My neighbor Bill once told me that there weren't any houses or streets when he moved here in 1962. The old pasture, where my house now sits, was where his daughter learned to ride a horse. He'd climb the hill behind us to search for the old square wooden nails in the ruins of the old boys ranch. In the winter, his kids raced down the hill with their wooden sleds, along with many who ventured out from town . "Awww!" I thought this afternoon when I looked across the street and saw the old sled propped up by his porch. "So, that's where it came from." Last Sunday, I stopped shoveling snow to watch the boy from down the street pull the sled and his little sister Sadie past our house. "May I have a ride?" I'd laughed, waved them on, and returned to my task. He certainly looked relieved as they continued on to the house next door where their playmates, Katarina and Keanu live. It was cold and I was glad to see them go inside. I've chosen ...