It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Thursday we went for a walk in the evening.
We met a friend riding his antique bike.

White bleeding heart. Basket of Gold.
Lavender Phlox. White Birch.
Dandelion. I love dandelions.
As a child I picked them for necklaces or held them under a friends chin to see if she "liked butter."

The weather has been unseasonable cool, which has
been wonderful for the spring flowers. The tulips and daffodils have been blooming for over a month.

Every photograph was taken Thursday within four blocks either direction from our house.

There are at least four separate creeks/streams running through our neighborhood. The one with the split rail fence reflecting in the water is in the yard of the house directly behind us. That is where Karmyn performed her Polliwog hunts.

This is Yellowhawk, where Amanda and Jennifer met their friends many wet socks, shorts, and T-shirts ago. This beautiful creek babbles on its way and through the middle of the High School campus.

The spy action is for Vicky. A young lady was lounging above the creek waiting. Her friend was coming down the road and may have seen me snap it

There are so many trees that blossom in pink. The first one appears to be some kind of flowering cherry.

Dogwood is pink, too. However, this dog would be chocolate. Zoe is a lab.

Someone loves Ivy. These massive trees are covered with the questionable vines.

At the end of our street there are two open pastures.
One has a stable and two horses that love apples and carrots.
The other field grows grass around an old tractor that never moves. In the summer, cows are brought in that rub up against the tires and eye us curiously across the fence.

Bet you don't know in which yard
the fireman lives.

It's a good thing we got back in time for our regular Thursday visit from the Schwans Man. However, if you are observant you will notice she's a lady!


Anonymous said…
Whoa! I've got visual overload. Beautiful pictures Sis.
Gattina said…
I would get spring feelings looking at all your beautiful pictures, but I have them already, lol ! In Belgium the weather is unusually warm at least two months in advance, last week we had temperatures up to 28°C (about 80F) that never had happened before.
ChrisB said…
I loved seeing all these beautiful photos. You have some really pretty walks. So you're having it cooler than norm and we have it hotter so our flowers are blooming way ahead of the norm. I don't know about making necklaces but dandelions are my tortoises favourite fodder.
Sabrina said…
Omigosh! I live in Ireland, for pete's sake, and I am jealous of your neighborhood!!!!! SOOOO gorgeous!!! Can I move in??? Makes me very depressed to be moving back to HOUSTON. (bleh)
theotherbear said…
What a fabulous neighbourhood! Loved your pictures.
Beccy said…
Pamela you would so love my garden, it's full of dandelions!

What a beautiful place you live in.
Devon said…
Beautiful pictures! I have never seen white Bleeding Hearts... I have one of the pink variety and always look foreword to seeing it bloom each Spring.

I love the look of Ivy, and had some growing up the side of my house. I am the wild 'English style' gardener. My hubby is the practical gardener. He took out all of the Ivy :(.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing your neighborhood.
katy said…
amazing photos, you live in a great area
Claudia said…
seriously, I am tearing up...those pictures are so full of life and peace!! beautiful.
Susie said…
Your pictures are all so springy!
You live in such a gorgeous and picturesque area..
I'm most envious of the little streams that are so nearby..
tlawwife said…
I think I might be doing better on my exercise program if my walk looked like that! Beautiful.
Mercy's Maid said…
I love it when people post pictures of flowers. The azaleas at my boyfriend's house are in full bloom. I took some pictures yesterday. Maybe I'll post them today.

I'm going to have to look up "bleeding heart" and see if they sound like something I could grow. I particularly liked those.
Anonymous said…
Spring has definitely arrived at your home. Such beautiful scenery. No wonder you love to go on walks!

An Island Life
Molly said…
Lovely pictures, you must live in a very pleasant neighborhood.
I agree with the comments, you must live in a beautiful and pleasant neighborhood. The old tractor fascinated me and would like to know the year it was made. Did you drive it when you were little and it was new?
Anonymous said…
Ok.. i seriously need to move to your neighborhood.. wow

Anonymous said…
Another Zoe Lab
Anonymous said…
Great pictures. Beautiful neighborhood.

I'm so proud of your spyness. I bet you were so quick nobody seen you take the picture.
AngelConradie said…
wow, pamela! these photographs are spectacular! wow!
Kellie said…
Oh how I love the Schwans man (or lady). I'll take a box of frozen root beer float bars, please.
MarlaQuack said…
Great Pictures!

Now I know where I wish I were. :)
What a gorgeous pictures! Just stunning!

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