Go With The Fun Monday Flow

This little angel had me awake at 4:00 this morning.  She finally dropped back to sleep at 6:30.

That may have nothing to do with Fun Monday – and Mariposa asking us what we look forward to this brand new year.


Or, it may have everything to do with it.

Our middle daughter lives in central California, which is a 12 to 15 hour drive.  Flying doesn’t assure you of a shorter travel day.  You have to count the hours of checking in early and going through the security check.  Not to mention layover, as flying from our small local airport sends  us to a hub city for transfer to another airline. At least when I drive I know exactly where my luggage is and who has touched it.  Have you ever watched your luggage get banged around on the tarmac?  Sorry about that rabbit trail.


Jen called a few days ago and asked if I could watch the 3 little pablum guzzlers for three or four days while they checked out Spokane.  There is a job interview and some extra time to survey the lay of the land.


I could be looking forward to having them living within a 3-hour drive from my front door.

That would be wonderful.

(It’s not a long trip over to Mariposa Tales.  Write your own post and join the Fun.)


min said…
How great would that be!!??!!
I wish Jen the best of luck...and you too.
Sandy said…
Oh, that would be so wonderful! I will keep it all in my prayers.
Jill said…
Just so you know I HAVE been reading and enjoying your recent posts, I just got a reader and don't always click over to the comments, yet! I am glad you may have family closer! I forgot to sign up for fun monday but have a LOT to look forward to, so perhaps I will try and join in late!
Carla said…
That would be wonderful. I hope it all works out.
BG said…
Sometimes I have to agree about the 'flying' thing. Traveling by air isnt always the 'fastest'! I hope they do move closer for you! Seattle is a city I have always wanted to see, I hear it is a neat place to live too.
Janis said…
I hear you on the flying thing...it has gotten to be a big hassle. That would be soooo nice to have your daughter move closer to you. Keep us posted if it happens. Hope 2010 is a good one for you n yours.
Mariposa said…
Oh, now THAT is something to look forward to! And to wake up at 4AM with that cute angel is not a problem at all, right? :)

Thanks for playing, have a great week!
Living Life said…
Oh how exciting that would be Pamela! Best of luck to Jen in her interviewing process. Three hours is nothing to drive to see your adorable grandbabies!
grammy said…
It would be so hard to have my Grand kids be that far away. They are all right here in the same town... about 10 minutes away. My daughter did live in lots of strange far away countries (think Kabul Afghanistan) as a missionary. If she would have married a missionary and lived far away,,, I told her to expect me to stay 3 months at a time when I went to see her. Maybe that is why she moved back here (o:
Sayre said…
Oh, yay!!!! A 3-hour drive beats a 15-hour one hands down! Definitely something to look forward to if you enjoy spending time with the grandkids (and I know you do!).
now THAT would be cool!!!
Gattina said…
For the moment taking a plane is really a plague ! Everywhere ! I would drive even in two days as we do when we go to Italy. I am jalous that you have grandchildren ! I am still waiting, lol !
bichonpawz said…
Sure hope it all works out for you!! Plane travel is not desirable these days! Happy New Year!
Intense Guy said…
Aww.. What a cutey pie! She probably doesn't like planes and flying much either!
Kim said…
It would be so nice to have them closer. My grandchildren all live here by me and it is a great blessing. It's also nice that Jen can call you to do that for her!
Unknown said…
I hope it all goes great and they get to move closer and that you survive a few days, lol. :)
kailani said…
That would be so great to have your family so much closer to you. Cherish these moments because the little ones will be big before you know it. :-)
BlondeBlogger said…
Ooooh, that would be wonderful!!! I hope it happens! Sending up prayers that it does. :)
Peter said…
At last, someone else who prefers to drive, I fit in many stops and visits along the way that flying just can't match.
dawn said…
That would be a wonderful move and definitely an advantage for you. My mom is fortunate to be close to all her grandchildren and I hope I have the good fortune too, to have my family near by.
Kila said…
It'll all work out for the best. :)
Carole Burant said…
I don't think you'd be excited at all! hehe Of course I'm just teasing, I can just imagine how excited you are at the thought that they may come live within driving distance from you:-) xoxo
I hope it all works out Pamela..I know you enjoy all your grands! :)
Susie Q said…
Oh to have them closer...what a joy! And look atthat sweet face...well, BOTH of those sweet faces! : )
Air travel is just awful anymore. I love flying but the getting on and off the plane is maddening!

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