Fun Monday - The Top of My List

Tiggerlane is hosting Fun Monday and did she ever choose a funtastic topic. And I quote:

Have you heard of TheBucket List? Well, that's what I want from you! Make a list of things you want to do before you die. It must be at least five items - and you can make it as long as you desire. Photos are optional. And let's hear about some of the wackiest, most bizarre to-do's on your Bucket List!

A few months back my computer crashed. We were able to recover most all my data, but I never found my To Do List. Fortunately for you, the first three on my list are never far from my thoughts.

Numero Uno! My friends and family know I yearn to go on a Tornado/Storm Chase. Recently I began watching the Twister Sisters documentaries. I've decided that they are my tour of choice. The one thing I want to make perfectly clear is that I want to CHASE the weather, and not to have it chase me. My friend Kim told me last year that she would go. Then her roof blew off in that unusual bluster we had in January. Now she says she's seen enough !
Any volunteers to replace her? Click on the Sisters to go to their web site.

My second TO DO involves the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights. I saw them once from the fields north of our town. I danced the jig. ( Well, I danced something and everything jiggled. That counts, doesn't it?) My true goal is to go as far north as Alaska will take me and become one with the phenomenon that no one completely understands. Spaceweather is a great place to find out what solar activity is likely to produce it on any given night. An acquaintance who moved from Fairbanks told me that you could hear them crackle in the far north. Was she pulling my leg?

This picture is from Destination 360 - which links to multiple Aurora web sites.

I want to see the Great Gray Whale in it's birthing place. Number three on my bucket list will get me up close and personal with Whales and Birds in the Sea of Cortez. Click the picture at the right to take a look at A Traveling Naturalist Holiday. What makes it even more exciting is the opportunity to combine the big giants of the sea with a bird watching adventure. It is almost more than my cerebral excitement center can handle.

Somewhere on the list was a family reunion on a tropical island. I'm moving it into the fourth position.If you look to the left you will see a Vacation Idea, The Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Tropical Island Vacation Resort. My tropical place will be just like this; large enough to accommodate my extended family - small enough that there would be no room for other guests. Currently there are over 50 including my living brothers and sisters, spouses, and our combined children and grandchildren.

This "resort offers a variety of complimentary activities, including rain forest hikes, waterfall excursions, Fijian arts & crafts, organic garden tours, sea kayaking, sailing, glass bottom boat tours and tennis. Children under 9 years old can attend the Bula Camp where daily activities include beach combing, planting, fish painting and Fijian arts and crafts."

No cooking, cleaning, or planning entertainment. Everything done!! Of course this means I need to win the lotto.
Speaking of Winning the Lotto, this is a good spot to begin extending my new To Do List. So here it is - Number 5 --- prefaced by a note to make sure I purchase one ticket each week.

I want to win a mega-million dollar lotto and keep it a secret. (I think Delaware is one state where you can win the lotto and not be required to release your identity.) The money would be placed in a Trust that would contribute to the needs of people and to worthy causes. It would be so much fun to sit in a corner and observe the recipients of a Blessing. (An important part for me would be that I should humbly accept the position as only a conduit for a Higher Plan.)

Now I'm off to read the aspirations of all the other Fun Monday participants. Please follow me THERE.


Susie said…
What a great list. I especially like #4, but like you would need to win the lotto to pull it off :)
Anonymous said…
I've watched some of those Storm Chaser shows. Pretty wild.

The Northern Lights are a beautiful sight to behold. Hope you make it up there to see them. We can see them here but I would imagine anywhere in the north they would be fantastic.

I'm with you on the lottery thing. Winning that would be a big step in helping you achieve your other things in you Bucket List.
Alison said…
what a wonderful list. I volunteer to go with you on all of your adventures except the first on!
so many of us want to travel. it's fun to see what rocks everyone's world.

i love your list ... though i'm too chicken to chase storms with you.
Gattina said…
Hurry up to win the lotto and do all these things, before the globe changes to a square !
Anonymous said…
I'll go! Can I come stay on the island too?
willowtree said…
I didn't actually read the post, but it sure is laid out real nice.
Anonymous said…
Wow, you really are an all-nature girl!
Hootin Anni said…
Great list....I had to GIGGLE about all jiggle!!! [dancing the jig]

My Fun Monday is posted. I had a good time this week, voicing my opinions on Fun Monday.
Happy week to you.
Anonymous said…
Ack - chasing storms would scare the crap outta me!

Seeing the Aurora lights would be awesome.

When you say naturalist - you don't mean naturist, do you? ;) lol
Anonymous said…
ack - meant to leave my link and my mouse didn't behave properly.
-Ann said…
Great list! I'd love to take my husband on a storm chasing trip for his birthday one year. that was the plan for his 30th and we ended up moving back to Ireland instead. No tornadoes here!
Anonymous said…
Since I live right in the middle of tornado alley, how about you come here and we take those suckers on in the spring? I think "Chase, but not be chased is the perfect motto". I love all of your list, but I can only help you with that one. (Unless I can become a member of your extended family?)
Jill said…
it would be nice to with the lotto, and i've seen the northern lights, from illinois, mind you, but they were there, red and glowing in the distance in the otherwise darkest of night.. odd, really.. but beautiful
Robocop said…
Great list. If I won the lotto, I wish it could be kept a secret as well. I would not quit my job, no, no, no. They would escort me out.
Kim said…
I live in Oklahoma and witnessed the 1999 tornadoes during May. Something like 50 people died. A tornado practically destroyed Stroud and an F5 hit Moore. Being anywhere near one is seriously terrifying, even when you've grown up around them as I have. I think you have to be a little bit nuts to chase tornadoes. I suppose it looks exciting from a distance, though. My advice: keep your distance.
Anonymous said…
Alaska is a wonderful place to visit. I'd go back in a heartbeat.
Kim said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather Plett said…
I guess this is a good lesson in "don't take things for granted". Northern lights are very common around here. I've seen them thousands of times. But I really haven't ever taken them for granted - I LOVE them. As a kid, I used to lie out under the stars, on top of a pile of bales in the field, and watch them dance.

So... come visit me some time (in the summer) and I can almost guarantee a northern lights sighting.
Heather Plett said…
I guess this is a good lesson in "don't take things for granted". Northern lights are very common around here. I've seen them thousands of times. But I really haven't ever taken them for granted - I LOVE them. As a kid, I used to lie out under the stars, on top of a pile of bales in the field, and watch them dance.

So... come visit me some time (in the summer) and I can almost guarantee a northern lights sighting.
Sandy said…
Terrific list. Can we get to Alaska on a cruise ship? That would be very, very nice.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I'll take your list.
Except for the tornado chasing.
Junebug said…
You are the kind of person who should win the Lottery. Using it for good. Someone else's.
SwampAngel65 said…
What a terrific list!! I saw the Aurora Borealis once when I was in Canada...totally awesome!

Can I be part of your extended family when you go to Fiji? Please? It looks sooooo beautiful! You'd think living in Miami and seeing the ocean whenever I want might diminish the desire to go someplace like that, but it doesn't. Not at all. Let me know when we're leaving!
Joy T. said…
We don't get the lights like Alaska does but here in Alberta, they can be pretty spectacular some nights. A great list, I would totally join you in the Storm Chasing!
DesLily said…
having managed to live through more than one hurricane, and sitting at the epicenter of a 6.7 earthquake, I can safely say... "if you chase the tornado.. chase it away from ME!" lol

I will come with you to see whales though! All sorts of whales! They are something to be seen by everyone at least once!
Unknown said…
I'll go chase storms with you. My husband and I went towards the eye of a hurricane while living in Tx but it got pretty scary and we backed off.

You can see the Northern lights when you come here birding with me. :)

I'd like the tropical island and whales too, neat!
ellen b. said…
What wonderful adventures are on your list!
Anonymous said…
We'll have to figure out how to get you to a couple of those!
ChrisB said…
Pamela I think you have a great list. I do think Tornadoes are fascinating but I think I'd be wary of getting too close. Northern lights would be lovely to see. Oh and when you win your millions remember I'm a good cause!!
I love your list. Tornado/Storm Chasing would be amazing!
Molly said…
I want to add all of your list to my list. I would love to see a tornado and the Northern Lights. Every time there is a tornado warning in my area, I get the camera to take a tornado picture.
Attie said…
Hey We have the northern light out our door!! they are beautiful!!!!
And to see the whales uumm yea that would be awesome!! I love your list too!!!!
I have lost everything too and it was with the help of a Dell tech!!
Great List!!
Attie said…
psss..I too have watched the storm Chasers..better wear depends...just in case!!
Serina Hope said…
Good luck with that list. I wouldn't mind chasing a storm. When you win the lottery you can take me on that trip :)
Shelby said…
FABULOUS list - - love the northern lites on especially..
theotherbear said…
I'm with you on the northern lights thing! I'd love to see them. I think I might be closer to whatever the equivalent for the south pole is called. But I would have to go to Antarctica, and it is cold there. Plus the northern lights are better.
BarnGoddess said…
Pamela, when your ready to chase you some twisters, just give me a call! Ill give you the grande tour of Oklahoma. Late April, early may is tornado season around here...
Jenni said…
I like all your choices except the first one. I've been close enough too many times, thankyouverymuch. The last item is my favorite. Wouldn't that be a blast?
Michelle said…
I would love to see the Northern Lights also!! I think they would be just beautiful. I hope you get to achieve everything on your list. Oh, and I hope you get a taker for your storm chasin!!
Tiggerlane said…
I must see the Twister Sisters - how cool is that? Of course, we had a tornado touch down three blocks from my house once, so at least I heard it...I like that you want to see the Northern Lights. Great list - and thanks for participating!
Linda said…
Hmmm, storm chasers - I like the movie Twister, but it seems kind of scary! The Northern Lights are awesome - but elusive.
Peter said…
A wonderful post as always Pamela, in answer to the query, No I haven't seen The Bucket List yet but am now looking forward to it very much.... I could give you a list of 103 things an old man shouldn't do!!!! but please tell me your three.
Amanda said…
But you always told me that if you won the lottery, you would buy me a house!!! (the vacation sounds awesome!!)
Celeste said…
Wow -- what a very cool list. Teh lights and whale watching sound awesome. I am not certain that I am there for the storm chasing, though (think of me as a high tail it and run sort of girl).
ped crossing said…
I see I am not the only late visitor to Fun Mondays. Love 2 & 3. And any place that is warm and on the beach will be on all my to do lists.
my4kids said…
You should come visit me then you can see the northern lights and see the whales although the weather is probably not as nice as where you want to go is it?
I would do the storm chasing, always thought it could be fun....although I may chicken out at the last minute!
Mariposa said…
Love, love your list...though your numero uno sounds too much for me, LOL

And yes, I love Aurora Borealis too!

Happy FM!
Damn but if I didn't forget to put 1 and 2 on my list!! I've always wanted to go twister watching and see the northern lights!
Alix said…
Oh great list. I so want to see the Northern Lights.
laurie said…
i love that yours are all outdoorsy and adenturey.
Faye said…
Late getting to you again this week Pamela--that darn featherduster of yours kept shutting me out, but here we are. I think you get the prize for most original list. Share your idea that travel needs to be an adventure--either possibility of breaking some body part or learning something really great!
I would happily join you for any of these, although I have to admit that Fiji would be at the top of my list. Do you think you could squeeze in one guest?

Wonderful list!
Robin M said…
I love your list and want to do it all.

Robin of mytwoblessings
Detroit said…
Hey, you have me at your side for your Sister tornado chaser. I am definitely adding your lists to mine...I am fascinated by similar beauty in nature.
Anonymous said…
Great list! Chasing tornados you brave woman! Northern Lights are spectacular...they still amaze me everytime I see them.
Well, you learn something new every day. I've never heard of the Twister Sisters. Quite an unusual list!
Susan in va said…
You just say the word, Pamela. I'll meet you in Oklahoma with my video camera and we'll chase us some twisters!

Ah, the Twister Sisters. Some girls have it all...
Carla said…
Sounds like a fun list. Well, I'm not so sure about that tornedo bit. I once almost drove into one and that was enough to put me off it for life.
Anonymous said…
That is a very good list! I have a friend that lives in Alaska and she has spoke of that beautiful light show God puts on for us.

I love love LOVE the pictures of you with flowers up your nose.
Karina said…
Great list! I'll let you go ahead and do #1 and tell us all about it, I'll be sitting over here, on this side of the country where there are no tornados, thank you ver much! ;-) Your #4 is very selfless and beautiful!
Sauntering Soul said…
Great list. I would love to see the Northern Lights one day too!
Rick said…
I lived in Oklahoma MANY years. Never saw a twister, but lived through many tornado warnings. I'm with you on wanting to see the Aurora Borealis. Must be something to see. I would also like to see the Southern Cross - just to say that I have.
kitten said…
Wonderful list! I would love to see the Northern Lights! Hey you could come here and see the tornadoes ans then this summer I could come and learn to ski. That's sounds like a great idea! :)
Anonymous said…
A very precise list. What wonderful ways to experience nature. We are further north and see the northern lights regularly. They aren't as colourful here as up north, but I am sure they do crackle when you are up there. I hope you get to fulfil your list.
Kaytabug said…
Ok I just slapped my head. I read your post yesterday or was it Sunday night?! Something must of pulled me away....
I would totally go storm chasing with you, call me!
I would LOVE to do 2, 3 and 4 as well. I know I'm not family it's just that vacation spot sounds perfect for me. I love the Cousteau's!! That picture looks like paradise!
Kila said…
Great post, Pamela! Sounds wonderful!

If you need a partner for any of that, you know where to find me ;)
Anonymous said…

I read this the other day (I read several of them the other day....:/), but my wi fi was out so I couldn't comment (but the pages were still loaded so at least I could read).

Your list is so "you", but the truth is, I could tack yours right onto mine--those are all marvelous "to dos".

Well, as far as #4, I'd wanna take MY family, but you get the drift ;).
Beccy said…
I think I'd be too scared to be a storm chaser but the rest of your ideas are fab.
Beccy said…
I think I'd be too scared to be a storm chaser but the rest of your ideas are fab.
Debs said…
I would love to chase a storm once. :)
Retrohipster said…
That is a great list!!! absolutely and wonderfully humbling!!! You deserve to accomplish all of them!!!
Susie Q said…
I love your list Pam. Of course, after being IN a tornado, I do not want to chase them anymore. They still fascinate me though.

I had so hoped to see The AB when we flew to China. Some have seen them while in the air. We did not. Phooey.

We saw The Bucket List recently and loved it. Mine involves a lot of travel so I guess I will have to share in your lottery win with you!

I have petted a dolphin but would love to swim with them. I want to see Hawaii and Alaska. Have lunch in the Eiffel Tower. Visit the koalas in Australia.

I will keep a good thought you will be able to do all those things on your list!

And then some...

karisma said…
Lovely list! I have enjoyed whale watching every year as the whales migrate past our shores. I am much angry at the Japanese ships that are killing with a vengeance. The Japanese culture is so beautiful in ways but so cruel and heartless in others. Their government needs a good spanking!

I should like to come dancing/jiggling with you in those lights.
Mary said…
I love your bucket list. Seeing the Aurora Borealis is on my list as well.

That and winning the lottery of course. But winning the lottery would mostly be self serving for me, I REALLY need new windows. It's -1 degrees here right now and my windows are original single pane with mutton bars from 1931. BRRR doesn't even begin to cover it!
Ms. Kathleen said…
You have some great plans! Wonderful. I want to see more whales - I have seen humpbacks. And the Northern Lights... Awesome! Great choices!! God Bless!
Anonymous said…
i think you read my mind cause your list looks an aweful lot like mine would if i had one;)
Debbie said…
I hope you find someone to go storm chasing with you. It sounds like fun. Scary, too, but fun.

We love seeing the norhthern lights here. Sometimes we get some beautifully bright ones.
BlondeBlogger said…
Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to go on a storm chasing trip too! For like forever! I thought I was the only one crazy enough to want to do that, lol

I tried Tivoing Twisted Sisters but I got some psychic women instead (they were really weird, lol) I'll have to try again.

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