Wordless Wednesday - Pine Siskin

Canon Rebel XTI

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Annie said…
Birds are singing it will be spring soon. Happy WW.
Gabriel said…
You always learn here. Now I know what a siskin is! Honestly, I had no idea; and we have a local hockey team with that name!!! (Waterloo Siskins)

My post: Vrooom!.

Happy WW!
Tammy said…
When I first saw this post, I giggled since I hadn't seen the one before yet...because I thought, "All this time waiting...and now it's another little bird!" LOL Still, a cute little bird, and I admit I never heard of a pine siskin out this way!

Loved, loved your grandparent-granddaughter conversations below!!! So adorable!!!
Ingrid said…
I have to close your blog, cat Lisa watches the screen with suspicious eyes ! I think she loves this birdie !
Anonymous said…
This little fella looks fragile to me, maybe even a little uncertain. Funny that I'd see vulnerability in his face (or maybe unexpected is a better word).

Love the blue contrast, must've been a beautiful day!
MaR said…
Look at that lovely little one!!! looking pretty!
Mine was a lucky catch with the cat :)
Happy WW!
HartofDixie said…
Gorgeous shot. I love the photo!
Kim said…
I do love your pictures; your eye is excellent. The details are what makes the photo; the slightly ruffled little feathers on his head, the bit poking from his beak, the little bits of mossy green on the branch. Lovely.
Unknown said…
Hi pretty birdie! Great shot! Hope it didn't poop on you. :)
Anonymous said…
What a sweet little bird!
Anonymous said…
Pine Siskin: What on earth? I didn't sign up for this! These paparazzis are all alike. Now my sister, she was model. Now she's in rehab.
They all end up in rehab.
Junebug said…
Beats those huge pictures over at Gattina's. :D
You certainly have a way with birds!
Anonymous said…
Why doesn't my photos look like that? :-(
Debbie said…
Beautiful. Your bird photos are always a delight to see. :)
Robinella said…
Love the moss (?) on the branches. Yesterday, this huge flock of black birds landed in the yard. I thought they were crows and ALL black, but they weren't. They had these very vibrant red circles on their "shoulders". Amazing. Of course my camera was upstairs and I missed them. Poo.
Attie said…
You make an ordinary bird look amazing!!
And no no no I won't go to rehab..hahahaha
Anonymous said…
nice birdy shot. I love the composition and overall look of it. ^^

Plus...i can never get a decent bird shot to save my life. ugh *L*
Wendster said…
Wow, Pamela! You must have an AMAZING lens and a lot of patience. That's a BEAUTIFUL picture and with so much detail too. Nice composition. I especially love the texture of the up close branches and the shadowiness of the background ones. Cool!
I just caught up on your blog again. SO enjoyable. Curlymop and Buttercup sound so genuine. I wonder what Curlymop expected to find in the cup? A fan?
And as for your bucket list, WOW. I would enjoy doing all of those, EVEN the storm chasing. I LOVE watching storms, especially thunder and lightning. As long as they let me wear a diaper while we are chasing tornadoes, I'm cool. Aurora Borealis is the love of my life! I saw the northern lights in Yellowstone when the power went out at a youth dance and we all went into the parking lot and there they were. Incredible! I've wanted to go see them up close ever since. My island choice is Bora Bora. A friend was from there and she says the sand is SO white that if she put it in the sugar bowl you WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE. Her boss didn't believe her so she replaced his sugar with bora bora sand and fooled the whole office. ha! The whale one would be cool, but for me would be replaced by the galapagos islands so I could see my friends the tortoises. The giant ones.
OK. This comment is WAY too long and don't I know it? yes I do. Love your blog, as per usual!
Molly said…
Good bird picture, I have never seen a Pine Sisken. But on the other hand, I might not recognize one anyway.
BarnGoddess said…
I like your bird photos!

umm, birds of prey are my favorite birds....hint hint

well, we are under a couple inches of ice, I think Ill scatter some sweetfeed (horsefeed that Freddie eats) for the little birdies here in the Res, they are starving.
Anonymous said…
I've never Heard of That Bird.
Always an education here at your place, PamelaJamela.
Great photo.
Susan in va said…
Once again, BEAUTIFUL photo, Pamela. I just commented to Karmyn yesterday that she was blessed with her mother's gift of photographing birds. The amount of time that passes between "click" and "snap" on my camera is about a minute and 7 seconds, so it's virtually impossible for me to get a decent bird photo.

Yeah. That's right. It's the camera's fault.
Anonymous said…
I'm such a sucker for bird pictures. So that's a Pine Siskin. I had never heard of that one. I noticed today when I was out gathering wood to bring in, the valley was just one big song fest. It really made me smile knowing the birds are starting to migrate again. Beautiful picture!
Anonymous said…
Such a lovely photo. Beautiful.

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