope you said 'yes please' to the MAC!
Heather Plett said…
I would chime in on the "buy a MAC" chorus. I am smitten with ours.
kitten said…
I'm glad glad he got you up and running! I don't know the difference, but if you do go Mac, let me know.
Anonymous said…
It's been a couple years since I've worked from a desktop, but girl, that thing looks old.
Beckie said…
I have been SO happy with my Mac!
Anonymous said…
C est la vie, (of a computer that is).It is inevitable. Hope you are able to get a MAC. :)
Claudia said…
hoooray for new computers!!
Tammy said…
I'm just relieved to "see" you least this one is hanging in there for the time being!

Thank you for your sweet comment about my nephew- he truly is a miracle!

Jan said…
Man, I know how frustrating it can be. I've never tried a MAC, but you're commenters sure are positive about 'em.
Anonymous said…
OMG ! It's contagious. We were dead in the water for about 3 hours today...this message popped up:
Windows was unable to save all the data for the file I://@fmrt. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere.

Are you kidding me? What file? Where? Shut up !
Anonymous said…
I've heard great things about Mac but am too chicken to leave windows.
Anonymous said…
subliminal message: buy the mac.... buy the mac.... buy the mac....
C... said…
I vote MAC- I plan to get one too.
Hayden said…
I switched to MAC 2+ years ago and never looked back. I'm computer illiterate, but it didn't take long to get the basics and it just keeps chugging along w/o problems - which is ALL I ASK!!
Unknown said…
My first computer was a Mac and I loved it. :) Glad you're up and running again. :)
Robinella said…
Once you go Mac, you never go back! :-)
James Burnett said…
I agree with Robinella. I'm on my last PC. When this big money pit dies in a few months, I'm going Mac. I'm tired of fixing things. I never thought a piece of electronics equipment could just fall apart. But damned if I haven't watched my HP do it gradually, in front of my eyes.
Junebug said…
We got our first iMac last November and it is great. It was not hard to switch.

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