Computer Problems

I don't know when I will be back.

It is inevitable that a computer will do this.

For the past few weeks I have hardly been able to visit blogs because of the "slow" processing. Yesterday a little pop up in my task bar told me I was out of virtual memory. (Same thing is happening in my own processor!)

I'm hoping this will not be too time or dollar consuming.

See you on the other side of whatever.


Mercy's Maid said…
Don't you just hate that? Have you scanned for spyware? Sometimes it will clog things up.
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I haven't visited in forever and I find out your machine's gone loopy! Try clearing out all of the temporary (cache) files and maybe uploading photos to online storage then deleting them. We have to do that from time to time with our old clunker.

Sure have missed you, been so darned busy. Best wishes for a wonderful day!
Tammy said…
Oh no...hope your computer is up and running smoothly again SOON!
C... said…
Click on the start button, choose run and type MSCONFIG, click on startup tab and disable all items y clicking disable all button, restart computer, download windows defender from if you don't already have it and run a scan. This should help. You probably also need more RAM.
ChrisB said…
I have also been having problems getting into some blogs so I'm wondering if I might have a similar problem to you just waiting to strike. See you soon I hope!
Amy W said…
I hate computer problems...
Junebug said…
Memory, misty-water colored memories. It used to be so simple. :D
Unknown said…
When it rains it pours. :(
kitten said…
OH NO! I really hope it's not too bad. Hope you able to come back soon!
Just bless your heart!
Kila said…
I'm not of much help with computer stuff, but I hope you are able to fix whatever is dragging it down! (WT may be more helpful!)
Anonymous said…
Been there. Done that.
Will be there again...will do it again.
Desert Songbird said…
I hate when I lose virtual memory. Heck, I hate when I use real memory!
Tiggerlane said…
I am a neophyte, so I am NO help. But I'm sending good wishes your way!
Masago said…
I wish you the best on this.
P.S. I had first read it as "...poop up..." :-)
karisma said…
Did you do a disk cleanup? You know where you get rid of all the silly little downloads? Just askin' coz Im not so bright with these things but my kids always seem to know what to do! Everytime ours is running too slow I find out someones in the middle of a big down load.
BlondeBlogger said…
Oh that sucks. I hope it's back up and running soon!
Anonymous said…
I hope it gets fixed soon!
storyteller said…
Sounds like the problems I’ve been having with MY laptop lately. I’ve been moving files to my external hard drive and dumping stuph like crazy from the laptop hoping to free up memory so I don’t have to buy a new computer I can’t afford with an operating system I don’t want (Vista). I hope your problems can be resolved quickly and inexpensively.
Hugs and blessings,
Susie Q said…
Oh NO! I am so sorry you have had such issues...I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that it is a quick fix and one that does not cost too much!
You will be missed 'round here!

Anonymous said…
hate em and love em darn things!! mine freezezes up...and always when iam in a crunch to get something done!!
Christy Woolum said…
I hate techie problems. I spent two hours last week redoing something that went wrong with the wireless. ARRRGGG!

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