Time Out for Rockin' Grandmas

ChrisB (aka Ms Cellania) introduced our Rockin' alter egos in a past post - just for the humor of it all.

My response was to jokingly suggest we use it to our advantage and create our own award which linked back to our blogs.

Well -- she jumped right on the b*tch bar and rode it!!
Chris has already presented several Rockin' Grandmas and now it is my turn.

Drum roll ------------------ ba dum ba dum ba dum ba dum ba dum.

Take a bow mjd! Molly is one smart cookie at Return of The White Robin ! If I was ever a kid (and I think I may have been at one time) she is the teacher I would have wanted to speak into my life. And the sweet and wise woman wears overalls!

Show us your winning smile Suzie! Suzie's Space is one of the most positive places to stop and visit. Suzie is a wonderful grandmother and a wonderful GRANDDAUGHTER at the same time. Generations of love fill her space.

Hang this in your pantry, Pat! If you want to learn how to make a house a home, sit a spell at Back Porch Musings . She can decorate on a dime, and make it look like a million. She also invites you along on mini vacations to places you would never hear about otherwise.

I enjoy them all very much.

Thank you ladies for proving that white hair and progressive lenses R.O.C.K.


willowtree said…
Wait a minute, that means Suzie's grandmother is a great-great-grandmother! There's not too many of them around.
ChrisB said…
Pamela, I've learnt something new (b*tch Bar) LOL.
You guys are brilliant! This award almost makes me wish I was a grandmother!
Beccy said…
Hmmm I'm thinking we need a groovy daughters button!
PAT said…
Pam, what a sweet treat with my morning beverage! Thank you so much for the Rockin' Grandma Award and for my first smile of the day!

Anonymous said…
I've been waitin' on y'all to pass this around (congratulations?!?) :).

You and Chris are a wonderful inspiration for it, and while I don't know Suzie or Pat, I DO know Miss Molly and she's the greatest. On your recommendation, I BELIEVE all this (ol') girls ROCK!

Cute.......real cute :).
Kim said…
I love this! What a great idea. My grandmas need to start blogging right away just for this cool award.
Unknown said…
Yeah! I have absolutely no idea what a b-bar is but when I asked hubby he said, "It's this place women go. . ." and I cut him off, saying it has something to do with a motorcycle.

Rock Grandmas Rcok! :)
Susie said…
Hi Pamela,
I love this award! Thank you so much.. I know how blessed I am to be a granddaughter and a grandmother at the same time.
Thanks again.
Carole Burant said…
Waaaaaaaa I wanna be a grandma so badly!!! lol That award is just so funny but precious...congratulations on having it passed on to you and I'm so glad Susie was one of your choices to pass it on to, I just love her to bits:-) xox

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