Round Robin Photo Challenge - Wooden

The Round Robin Photo Challenge this week is Wooden.

Kiva, who authors the blog, "Eclectic Granny" chose the subject. She said: Merriam Webster defines the word "wooden" as: 1. made or consisting of wood. 2. lacking ease or flexibility, awkwardly stiff (e.g., wooden performer, a wooden speech). A picture of John Wooden or anyone named Wooden qualifies.

Our White Birch Tree, which is very much wooden, intrigues us with the designs in its bark. They are made by the natural peeling and striping that is peculiar to the beautiful birch family.

I see two wooden penguins frolicking on an icy wooden skid to a wooden sea in this etching. Wooden you?

All the participants are listed at Round Robin. Visit each one for a great Saturday morning visual delight.


Anonymous said…
I wooden have if you wooden have told me! its me, new name new place do you remember me?
karisma said…
Why yes! I do believe I see it too! Clever You!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your wonderful powers of suggestion!

Birch trees are among my favorite because of their interesting bark; wish we had one in our backyard!

Jan said…
Yes, I wood. I love this, like a Rorschach test, but more fun. Thanks for the photo.
MyMaracas said…
I see the penguins too! What a fun photo.
DesLily said…
"wooden you?" ARGH!.. now that's just plain a groaner Pam! lol lol
Joy T. said…
I see it after you mentioned it and how cool is that?!! White birch trees are sooooo pretty. I remember as a child peeling off some of the old white bark that was coming off a tree and using it to write a note one. Then I left it at the base of the tree. Hmm Wonder if it's still there?
Birch is a beautiful wood. The color and shapes are always so interesting. I do see the penguins LOL Great job!
Wendy said…
I see them too. Nice shot!
Carly said…
Hi Pamela :)

I see the penguins too! And now, you have me wishing for snow, which is not too likely, it's over 90 today!

Always, Carly
C... said…
I most certainly wood - I mean do.
love the photo. love birch trees too.

and yes, i totally see the penguins.
Very cool pic!

Thanks for stopping my mine :)
Kila said…
The bottom one does look like a penguin. I'm not sure what to think of the top one!

P.S. I posted some bird photos for you on Thursday and Friday ;)
Hayden said…
gorgeous stuff. birch is a favorite of mine.
Monica said…
LOL, I can't say I 'wood've'
seen that if you didn't point it out!

Gattina said…
Hahaha ! that's really strange what nature can do !

The greek language sounds very melodious a little like Italian, it really doesn't fit to such unfriendly people !
TJ said…
Birch, my very favorite. I can not pass up the truck pieces that lay on the woods grounds.
It just has a feel of - Do something with me"
Thanks for sharing...
Love TJ
Wendster said…
... Pamela. What are you smoking? There's only one penguin looking up at the batwing flying above .. and it's going to swoop down and grab his fish.
Or it's full of other penguins flying in for a visit. :D

JK. You did a good job. It totally looks like a snow scene all the way down to the little lines and rocks. Too cool. Did you find this in your tree JUST for this assignment, or are there other etchings in the bark?
Kiva said…
"Wood" that I noticed the penguin! I turned it sideways and found a guy in Ray-ban shades! Fun entry!
Oh, that's really neat! I love finding patterns in wood and bark. Well done!
Steven said…
Birch is wonderful. Thanks for sharing yours. One of my favorite trees.
Unknown said…
I see the penguins! :)
Robinella said…
I see them! I love the white bark of the birch. Great photo.

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