CYBER SHOWER For My Daughter

The beautiful and talented Swampwitch is hosting a Cyber Baby Shower today!
I'm very excited about it because the mother-to-be happens to be my daughter Karmyn, the author of Dreaming What Ifs.... Swampy is inviting you and I'm seconding the motion! Find a lovely gift out here in cyber space - remember money is no issue when your imagination is your credit card. Post your cyber gift and link to Swampwitch.

Here is my gift to my eldest -- what she really wants most of all. A MAID SERVICE.

Click on the Picture and you will find the Merry Maids are world wide. They are even available in the town where Karmyn lives.

So hon -- sit back, put up your belly, and let these two do everything today!

Now --go get a pedicure!

(P.S. Karmyn also has a "guess" contest up at her blog. Date and Time of the baby's arrival. Get your crystal ball out and take a couple of cleansing breaths and push out a prediction. Get over there and leave it in a comment.)


ChrisB said…
I can imagine the mounting excitement as the days creep nearer.
I must get my baby shower post prepared I don't want to miss the party!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sending the invitation to all your readers. I'm busy updating the guest list.
Have a good Sunday.
kitten said…
I'm so on this! Congrats to you!!!
Wendster said…
Oooh! I totally want to play! I'm on it.

And I could relate to your comment post on my blog about closets being terrible. So you don't have to hunt for it at my blog, here is my reply to it:

Pamela ... I think you and I have the same closet situation. but at my house they set everything that they don't know where to put by my DESK ... and it has filled my whole side of the bedroom!!!

Clothes that need to be photographed and listed for e bay.

More clothes that need to be photographed and listed for e bay.

Did away with bookshelf downstairs (it became a knick knack shelf) so brought the books to my room ... piled willy nilly by my desk

Tristan's toys.

Oh my gosh.

But nice that our hubbies have nice clean closets. hee hee hee.
Susan in va said…
I just came over to see if any "tarnatin" was goin' on :D

Great idea! A "Cyber Shower" - I wish I would have thought of it!
kitten said…
I hope this person is okay. Maybe at a later date you can, but I hope you enjoy reading.
Joy T. said…
I'm participating yeaaaa! And I guessed at baby's arrival yeaaaa! Lots of fun. So much so that Karmyn will have to do this again next year *teehee*
Anonymous said…
What a great idea. I can imagine how excited your family is getting as the time is getting closer.

Count me in!
Karina said…
Okay, how did I NOT know that Karmyn was your daughter? Where have I been? ;-)

I'm going to go RSVP to that shower right now!
James Burnett said…
Pamela, I am so slow. I'm just now making the connection between you and Karmyn. Congrats on your soon-to-arrive grandchild!
BarnGoddess said…
this is cool!

I would buy Karmyn a ginormous station wagon....and a lifetime of free gasoline :)
BarnGoddess said…
I was joking about the stationwagon...
What an interesting idea. Is your daughter by any chance registered with the fiber optic imagination?
Anonymous said…
What a fun event for Mommy and Grandma, too! I'll head on over and check it out!
IamwhoIam said…
Congrats on the soon to be grandchild. And Thanks for stopping by
Shelby said…
Big congrats on the new one coming!!
Anonymous said…
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Wendster said…
By the way, the baby WILL arrive at 12:39 a.m. I just have a hunch. So ... go to bed early at night, cuz you'll be getting a phone call in the middle of the night.

Loved your comments ... especially on the juice drinking. LOL! Ok, yes ... I will count that, and thanks for reminding me that I already have that super power.
darkfoam said…
congratulations on a new grandbaby..
how exciting! and of course congrats to your daughter too and best of luck..:)
Anonymous said…
My gifts are waiting. I couldn't wait until tomorrow. Aunt Swampy
Alison said…
what a perfect gift Pamela...of course Grandmas are so smart!!!
karisma said…
Wow! Ok now you are my hero too! I would have loved a gift like that!
What a great mama you are!
willowtree said…
I thought you were going to clean Karmyn's house for her.
kitten said…
What a beautiful gift!
Molly said…
Great minds and fabulous grandmas think along the same lines. Congratulations to you and Karmyn.
Anonymous said…
Pedicures and Maids. Ah-h-h-h!
Nothin' could be finer.
Happy Baby Shower Day GramelaPamela! I know the anticipation in your heart...hope he peeks out tomorrow while you're there.
Anonymous said…
You know EXACTLY what I really need. I could use them FOREVER.
BarnGoddess said…
MerryMaids are worth their weight in gold!
Beckie said…
Two fantastic gifts!!

Take a picture of that Coca Cola balloon if it ever lifts off. I want to see it floating through the air.
Kaytabug said…
These are 2 things I would have loved to have with all 3 pregnancies. Heck with 3 boys I still neglect the tootsies and the housework never ends! These are 2 things I could use for life!!

Congrats Grandma Pamela!
Robinella said…
If I undo my husband's vasectomy, can I have a maid service too?
Kila said…
That is a perfect gift!

You must be so excited, and impatient to meet your new grandchild!!
Anonymous said…
You're a good mommy. I think that's what we'd all like prior to giving birth.
Carla said…
A Happy Mother's day to you. I hope you had a wonderful day.
kitten said…
I just came by to wish you a Happy Mothers Day!
Kelly Curtis said…
Oh that is so fun - I remembered too late that you were all having a shower for her. I left her a link in comments to a photo of a maid and a butler. Looks like we have like minds on that front!

What a fun event.
Naturegirl said…
Pamela I saw your comment over at Susie Q's re: nest in your Blue too way up little keep our curious eyes out!
My daughter is also having a baby soon and I am having a shower for her early June!!
We are surrounded by soon to be babies!! Isn't Spring wonderful!
Nice meeting you!! NG
Karina said…
OH, I could certainly use some molly maid service myself. Especially after that spillt glass of red wine on my couch last night. Sigh!

By the way, I tagged you for a little meme.
Anonymous said…
Great gifts. I know I would have liked those when my kids were born and I had other young uns. Hey, I would like that now. Congrats also to grandma. I am looking forward to that phase of my life too.
Susie Q said…
This is such a fun idea! How excited you all must be. New babies...magical!

How lucky this one will be to have you for a Gma.

OOh...I want a maid service too...

Anonymous said…
No doubt, the BEST gift OF THEM ALL!!!

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