A Recipe for Happiness

Pull it out of the ground.

Swallow it whole. Yum.

Then just perch in a tree and sing about it.

PS. I finished my Scavenger Hunt. Please take a quick look and go vote for me.
(After you wipe that silly grin off your face. Puuulllleeeeze, I need at least one vote.....! )


Amanda said…
I bet it was a purdy song.
MarmiteToasty said…
Your robins are so very different from British robins..... the photos are beautiful.... I went and voted :)

DesLily said…
early bird catches the worm eh? Great shot of the Robin! not so great for the worm ..heh.
Helene said…
Had a look at Scavenger Hunt and will go vote for you now! You are very clever Pam!
Desert Songbird said…
I voted! Are we allowed to vote more than one? I'll stuff the ballot box if so.
darkfoam said…
yummy worm! yummy for the bird that is ..

i voted ..
not telling for whom though .. ;P

well, okaaaaay .. you, of course.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great way to live life Pam!

I'll go over and vote, right now!
Claudia said…
robin=spring=sun=good times
kitten said…
That last picture was awsome!!
I tried to go vote, but it said the link was broken.
ChrisB said…
I like these photos-oh and don't tell anyone I was able to vote twice because I just been able to do it from the laptop as well!
LadyStyx said…
Slurp it down just like 'sketti. Of course that's one happy birdie!
Anonymous said…
Great bird photos!
storyteller said…
What WONDERFUL captures those first two photos are! Great to be in the right place at the right time with camera in hand, eh?
Hugs and blessings,
JoeinVegas said…
Is that the first red robin of Spring, or do they stay at your place all year 'round?
Anonymous said…
Great photos!

We saw our first robin of the spring yesterday, yay :)
Ingrid said…
I agree to perch somewhere high, but no way that I swallow a worm even if it makes me happy !
Wendster said…
I don't believe I will follow that recipe.

At least ... not with that particular entree.
Anonymous said…
i love robins. they seem so simple, whereas a bird like a hawk is so complicated, conniving, sneaky. robins just 'hop, pull, eat' hop,, hop.. and that's it. its like life is telling us time and again to slow down, be simple, drink some lemonade and not worry.
Attie said…
ye pretty birdie!! i know i was never an animal in a previous life...yuck to worm!!!
I voted :)~
Tammy said…
I just voted for you! :D

I loved this...and I remember how God takes care of and is mindful of the birds of the field...how much more will He take care of us?

(See you ministered just through these photos, Pamela!) :)
The Laundress said…
Just voted. Good luck.
Peter said…
Still scrounging for votes unashamedly I see Pamela, and still taking great photos too.
Unknown said…
You have great eyes to spy that Robin pulling on the worm!! Spring is here?
Hayden said…
ooops. I'm too late to vote. sorry.

loved the robin though!
Anonymous said…
I love how you were able to follow along in this little bird's adventure!
A Spot of T said…
It's the one thing I love on the acreage here and that's watching the Robins. After the rain they are out there digging and looking for worms and when they find one I have to laugh sometimes when it's a really long one and they are tugging and tugging away on it. They're mean though. They will fight with the Blue Jays and they win every single time.
Hayden said…
thanks, went and voted. was confused. obviously!
carmilevy said…
The last picture could be a poster. You've captured four intersecting worlds with incredible depth, color and precision.

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