Fun Monday Dirty Haiku

I do not like chores
no sweeping, mopping, waxing…
not even poetic


Lil Mouse asks, “What is your least favorite chore?”  Obviously, I got distracted just thinking about it and wrote poetry instead of getting down and getting dirty.

But, you can rant about the one you hate to do and scamper on over to leave your link with Jill.  Then come back and do my dishes.


Gattina said…
In fact you are right to write a Haiku, chores are not worthwhile to describe in long and large, lol ! anyway in we all know that dust has to wait !
darkfoam said…
i think the only chore i'll accomplish today is to write my name in the dust on top of our fridge .. :)
Jill said…
Ha! Hey, I did pretty much say anything goes.. Thanks for playing along!
Jenni said…
Doing dishes is my favorite inside chore. Sticking my hands in the warm water is so soothing. Dusting is my least favorite inside chore. Now, for outdoor chores, I rather like cleaning the stalls and shoveling off the area in front of the barn. I do some of my best thinking while I'm shoveling sh*t, and I feel like I'm clearing the crap mentally while I'm doing it physically. No lie.
Molly said…
Great Poetry Pamela, Considering the name of your blog I would have been surprised with any other response

Happy New Year
heather said…
Greatness--I especially love the "waxing" play on words.
grace said…
short and sweet.
storyteller said…
Love your 'ku ... hate housework too!
Hugs and blessings,
karisma said…
LOL! Very nice!
ChrisB said…
Perfectly said!
Mariposa said…
Very creative, and Gattina is right, we don't need many words to describe the chores we don't love doing! LOL
Living Life said…
Love the Haiku! I guess your blog title says it all about cleaning! lol
Janis said…
Your right....the dust will wait! As a matter of work is very is perfectly contend to wait for you. I am hosting next week so come on over wed. and sign up!
Sayre said…
Ha! This was great!
it's like haiku friday and fun monday all rolled into one! awesome.

except for the cleaning part. that's not awesome. ever.
Kila said…
Isn't Haiku fun?!

I'll do the dishes. It's always more fun doing someone else's dishes than your own.
Unknown said…
I wonder if we put our foot down if the chores would take care of themselves? ;0)
wendishness said…
I loved your way of doing it this week, fabulous!
JoeinVegas said…
Cleaning the bathroom
in Haiku
I'm not too good
kailani said…
My husband does the dishes in our home. He swears our next house has to have a dishwasher. :-)
Ms. Kathleen said…
Least fav chore? My son's bathroom, which he is supposed to clean himself but never seems to do it to my satisfaction! Cute haiku by the way :)
Is cooking a chore..I certainly think so..I would pick it as my least favorite chore..but I do understand your dislike of other chores:)
dawn said…
I don't like cleaning very much either, but once I get started it isn't too bad.
Wendster said…
I'll wash your dishes.

It's winter.

The hot water feels good.

.... was that the right number of words? Or is it supposed to be a certain number of syllables? I forget.

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