Wordless Wednesday - Silver Streak to the past

Canon Powershot

Other Wordless Wednesday presenters are signed up HERE!


daddy d said…
Nicce car. Very nice.
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Kelly Curtis said…
Oh wow - I LOVE that!
chartao said…
Oh, that's a very antique car..

looked so new and shiny!! well-maintained.

By the way, my photo was taken in Shenzhen, China and not Singapore! :)

Happy WW!
Love 2Bs said…
What a beautiful shot; it could have been taken decades ago but for the gorgeous clarity.

My WW is up here, if you'd like to stop by:
Anonymous said…
now *that's* a pimp-mobile my son needs to be driving around in!

happy ww. :)
Anonymous said…
Classy car....and I love the bloomin' trees.
Wendster said…
I'm ready for my ride.

Do they have a jar of jelly beans in there for us?

How about Mexican food? With lots of chips and guacamole and salsa. MMmmmm.

Beautiful photo!!!
Jim said…
That is a nice old car. I'm guessing a 1936 but I can't figure out the maker.
Happy WW!
Raven said…
Neat photo. I love the pink of the trees and the bright green grass. The picture has an antique feel even though it isn't. Cool.
Marsha said…
Terrific shot and fantastic restoration of the vehicle!

Happy WW! Stop by if you can.

Just Some Thoughts
ChrisB said…
What a lovely old car and I am also drawn to the beautiful blossom on the trees.
Gattina said…
Wow ! I would feel like THE QUEEN in that car, lol ! In London I saw similar cars as Taxis.
Take your phone with you on the toilet ! I have to leave the door open otherwise cat Lisa scratches like mad ! she hates closed doors !
Neen said…
Beautiful shot, very elegant.
Anonymous said…
Wow...simply beautiful photo. Looks like a blast from the past, for sure!

Happy WW :)
Anonymous said…
Shiny. But I have to admit, I'm distracted by the pretty blooming trees--crepe myrtles?
maryt/theteach said…
Great car! Great photo! You're a girl after my own heart! "Dust is a protective covering!" LOL! Happy WW!
What a lovely shot! Everything about it - the car, the house, the blooming trees. Very nice! :D
carrie said…
that car looks so cool next to those pink trees! I love this shot!
Anonymous said…
The pink trees set off the car beautifully. I feel like I'm in the 1920's heading off to a speak easy!
Anonymous said…
What a terrific photo. It would look great in black and white or sepia, wouldn't it?
eastcoastlife said…
That's a beautiful antique car! It would cost a bomb here in Singapore.
Claudia said…
I love old cars!! They had so much character!! I smile every time I see one!
Anonymous said…
That's a fabulous photograph, the car the street, the old house, the blossoms on the trees. Beautiful...
Robyn Jones said…
sweet car! Looks like a pretty nice neighborhood too...
Robert said…
What a beauty! Great angle on this as well. Great job.
Tammy said…
Not only is that a gorgeous car but it's such a great photo, too!
storyteller said…
Cool car and photo! Is this YOURS??? I've shared a collage of flowers from my yard at Small Reflections and a 'deserted' stretch of beach with a Haiku (for a combined WW/OSI post) at Sacred Ruminations today.
Hugs and blessings,
Anonymous said…
nice vintage car..for a stroll down memory lane..

Happy WW!
Unknown said…
What a pretty shot with the blooming trees behind the car.
Kaytabug said…
That is just a beautiful shot! Just lovely!!!
A Powershot what? I have a G5...I am guessing yours is newer with more Mega pixels.
Susan Tidwell said…
Hey, love your header picture, looks like my house.

Great picture! Nostalgic, simpler times.
Anonymous said…
Perfect shot! Everything just looks like an old photograph brought to life in living color -- lovely car too! :)

Thanks for stopping by my place for WW! :)
Anonymous said…
I'm waiting for you to stop by in your new car and take me for a spin.
that is so sleek and classy looking --I do love to admire old cars but not to ride in them because they smell and thereby I smell like exhaust fumes after the fun:(:)
Joy T. said…
Ohhhh that's so pretty! I've got to send my hubby over here to take a look at that!
Kila said…
What a beauty!
Unknown said…
What a beautiful old boat. :)
Anonymous said…
Wow! Is that a limo back in the days? I would love to have been able to ride in that!
Peter said…
Hi Pamela, I'm going to up Jim's guess by a couple of years and say its a 1938 Pontiac Silver Streak Limo.
BTW you were lucky to miss the spammer at holtieshouse, it took about a minute to scroll past it, I had a similar one a while ago which ran to 27 pages when I copied it.
Mike Golch said…
Oh to have such a great car! the old saying they don't make them like they used to.
Carolyn said…
Just surfin' the blogs and stopped by for a visit.

Very nice Blog!

Anonymous said…
Beautiful restoration and shot.

The colors of the car and the blossoms from the tree, really do compliment each other.
Jenni said…
Very cool photo! I love cars from that era with their nice, smooth curves. Something's lacking in that copycat car they tried to make a few years ago. (Is it a Plymouth something?)
Anonymous said…
The nice thing about spring and summer is seeing the antique cars and those pink trees. I can't wait until my tree blooms.

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