Just Silly Stuff

I have eleventy jillion passwords in my life. At least it feels like it.

Last week I locked myself out of one of my work related web sites. The protocol is very similar on most passwords. You may mark the little box to request they Email you a new one.

My Email never came!

Eventually, I called the toll free number for technical assistance and reached a man in a country on the other side of the globe.

He took my name and business information. When he began to ask me the "Personal Question" I had written for just this scenario he burst into giggles.

It took about 30 seconds for me to realize that he was still trying to finish asking me the question.

That's when I felt a warm flush over my face as I recalled the problems on this web site the previous month.

Every day the log-in page redirected me to the individual profile. For three weeks straight I had to set up new personal information before proceeding. It was time consuming and frustrating.

One day my patience wore down and in the personal question selection I wrote "Why do you ask me these stupid questions?"

Then I answered the question: "Because you are being a Jerk #x*."

As coincidences go, I had no more problems accessing the site and forgot about my impertinent response. Until Thursday, of course.

Although my new friend Amir could not compose himself enough to verify my personal question, he did reset my password with apparent glee.

Boy, howdy..... did I get in there fast and change my profile.

Then this week I drew a total blank (Honest, I rarely forget!) on a password that was assigned to me for a completely unrelated website.

I clicked the little box for a new password and almost immediately heard the corresponding "ba-ding" announcing a message in my Outlook.

I opened the Email to find this unforgettable password: FISHP00

Amir would have approved.


FISHP00! I think that will be my new password for everything!
Rosie's Whimsy said…
I am sure you made Amir's day. You were probably the talk around the water cooler! :-) Rosie
kitten said…
LOL! Too funny!
I make it simple for my simple mind, I use the same password for everything.
DesLily said…
love love love the password FISHPOO! yep.. it is one that you SHOULDN'T forget!..
Sandy said…
fishpoo is the PERFECT password. I love it!
~grey said…
10 for originality
10 for technical giggles
10 for artistic thoughts...

Coffeypot said…
Welcome to my world. I do stuff like that all the time. One of my passwords was 'secret_password.'
Claudia said…
that is a great question!! You. are. awesome!
Beckie said…
That was a good one...you got caught. Which is something that would happen to me.
Amanda said…
Mom that is hilarious!!
Anonymous said…
That is hilarious!!! And um, pretty unforgettable.
kitten said…
I understand why you do, but I know me. LOL!
Tiggerlane said…
FISHP00! LOVE IT! I hate those sites that require a password change every 90 days, and you can't use any of the last five passwords! AARRGGHH! I'm always locking myself out of sites...
Amy W said…
I am SO using that password next time I get to make one!
Anonymous said…
You didn't tell me the first part! ha ha ha - poor Amir. You made his day. He is probably telling everyone "I talked to a CRAZY American today"
Jan said…
I love this post. Thank you. I'm going to keep fishpoo as a back-up, too.
fishpoo!!! now i am going to have to change ALL my passwords to that!

Anonymous said…
FishP00 works for me!! I hate these passwords that need to be 5+ alpha characters and at least 2 numeric. Not all my passwords require this, and I can never remember which one has no numbers, 1 number or two!! Drives me crazy!!

That's funny about Amir!!Yeah, he's probably LHBO telling all his friends about you!! :)
C... said…
You are a funny lady! Hope that fishpoo isn't too tough later
Anonymous said…
Hehehe. Too funny. I feel your password pain:)
The Laundress said…
Well, now you know what to change all of your passwords to.
Anonymous said…
ROFL! That is hilarious! Now I'm determined to think of some of my own unusual passwords!
Kaytabug said…
LMAO what a great post!! Oh this is too funny!!
That's the kind of password we'd all have if we could make up our own. Too funny!
Joy T. said…
"FISHPOO" Oh man I'm dying here LOL I bet you made Amir's day with that. I sure know you made my day!!!
MarmiteToasty said…
LOL@FISHPOO.. that has got to be just about the best :)

I only have 3 passwords for EVERYTHING, that way I only have to ever have 3 shots at guessing which one for which site or bookshop etc :)

Still laffing at fishpoo lol

Ms. Kathleen said…
Ha! That is cute! I wonder if that happened on purpose...What are the chances! Thanks for a great laugh. Hugs!
BarnGoddess said…

this was VERY good....you are clever :)

ChrisB said…
Ha what a great password~ I'll probably remember yours and forget my own now I've read this!
Susan in va said…
That's just about the funniest thing I've ever heard! ROFL!
Unknown said…
Now I think everyone will have fishpoo. :) I used to try to make new passwords for each account and usually I picked a word from the book I was currently reading and was new to me or sounded cool. Like sluice or scimitar, but now I'm lazy and have a handful of passwords. :)

Love your question! I can see why you cracked him up. :)
Anonymous said…
I tried at one point to right down all the logins and passwords. The list worked very well, until I lost it. Yea, for those of us who are growing older faster, this login-password thing is probably going end up shorting a wire in an already problematic brain.
Kila said…

Peter said…
Stick to one password is the answer Pamela.
Thank you for your prayers/good wishes, Vicki & family and myself have taken great comfort in the warmth you have offered.
Pamela, I've got you beat, but only slightly. I have eleventy jillion and one passwords.
M@ said…
I didn't know you worked. I though you were a professional gardener.
Anonymous said…
So funny. I can relate. I try to use the same password but then I have to add a number, but which ones have a number is hard to know and then there are the ones where I am given the password and I forget what it is and if it wasn't for having the access from my blog, would not be able to read those private posts people have given me a password too. Then Sirdar has his passwords that only vary a bit and I have to remember them so I can spy on him. Oh how confusing.
Wendster said…
FISHP00! I like it. Well ... I don't LIKE it. Don't eat it. Don't cook with it. You know what I mean.
"Half a snap" ... I didn't have any idea how little sense that made until one of my commenters said: "Half a snap! Glad it didn't do any damage." And I thought she was referring to how much time it took to get it out!
Think jeans. Snap them. It's the receiving half of a snap, I believe but I'm just not certain. It sure was BIG!
Smart of him to put something up there he could breathe through!
Gattina said…
Hahaha ! I should use maybe catpoo as password !
I published the wrong post for my weekly winnders and couldn't understand the comments of the people until I checked ! It was the post I wrote in case I don't know what to show, lol ! Now I put it back in draft ! That's my old age !!
I hate passwords with a passion! They are a necessary evil unforunately!

But Fishpoo takes some beating!
Anonymous said…
ROFLOL That is Hyseterical!!
my4kids said…
I was smiling throughout the post and when I got to the end and saw "FISHPOO" I laughed out loud and got a funny look from the family!
That is too funny!
Robinella said…
Having been on both sides of this phone conversation, I can totally relate. So funny!
Christy Woolum said…
This is hysterical. I don't think anyone could ever steal my identiy because I can't remember parts of it most of the time.
Carla said…
I too have umpteen passwords. Usually it's not a problem, but occasionally I forget one, especially if I haven't been on the site for awhile and then try out numerous hoping to hit at least one. But too funny about having to call the techie.

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