Fun Monday Prehistoric Crushes

Jo Beaufoix (like Kate Moss. But not) is a new host for Fun Monday. (And, ironically is also introducing her new blog host at the same time. She's courageous.)

"Tell me about your crushes." was her command. Oh - she asked for a bunch of other stuff, too - but I can't multi-task anymore. She had me at Crush.

First crush: Spin and Marty.
(Yippy A, Yippy I, Yippy O.......:)

Don't ask me what these two young "studs" were doing at the Triple R Ranch. All I recall is never missing the Micky Mouse Club. Spin and Marty were one of the ongoing serials that kept us entertained.

High School Pin UP. Jan Michael Vincent.
I didn't have a poster of the hunk although it is possible that I wanted one. I lived a sheltered life and this crush was quietly guarded. Just look at the ooze off that guy.

Here is a LINK to see him in a recent interview. He was once the Hot Fudge on an ice-cream sundae. I believe he has suffered freezer burn. Tsk.

In 1974 I left those immature crushes behind. STARMAN gave me my biggest ever celebrity crush: Jeff Bridges.

I love romance. I enjoy science fiction. He walked out of his space craft au naturale. It doesn't get much better than that. I've enjoyed all of his movies over the years. I still enjoy his "star" power.

You'll notice that I sort of nudged Karen Allen right out of the picture.

Join the crush this fun Monday by clicking right here. Click Click.


Anonymous said…
Oh, I remember Jan-Michael Vincent. I can't remember what show he did back then, but if remember right, I did find him to be eye candy. How things change. I don't remember the Mickey Mouse club.
JennV said…
I don't know about Spin and Marty, but I do agree with your others! Poor Jan-Michael is more than freezer burnt! Sounds like he's sufering from alzheimer's as well these days! But ohhhh Airwolf! *Swoon!* And I can watch Jeff Bridges in Anything! He's aging like a fine wine and hopefully will be around for a long time to come!
Have a Fun Monday!
Anonymous said…
Wow. I haven't thought about Spin and Marty in years.
Kaytabug said…
"Prehistoric Cruches" & "Hot Fudge on an ice-cream sundae." LMAO!!
I loved the movie Starman!!
Anonymous said…
Obviously, you missed Jeff Bridges in The Big Libowsky as Dude.
Gattina said…
and poor me I never had a "crash" on a celebrity, lol ! I looked for copies of them in real life starting with 13 !
Jo Beaufoix said…
Wow, Jan Micheal Vincent looks so ill, that's very sad. I had no idea who he was till I saw the other youtube clips that mentioned Airwolf!

And Jeff Bridges was/is lovely. Very handsome and with a fabulous presence. I never heard of Spring and Marty, but the picture made me think of Champion the Wonderhorse which I loved when I was a kid.

Thanks for playing. Have a great day. :D
Celeste said…
I remember the Mickey Mouse club....but had forgotten it for a while. Isn't it great the way memory works?
Can't say that I remember Jan Michael Vincent, but that YouTube video is sad. That's not freezer burn; that's being pickled.
ChrisB said…
I don't know the first two but Jeff Bridges would get a thumbs up from me!
IamwhoIam said…
So you were a Micky Mouseier? Good thing you added the clips because Jan-Michael had me at a lose. And Jeff Bridges, doesn't he have a brother that act also? All FUN to think of thanks for sharing.
Sayre said…
JMV was so cute when he was young! And when he started doing Airwolf, I made sure I was home every night it was on to watch it - believe me, Ernest Borgnine was not the attraction there! Then he started that heavy drinking and wrecking his car all the time - looks like he's finally totalled himself.

Nice work getting Karen out of the way! I'm sure Jeff would look at you just like that!
SwampAngel65 said…
RRR Ranch...Riding, Roping and, um..relaxing! I remember them, too!!

Jan-Michael was a fine creation for a while. Funny, you got the John Stamoses of the world who never age, then you got the Jan-Michaels, Leif Garrets and Nick Noltes!
Jientje said…
That Jan Michael guy, that is the saddest story! How cruel life can be sometimes? Good for him he probably does not even realize it!
This fun Monday is very Um .. entertaining, fun and interesting! Thx for sharing your "crush", mine is up as well! See you!
kitten said…
I remember loving the Mickey Mouse show. It is so tragic how all these nice looking people land up so miserble and ugly!
My brother Sam is a truck driver and I plan on going on a trip with him on day.
Jill said…
you always write something so interesting!
Anonymous said…
Spin and who? Love that Karen Allen 'went missing.'
Remind me never to send you a picture of myself with someone you might have a crush Mickey Mouse maybe !
Anonymous said…

PREHISTORIC...**snort, snort**
Rose said…
They both very handsome.
Don't remember them.
Hilarious. Jan Michael Vincent.... Okay, I'll admit to Sean Cassidy and Parker Stevenson..... LOVED those Hardy Boys!

Interesting on John Stamos -- he does not age. Is he the new Dorian Grey?
Anonymous said…
I think I had the hots for JMV, too, at some point...I didn't click the link--I'd rather remember him in his youth.

Jeff Bridges is the "mature" choice...I've never seen "Starman" but you've intrigued me....

It's fun going back and remembering these young "loves".... Just think how different it is today for kids--they can google and click and over-dose on their crushes!
Anonymous said…
Jeff Bridges is an awesome actor. Nice "crush" choices.
Anonymous said…
Is JMV the guy from Air Wolf? I used to love that show. A few years ago, I made the mistake of watching it again.
Some things live better in memories.
j said…
I remember that movie too! I didn't crush on Jeff Bridges exactly but the fact that his Character was vulnerable and new to everything was just plain sexy!

Molly said…
Spin and Marty...quite a wholesome crush. Jan Michel Vincent is certainly more earthy. My celebrity crushes were guarded too. Maybe my best friend knew, but other that that, my crushes were top secret.
BarnGoddess said…
those little cowboys are cute! I can see the appeal for sure....
Beckie said…
JMV has suffered more than freezer burn! Ha.
Karina said…
LOVE that last picture! Cute!

That youtube video was just plain scary though!
Hootin Anni said…
Jeff Bridges? One word....YUMMY.

Thanks for the visit today.
storyteller said…
Ah yez … prehistoric is how I felt with this prompt. I do remember Jeff Bridges in Starman now that I see your post ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Mariposa said…
What a shame it's my first time see your crushes! Happy Fun Monday!
Anonymous said…
I had so many crushes, I wouldn't know where to begin!
Anonymous said…
WOW!Jan Michael Vincent, I know I recognized the name. Maybe I have a thing for older men, because I thought he was HOT in Airwolf. :)

Have a great Monday, Pamela!
Jeff Bridges...not number 1 but definitely up there!
I still think my (imagined) love affair with Erik Estrada (when I was five) was a wee bit unhealthy.
Rosie said…
Oh no! I haven't heard of any of them. No-one seems to have heard of mine either. Love your photos though!
Melanie said…
Those are some fabulous choices!! Never heard of any of them, but they sure are handsome.
Our Happy Happenings
Alison said…
I love your reminded me of the Mickey Mouse Club...I used to love that show!!
PAT said…
Fun post, Pam!

Even though I was 31 when Starman came along and should have been way past my HS crushes, I have to admit, Jeff Bridges was quite hunkalicious.

I've heard Jan Michael Vincent hasn't "aged" well. I'll have to take a look at the interview.

Faye said…
Thank goodness for cropping--it's now in own power to rescue the good parts and ditch the rest. Wish that capability carried over to real life.

This was a very wicked funny post--enjoyed it a lot.
Walker said…
Daggone, Pamela, that's pretty fancy Photoshoping.

Hey, Jan Michael has been rode hard and put up run over. Poor fellow. He was a dish.
Sandy said…
Jan Michael Vincent - a very bad boy...oh, yeah.

Great choices and a great post.
Unknown said…
Is it bad that I only have heard of Jeff Bridges?
Walker said…
Hey Pamela... Can I send you some photos? My husband is out of town twice a week these days...
Kila said…
Jan Michael Vincent--whew, I had the hots for him, too!
Jan said…
M I C K E Y M O U S E, The orignal Mickey Mouse Club, I remember, Boy we're dating ourselves. Great post.
Anonymous said…
thumbs up on Jan M. V. I had forgotten all about him, but yea, he was hot in his day.
DesLily said…
Ohhh LOL Great line up Pam !! I can't believe you included Spin and Marty!!!! Yeeehhhaaaww! I did something on them a few years back.. check it out when you have a chance:
Patience-please said…
OY. Poor man. Fame sure can be a wicked mistress.
C... said…
wow - what a difference time makes for everyone. Getting old is so sad sometimes - it takes everything but gives more back.
Anonymous said…
None of those guys did anything for me...but each his/her own :-)
Tammy said…
Hysterical, Pamela!!!
Those last two were way too hot for sweet little me...but you know what? I can totally see why your first childhood crush was on Spin and Marty. They showed reruns of the Mickey Mouse Club when I was a kid, and I thought the boy on the right - Marty?- was adorable! I think he was the same teen boy in Swiss Family Robinson I liked too...alas, the one that doesn't get the girl in the end!

Speaking of Disney, thanks for welcoming me back from our road trip there...the continuing story will commence in a few days! :)
Attie said…
Never heard of the first ones but now that Jan hmmm hmmm hmm my mom used to have this poster of him on her closet door...and we'd never miss an episode of Air Wolf!!!!!!!!!
I missed fun monday again!!!!!!!!! but I have always had an eye for Sam Elliot!!
Desert Songbird said…
Wow - Jan Michael Vincent. Haven't thought of him in years.
Christy Woolum said…
Let's see.... I loved Bobby Sherman on Here Comes the Brides and remember singing the theme about Seattle the first time I crossed the pass to visit the big city.
Dr. Kiley (James Brolin) on Marcus Welby, MD. in high school.
I had that same crush on Jeff Bridges in Starman... thanks for the reminder! I may have to watch that film again!
Anonymous said…
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Susie Q said…
Oh my word!!! I LOVED Spin and Marty!!! WE d have much more in common than you would probably like to think! Scary for you huh? *laugh*

Wasn't Starman great? LOVE you in that picture...I think you would have made quite the girl for old Jeff.
I have always found the Bridges men hot. Yup.

Wendster said…
M I C ... I see Captain Hot walking out of his space ship!
K E Y . . . who cares why?
M O U S E . . . I've completely lost my train of thought .. . thinking of my own crushes. I also never missed the Circle R ranch episodes. My BIG BIG crushes were Donny Osmond and Speed Racer. And don't laugh too hard: Simba the white lion.
Wendster said…
Oops! Distracted by children and clicked on publish comment.
KIMBA the white lion was my other crush. Hey ... I could turn into a lion or something ... or he could just like me the way I was. When I was a little girl, I couldn't picture us doing anything OTHER than running around the forest ... so being girlfriends with a little white lion just wasn't wrong. Lol.
Now, though. OK now it's wrong.
Anonymous said…
Funny...none of them did anything for me...Hubby
Wendster said…
p.s. Forgot to tell you how much I loved the story about FreeBea.

Excellent excellent writing as per usual!

And thanks for the landscaping advice. I have had that SAME feeling about my palms ever since I moved in two years ago. They hide my Christmas lights! But they do look excellent lit up. One time a year. Lol.

What do you think about putting them along the walk way AND in clusters/circles? Or too tall for that, you think?

I really REALLY want ornamental trees ... not palms ... but maybe if I can move them around I'll like them better ... and easier on my budget too. ha. (Not easier on my shoveling arms though!)
Debbie said…
Ooooh, baby. :) Verry nice pictures you chose there.
Ms. Kathleen said…
Oh my gosh...old crushes. I was going to marry Mickey from the Monkeys when I was about 10 -- then I went to Paul Revere and the Raiders... Somewhere in my teens years I had the hots for Led Zepplins Robert Plant. I never missed a concert that was within a days driving distance. That "crush" lasted for YEARS...Then I ran into Daniel Day Lewis in the movies...sigh....

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