
Showing posts from January, 2009

Grandma Will Believe What She Wants

I finally reviewed some of my New Years day photos and found a forgotten video. When I saw this little bit of me and the Caboose, I had to clip it out and share it. He was 7 months old. I call it, "Don't tell me he didn't say I love you Grandma!" I love You Grandma from pamela on Vimeo .


My neighbor Bill once told me that there weren't any houses or streets when he moved here in 1962. The old pasture, where my house now sits, was where his daughter learned to ride a horse. He'd climb the hill behind us to search for the old square wooden nails in the ruins of the old boys ranch. In the winter, his kids raced down the hill with their wooden sleds, along with many who ventured out from town . "Awww!" I thought this afternoon when I looked across the street and saw the old sled propped up by his porch. "So, that's where it came from." Last Sunday, I stopped shoveling snow to watch the boy from down the street pull the sled and his little sister Sadie past our house. "May I have a ride?" I'd laughed, waved them on, and returned to my task. He certainly looked relieved as they continued on to the house next door where their playmates, Katarina and Keanu live. It was cold and I was glad to see them go inside. I've chosen ...

Cozy by My Fireplace

By pamelathedust Fire up and jet on over to Wordless Wednesday headquarters. Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting. I couldn't get my GIF to load on blogger.

Wordless Wednesday on Toothsday

Wordless Wednesdays, which aren't confined to Wednesdays, can be found everyday right HERE!

Mid Night Musings

Sleep eluded me last night, so I puttered around the house for a spell. First, I leaned onto the bedroom window sill and looked out. For a brief moment, I imagined “is that the northern lights?” Just as quickly I laughed at the absurdity of it. I knew I was gazing south. Once again there is snow on the ground that causes the lights to reflect off the clouds. A soft pinkish glow in the heavens usually indicates snow clouds. It’s the bright echo from the huge security lights at the penitentiary; a place that doesn’t let you forget its existence there on the hill. Even if you can’t sleep, the mind is still sleepy. Or, it just plays those little tricks on you, like when you wake up in the morning and think those sagging jowls and eye wrinkles will be gone. Age doesn’t let you forget its face, either. We buried another relative this month. The event prompted my youngest daughter Amanda to say that our world was a “lifetime of funerals.” The much too recent memory o...

Todays Headlines

Fleeing Suspect Picks The Wrong Place To Hide AP PHOENIX -A suspect who ran away from a traffic stop on Wednesday chose the wrong place to hide when he slipped under a parked moving truck — and then was run over when the driver pulled away. Forget about the suspect, I didn't get past the parked moving truck. (Sometimes I enjoy the language so much.) Former French President hospitalized after Mauling By His Clinically Depressed Poodle Former French president Jacques Chirac was rushed to hospital after being mauled by his own 'clinically depressed' pet dog. The 76-year-old statesman was savaged by his white Maltese dog - which suffers from frenzied fits and is being treated with anti-depressants. Pit Poodles and Maultese . You just aren't safe anymore. Naked Burglar Gets Stuck In Chimney Fox News - Firefighters discovered Daniel Davies, 20, after a delivery driver heard him yelling “help me” from the chimney stack of a convenience store near Manc...

Photo Meme - 6th of 6th of 6th

I've been tagged. It's been some time since I've responded to one. Reasons I've not played are many, such as: most of them I've already done, and some of them I've done twice, I'm lazy, I'm busy, or I forget. That last one is a problem. I always forget. This time I've been tagged by my daughter. So I'm just going to "git 'er done." HERE ARE THE RULES: 1.Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. 2.Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder. 3.Post that picture on your blog and the story that g oes along with the picture. 4.Tag 6 other peoples that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them. Karmyn is right about me, in that I have files and files of photos on my computer. In fact, I have files within files. I needed to click on my personal pictures file, and then click on the sixth file (wh...

Litter. Bleep.

This morning on Good Morning America there was a segment featuring children giving advice to the new administration. It made me smile, of course. But I especially liked a little girl who commented on the problems of litter. That is because I hate litter. It is one of my pet peeves. I've been known to tap someone on the shoulder and say, "Excuse me, I think you dropped this!" Just yesterday I took advantage of the Washington State Hotline/Web Site to report an abuser I was following on the highway. I wanted to find the video to listen again to the children's ideas so I searched the Internet. That is when I happened upon this photograph of the morning after the inauguration. GRRRRRR!

Fun Monday - Front & Center

Julie, today's F/M host at Another Chance Ranch, invited us to join in the 2nd anniversay of this meme by taking the very first Fun Monday theme and adding a twist. On that initiating Monday, we took a photo facing out our front door. Today we have been asked to take a photo facing in our front door. I did not get this assignment done - and it was such as easy one. However, I did find a photograph I took ages ago of the view after you pass through the entry. It really hasn't changed very much since then. This was taken on a warm autumn day of gathering fall leaves in a basket. They were so beautiful that I set them out for display. When you walk into my house there is a very small entry way. In it, sits the little antique desk that graces my banner above. If you are wondering -- No, I don't have my name written in the dust at the moment. Then you step down into the living room. There is a brick hearth and fireplace just to the right of the rocking chair. We only u...

Ladies of The Club

Octogenarian club, perhaps? Grand Auntie Fern will be 100 on April 3. I’ve written about her several times. Sitting to the left is her sister-in law Naomi, who is also our Grand Auntie. That is because Roy, the brother of Gram and Fern, took the beautiful Naomi to be his bride in 1921. At 104 years old she still lives in the house in which she and Roy raised their children. She maintains a certain level of independence with the help of her 86 year old daughter. The lovely lady in the center is Roberta. She is Naomi’s younger (almost 97 year old) sister. She is also a sister-in law to Auntie Fern because Ferns husband was her husband's brother. I hope you read this home town newspaper article about her published on Tuesday. I guarantee that you will be impressed. These three ladies preside over the Wednesday lunch gang. I was pleased to join them recently. There are around 12 people who make it part of their weekly routine. You never know for sure what other relative...

Hearing Things

The mouse business began last month when a bad aroma began to annoy me. I nervously checked the compost crock and the garbage can and even peeked in the oven to see if a piece of meat had been left to die there. My nose finally led me under the sink to a forgotten mouse trap. Sure enough, there was a little furry creature ripening under the hot water pipe. Gag me. The snare and its little feast of long dried up peanut butter had been prepared several month previous; set by WR in response to my reminders (nagging) that we needed to be prepared for the winter mouse invasion. I'd left the primed trap alone, acknowledging each time I noticed it with careful avoidance. After our catch, we were once again aware that the field mice had found shelter under the house. And, that at least one had squeezed through the small opening around the kitchen pipes into the warm cabinet under the sink. WR set another trap with fresh peanut butter. Now I am paranoid. I keep hearing things: Paper...

2009 -- Off & Running

Find more Wordless Wednesday entries here .

Macro Monday - Freezing Fog

For Christmas, our daughter Amanda gifted us with a wind chime created from spoons. This morning it was festively decorated in natures white wrap as it hung on our patio. I don't have a macro lens - but my canon rebel did an 'ice job! Macro Monday is a weekly photographic celebration over at Lisa's Chaos . This is my first flight.

The First Fun Monday of 2009

Summit Musings is hosting today - and inviting one and all to play the New Year Meme. I'm not ready for Fun Monday, and I'm not ready for the New Year. Neither should be here yet... and I should still be 34. Oh.. heck, I'll play anyway. So, using her suggestions, here's Whats On My Mind : * * * "What's on your mind as we close out 2008 and begin 2009? I can’t believe the year. I mentioned to someone that back in the sixties, 2009 was eight years beyond a space odyssey. Really! I’m glad I’m not a kid. I don’t know if I could navigate life in today’s environment. Is this the way that my mother felt when she was my age? Large and small. Where did I park the car? I set my glasses down here somewhere. What are often your first thoughts the minute you wake up? Coffee. That fat free half n half just isn’t cutting it. When you're alone and unguarded? Where have I been? Where am I going? It isn’t where I thought I would be. Working? I’ve spent a lot of ...

Heron on The Roof

This morning a neighbor called to say that a Great Blue Heron was flying over our house. "We thought we should warn you!" M told us. They weren't aware that we have the net covering our pond. There has been so much snow and ice that it hasn't been visible from their upstairs window. I walked out to the patio and looked around but didn't see anything. It wasn't until I stepped out onto the little bridge and looked up that I saw the large wader posing on our old antenna. (I know, I know...why is that useless thing still on the roof. We've had cable for years!) It was eying the pond just behind me with a hungry eye. When I turned to retreat to the warmth of the house, I noticed the heron tracks in the snow beside the water. I feed the birds that come to my yard -- but not the heron. I'm feeling a little bit guilty.