Wordless Wednesday -Spring Snow on Petals & Tongues

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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
At least you have petals to cover with snow. Sometimes the snow just makes everything so beautiful...and then you have to shovel or blow it off the drive....
Anonymous said…
Lovely photos. The spring snows are beautiful and one of the beauties is the fact it will melt in a short time.
Anonymous said…
nice catch! mine's up too hope you can drop by....
Anonymous said…
great shot! Hope you'll visit mine too...
Anonymous said…
How recent was that? Curly Mop looks like she had a whizbang time :).

Today I had on shorts...78!


But you know me, complete snow envy!
Anonymous said…
crazy weather seems to be destroying our Spring flowers.

happy ww. :)
Eds said…
Snow on spring? wow! what a weather we have now ha! Do visit mine! :)

Happy WW!


Anonymous said…
Great photos here! Mine is up too! :)
Anonymous said…
Lhen - btw mine is up too! Do visit mine :)
I tried doing that tongue catching snow thing and my friend stared at me like I was a weirdo. LOL!
Robert said…
I love the color of the flowers against the snow. Very nice visual. And she is just precious!
Gattina said…
If you want me not to come to your blog anymore, continue to publish pictures with snow, lol ! I want to see green and flowers ! Soooo fat up of winter !
Kim said…
Great pics. That is one adorable little girl.
Kristin said…
Oh these are gorgeous! And the snow sad to sya but looks nice! :)
I always wonder how the flower can grow like that! Also, thanks for checkin out my semi-beaded Boston trolley! :D
eastcoastlife said…
It's Spring and yet I see so much snow! Weird weather.
chartao said…
so did she manage to lick or catch any snow??

what's the taste? never see snow before! :(
beautiful I love the flowers and the footprints in the snow.

My WW is up
My Little Drummer boys
KathyLikesPink said…
As an Oregonian now living in the Land of Winter (Massachusetts) - I know how exciting it is to get snow in the Pacific Northwest.

Back here...not so much...
ChrisB said…
I'm rather hoping that won't be us this coming weekend as the weather forecast is sleet and snow for much of the country! Sigh... just when I thought spring was in the air!
BarnGoddess said…
veru good photos!

I want to brush off your flowers....and giggle in the snow w/ that beautiful little girl :)
Anonymous said…
You pictures are lovely. Curlymop = too stinkin' cute. What is it about trying to catch snow on your tongue? I still try to do it.
Linda said…
Spring snow is so beautiful with the colorful flowers peaking through the snow.
Desert Songbird said…
It may be beautiful, but it's just wrong!
How beautiful to see the colors of spring peeking out of the snow. Kids & snow always make for great shots, too. Happy WW! :D
Anonymous said…
Beautiful post but I can't say I am a big fan of the spring snow. I am over it already.
Junebug said…
We're having stormy weather. But you are a little farther up north than we are.
Karina said…
UGH, spring snow, two words that should never go together, and yet...they often do. At least it made for some great pictures!
Karina said…
UGH, spring snow, two words that should never go together, and yet...they often do. At least it made for some great pictures!
j said…
So pretty but I bet you are ready for the snow to STOP!

The kiddo is adorable.

Amanda said…
It was the oddest thing, that snow. But Curly Mop loved it. Thanks for having us. I love ya!
Anonymous said…
She's adorable all bundled up!
Raven said…
Both lovely photos... love your title... well done.
Claudia said…
I agree with desert songbird. that snow is just wrong...but curly mop is adorable.
**"Liza"** said…
ohh my is showing again there huh..I hope it past now..;0 Happy WW!

My so called life
Sindi said…
The pictures are great but I like the tongue one the best. HE HE HE :-)
Unknown said…
Oh those poor flowers. :( Beautiful though.
Kila said…
Snow on flowers, that just ain't right!

Snow on the little one, very cute!
Attie said…
So pretty!! we had our own weird weather with snow and rain yesterday!! I love how it's only her foot prints in the snow!!
storyteller said…
Oh my … your Spring looks sooooo different than mine. Feel free to stop by and sit a while with me in Southern California ...
Colorful Spring Flowers
A Colorful Offering
Hugs and blessings,
MarmiteToasty said…
You STILL have snow? my goodness ....... believe it or not the south of England have been told to prepare for snow on Sunday which is right proper daft as today was T-shirt weather lol

Sandy said…
Beautiful pictures!
Just on my rounds on visiting everybody's WW. Beautiful pictures, can't wait til Spring.

Have a great weekend

Jan said…
Beautiful pics. BRRRRR.
Carla said…
The pictures are lovely...but can't we get some spring around here?
M@ said…
Who's that kid w/ the beard?
Susie Q said…
I know that everyone is fed up with snow and I am one of the only people on Earth who loves it all the time...but these pictures are so pretty, and sweet, and I wish we could have one more little snow. Yes, I AM weird but I love it. Soon it will jump right into Summer and be so hot I will melt and it is NOT a pretty sight. Nope.
Curly mop is adorable in any season!

kitten said…
Sweet & Cute!!!
Walker said…
All I can say is this is just what you deserve after a plethora of spring-ish photos you posted so far this year. And I am particularly thinking of those 'spring teasers' that gave me big time cabin fever!

Will winter never end?
Anonymous said…
Lovely snow pics! But,oh those poor daffodills!! They are trying so hard to POP UP!! Sending some SUN your way!
Anonymous said…
Ooooh. I get annoyed with spring snow. We just had a dump of that this weekend. Just when we were getting springy hopes. The roads were clear and the kids were out bike riding. At least your grandaughter has the right attitude! Make the best of it, heh? :)

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