Goooey Kisses.

Untitled from pamela on Vimeo.

Seven-month old Smurf-Ella and her big 4 -year old Brother Z-bub.  


dawn said…
It is so cute how they love each other when they are so little, then they get bigger and fight like cats and dogs and are grossed out by the goo. Okay, so I am grossed out by goo but that's not the point ;-) .
Dear Pamela. Nothing better than a gooey snotty kiss from a bubba!
Unknown said…
I just love how sweet big brothers are to baby sisters! It makes me even sadder that I don't have one. Adorable!
Kim said…
Adorable. Just adorable. I think that grandboy looks like you, Pamela.
kailani said…
That is so adorable! I love how Brother Z-bub wiped his mouth after kissing her. Typical boy!
Merle said…
Dear Pamela ~~ Aren't Grandkids just
Thanks for your comments. It never occurred to me to wonder where the bull (and the Vet) came from.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Intense Guy said…
Awww... way too precious!

grammy said…
so is good with grand babies around (o:
heather said…
Ah, the after-wipe.
Janis said…
So cute...grandkids are the joy of ones heart!
Carole Burant said…
Awwwwww that was so adorable!!! Glad you were able to catch it on video:-) xoxo

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