Wordless Wednesday -Cherry Blossom Blizzard

My Canon PowerShot
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Dear Pamela. So pretty. Bet ya don't slip over in that kind of snow either.
Forgetfulone said…
That's a fabulous photo!
Gattina said…
Is it sand ? then it would be something for my cat Arthur ! He likes digging little holes in it for a special purpose !
Anonymous said…
Wow! That was a blizzard! I would have loved to see it all on the trees!

Happy WW
Firefighter said…
Great post, happy WW
Jan Parrish said…
Achew. Pardon me, that makes virtually sneeze. LOL. Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
You mean there's a down side to cherry blossoms? Happy WW.

Unknown said…
Oh no! Today? Ouch!
chartao said…
did you drive your car over it?

Happy WW!
maiylah said…
whoa ... looks like it needs some sweeping! but that can wait. :)
happy WW
Pinay said…
it's pring time!expect to clean the mess :)I love spring but I have allergies on pollens.

distorted building

Happy WW!
Eds said…
Cool photo! Happy WW!

Take a look at my sweety:
Just Me .. Eds
* My Precious Blog *
~ Mommy LIfe ~
Gabriel said…
Cool picture! And thanks for dropping by...

Here is my post for today, and here is my "Where were you" game. Do you want to play?

Happy WW!
ChrisB said…
I'm glad you put a title because I really thought it was snow or hail!
Anonymous said…
very unique photo, love it! Happy WW :)
Anonymous said…
I "saw" snow before I processed your title. It s l o w l y sank in.

Do you have a "before" picture of the trees? I bet it was a spectacular show (short-lived, maybe, but spectacular!).
Anonymous said…
How beautiful! We could leave lots of paw prints in that blizzard, without getting our paws wet!
carrie said…
I bet those would be so cool all blowing in the wind!
Robert said…
Now that's a nice kind of blizzard to encounter. And it makes for great pictures too! Nice capture.
Jeanette said…
Gday Pamela. thats a nice carpet of cherry blossom at your front door,
Utah Mommy said…
That looks so pretty dust, if i could have dust like that, then that would be nice! Happy WW!
Big Moment Of My Life
Under The Table
Looks to me like someone spilled a box of Tide. I guess they still make that stuff?
Lulu said…
Oh how I love cherry blossoms! I have heard they have a lot in Washington too so you are lucky!!!

We don`t get them in Australia so I guess it is a good thing I live in Japan!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. The boy was very uncomfortable with the little mermaid....because she spoke to him in English in a highpitched voice and expected him to respond but he doesn`t really speak English! hehe! I think the photo is funny!

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
We have that here, but with dogwoods. I LOVE watching dogwood blizzards and I'm always sad when it's over. Great pic!!!
Anonymous said…
Great shot! My yard looks like that, but with tree buds.
storyteller said…
Wow … that’s wonderful! I’ve got while blossoms from my lemon tree all over my lawn, but not nearly so many as these! Happy Spring ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
ellen b. said…
I can remember good ole Spring in Washington driving through blossom blizzards :)
I'll bet that's a little more pleasant than the crazy hail-snow storm thing we had here in Colorado last week! At least it ought to smell nice. Great shot! :D
Anonymous said…
I swear I thought that was snow. I've seen cherry blossoms on the tree, but never like this!

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my site. :)
Sandy said…
Sorry that the wind took all the blossoms off the trees but it does make for an awesome picture!
Shelby said…
I thought it was snow too!! Oh my goodness, it's blossoms wind blown..awesome!

Hey, thanks for liking my photo/video thing .. I'll email you tomorrow from my office and give you the scoop on how I did it.. my old aol email is kaput.

Happy Monday afternoon (better than tha am)
Sindi said…
That was just beautiful. That is the kind of blizzard I want to see. HE HE HE HE :-)

Happy WW!
Kila said…

Was it slippery to walk on?

I think it would be more difficult to clean up than snow!
~grey said…
I would rather have that kind of blizzard... then the one we are expecting tomorrow.
Getting the real stuff tomorrow... and lots of it. ICK!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photo! It just makes me sad to see a tree without it's cherry blossoms. To me it means the end of Spring.

It does bear a strong resemblance to snow.
Joy T. said…
Well I'll be. I'm sitting here thinking that is snow on the ground and then I read the title of the post. Now I'm completely fascinated that this is actually Cherry Blossoms! I bet it is a gorgeous tree in bloom.
Jill said…
HEY you posted about 2 kinds of pie hot and cold over at RC's I think, anyway, that's EXACTLY what one of my uncles used to say. its kind of a family joke and my hubby has taken it over and says that he has 2 favorite kinds, hot and cold. it is really disgusting how well he fits in with my family. oh well. just thought you should know that you're not the only one. ha!
Unknown said…
Ok, did you have those words up there before? So this is petals? Well that's much better than snow but poor flowers. :(
Anonymous said…
Sadly our walk looks like that but thicker and it is actually snow. Lovely photo. I imagine it smelled lovely around there for awhile.
Susie said…
Now that's MY kind of snow. I love how the soft pedals just drift down so gently!
Wendster said…
Love it! Spring has sprung, huh?
Anonymous said…
Oh man... I wish we were having that kind of blizzard!!
Debbie said…
Wow. Now that's a lovely smelling blizzard.

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