Advice from Buttercup

We went to the Portland Yard & Patio Show last weekend. It is always so much fun to see what you know you shouldn't spend any money on this year.

's family spent the afternoon there with us enjoying the lovely displays that the local nurseries and landscapers prepared.

Before we walked out into the rainy evening I took Buttercup into the ladies restroom. We needed to deal with that before catching the MAX back to where we'd parked,.

"You go into this stall and go potty," I told Buttercup, "and I am going into this one. "

"Stay there until I tell you to open the door." I added that bit of information for her so she wouldn't wander out without me.

"Okay, " she replied, and locked herself in.

I'd just settled in when I heard her yell out very loud.

"Grandma !!" she called me.

"Yes, I'm here." I replied without hesitation, worried that something had frightened her .

"You see that green handle? If you have to go Pee Pee, just push it up. If you have to go Poo Poo, just push it down."

"Okay, I've got it. Thanks," I answered with a shake of my head, wondering if that child had any other volume but loud.

Later that night I mentioned to Karmyn that I'd received an instructive lecture in the ladies room at the convention center.

"Oh yes," she nodded her head. "She questioned me about the green handle earlier in the day when we used it. After I told her about pushing the handle up or down, she asked, 'If I go both, do I push the handle sideways?' "

Oh, Buttercup! You do keep us smiling.


ChrisB said…
She comes out with some real gems-wonderful :)
darkfoam said…
you mean you can push them UP? who knew ..
LadyStyx said…
*shakes head and chuckles, moving along to the next entry*
Anonymous said…
It's good to know she's already concerned about the environment.
Mercy's Maid said…
What a smart girl! :)
They're just teachin' us all the time aren't they?
Mozi Esme said…
I love that "kid" volume!
Ingrid said…
I think she is right it's all very logical and how sweet of her to inform you how to do it ! hahahaha !
Anonymous said…
Children are rarely discreet.
How funny!
Peter said…
Is this what is known as toilet humor Pamela?
Unknown said…
How cute! I haven't seen handles like that, but it's a great idea!
Amanda said…
What happens if you have the squirts? Push it down twice? She's so silly. I wish I could've witnessed the exchange.... or the faces of the people in the other stalls. tee hee
Amanda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coffeypot said…
Very deductive reasoning!
Anonymous said…
She just had to make sure you knew the "rules" of the toilet! hee hee
Glennis said…
Kids do manage to say the strangest things.
My Mother says after my first day at school I lectured the whole family on the need NOT to eat and food in the toilet! It is so nice to pass on advice we have received!
Alison said…
too funny...what a doll.
Tillybud said…
Priceless! My little girl used to interrogate me when we went into a public toilet together as to what I was doing, how long it was likely to take and so on.
Kim said…
What a clever girl. That's a good question!
Debs said…
Smart kid. :D
Anonymous said…
Ha ha. There's something about kids that make them speak at high volume in any public loo!
Hayden said…
thinking, thinking! not just receiving info, but considering! She's a smart one!
Wendster said…
We don't even HAVE those kind of handles. You are way ahead of us.


loved the other posts!

kitten said…
How cute!
And to answer your question about those me; I don't have a answer. I just shake my head also!
karisma said…
Ahhh What can I say? Buttercup is my hero, she could totally homeschool herself! She totally has it all sussed! Now my little mate Indi, who is three she informed us today that her poo was in the shape of an S, also a 5, and did you know that an S makes a sssssss sound as in snake? (very forward child) yep she is totally homeschooled in the feral manner! haha! And you think Buttercup is loud, wait till you meet my friends! hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Merle said…
Hi Pamela ~~ What a very bright little girl and so helpful too.
Thanks for your comment and I am glad you liked the Tree story - we should all have one. And the Australian Army surprise us with Sheila. Take care, Love, Merle.
Shelby said…
that's some high tech handles!

smart girl - finding out all the options..

cute cute cute
Dr.John said…
Without children what could possibly keep us smiling.
Anonymous said…
Haha! Fun age. :)
Anonymous said…

I need to think like HER more often; no stones left unturned.

BTW, I've never seen that kind of handle before. Guess the South is behind on that one!
A Spot of T said…
Too funny LOL My goodness what their minds think about.
Jennifer said…
Hey, that's a very valid question!! At least she's paying attention and WANTS to flush the toilet!! Which is not always the norm in public restrooms....
Desert Songbird said…
I get the biggest kick out of listening to little kids in public restrooms. They're comments are priceless.
Helene said…
through the eyes of babes...
I miss those days in some ways. I look forward to being a Grandparent. My oldest turned 16 today... I have a bit of time so I will live vicariously though you here! =]

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