Scavenger Hunt

Lisa is playing a scavenger hunt hosted by Nicole B I'm not invited so I'm tagging along anyway. It's Nicole's first scavenger hunt, and I hope she doesn't mind.

Because I'm leaving town until the end of the week, I don't have time to search for new ideas. Instead, I did exactly what she said not to. I went into my file archives.

Here are the 25 things for which participants are to search. I may get some pictures for the ones I missed. Her hunt is open until March 15. Go over there and check it out!!

1) local currency (If you're a pirate)

2) local flag (My mom called them that!)

3) local food (Annual Corn Roast @ Charles)

4) something rusty (Bridge over water skippers)

5) local wildlife (never seen one. Hope to- snort!)

6) local nature (love walking)

7) local stamp (Well, I "done-near stamped him good.")

8) part of your neighborhood (chitchatting)

9) traditional house (In original section of town.)

10) a local person (Sophie the neighbor girl)

11) local weather
(gets ya down in the winter)

12) local transportation (Tubin' behind the V-8)

13) traditional local
(not for me, for them! Gorgeous)

14) night sky (a final sunbeam)

15) sunrise
(beginning the ride)

16) local product non food (Bills Gourds)

17) something furry (my friends puppy)

18) something feathery (River Grass)

19) a sign of the season (Balloon Stampede)

20) a part of you (holding hummers)

21) your main hobby

22) a local shop

23) a local restaurant ( local college kids)

24) a street sign (it's there, I swear)

25) a local mail box


darkfoam said…
ohhhhhh .. very nice ..
i love your hobby ..
the food - my kind of portions!
the walk - i love walking ..
well, i love all the photos ..
ChrisB said…
I do recall seeing some of these pictures. You did pretty well scavenging your archives.
Ingrid said…
I don't know which one I like the most, they are all very nice to see !
Kim said…
I adore the picture of you with the hummingbird feeder and all the little hummers flitting around feeding.
Unknown said…
Look at you! You don't have a store called Hot Poop?! What in the world do they sell? I love your last rays, nighttime sky!!

You were invited. And you're very welcome. :)
Jennifer said…
That looks like way too much work for me!! I'm glad I wasn't invited either!!
I was scrolling through and I thought your hobby was playing with viewmasters...then I realized it was a paint palette. Personally, I think viewmastering is a little edgier, but whatever floats your boat....
Jenni said…
I love #6 and #14 and your painting in #(?)21. The sky in #6 is just soooo perfect! I also like the photo of the river grass.
karisma said…
My goodness, I have to ask are all your food portions so big over there? My aunt came home with photo's when she visited last year and the desserts alone would feed four of us! Im surprised everyone is not giant.

That puppy is adorable!
Anonymous said…
OOHh well done I say Well done!!!
And that is magical holding that humming bird feeder with humming birds eating right than!! wow!!
Junebug said…
How did you get those hummingbirds to do that?
Anonymous said…
I love the snowy photos, and what are the non food photos of?
Anonymous said…
Great pics! I recognized several of them from the original showing.
Anonymous said…
Flags! My Grandma calls them flags. I was at the garden place last year and asked if they had yellow flags. They showed me where the banners were to hang outside your house. ??

I have flags growing in my backyard. Want me to send you a few? They won't bloom for you this year but they will next. I have light yellow, purple and peach.
Anonymous said…
Great photos for the themes. Love the Hot Poop store....but I could only imagine what they sell.
Unknown said…
LOL, I'll add you to the list anyway.
I only meant you have more fun finding new stuff ;)
The shots are great.
Love that puppy and the feathery shot! :D
And the traditional clothing one.
A few I will have to get from the archives too, oh well ;)The local wildlife one is hilarious :D
Betty said…
Nice pictures, Pamela. I like taking walks, too.
Desert Songbird said…
You lost me at corn roast - yum!
Anonymous said…
Very nice, great photos :)
Anonymous said…
Maybe you weren't invited because you can't follow the rules ;-) . Looks like a fun hunt. I like you photos even if they are from your archives.
kitten said…
Great job! Hope you have a nice trip!
Anonymous said…
Love the bicycle shadows, the sun rays, and the puppy the best...all are wonderful.
Have fun.
Anonymous said…
Did you take all those photos yourself? I love the chit-chatting one!
Wendster said…
LOVE this post! Great great photos.
Anonymous said…
I wasn't gonna comment on this one (too much to say), but you holding the hummingbird feeder with little birdies all around? That's a little bit of MAGIC!!
muddywaters said…
I enjoyed this post. Next week is Spring Break, so I have a week free from work. I might take my daughter out for this little scavenger hunt. I'll keep you posted.

thanks for sharing,
Unknown said…
The voting Poll is up and running.
Just add a shot of a few Dollars until midnight and you are good to go ;)

Send your people over to vote for you :)
Helene said…
Fun pictures! Amazing hummingbirds... fabulous skys, heeps of food. My favorite was the shadow of the people chatting in the street. Just perfect!
mythopolis said…
Great stuff! The guys with the piled up bowls of food...pasta?...hilarious!
Chris said…
Great shots and hilarious take on some of these!

1) Nice booty....(Arrrgh that pun shivered me timbers)

5) Ha ha, good one!

6) Picture perfect

7) he he

8) Simply an excellent photograph.

14) Stunning

20) Have never seen such non-timid hummingbirds.

22) Ummmm no thanks, I just ate.

Great job!
Susie said…
You put so much work into this! Loved seeing all your pictures :)
Off to vote..
Jientje said…
The hummingbirds are amazing!!
I enjoyed this series, you've got a great sense of humour!
Ingrid said…
I didn't know anything about this game, but I love to vote so I voted, lol !
Christy Woolum said…
What a great game. I love the photo of the sky... but it was hard to pick. They are all great.
Anonymous said…
Good job Pamela!
Wendster said…
How do I vote? I don't know what to do.


Pam-e-LA! Pam-e-LA! Pam-e-LA! Pam-e-LA! Pam-e-LA! Pam-e-LA!

Did that work?

hee hee!
Ballerina Girl said…
Great, fun shots!
Thanks for sharing!!
Yvonne said…
So I voted for you, and it seems that you are winning??? Holy Cow - the pwser of the internet!
Mojo said…
Okay on the serious side my favorite has got to be the night sky shot. That's just phenomenal! And the "traditional clothing" -- I had a similar idea, but was trying to keep it representative. That's tough when you live in the US where the "traditions" come from all over the world.

But... "Hot Poop"? I'm almost afraid to ask what they sell there. I mean for reals.

Marvelous collection!
Anonymous said…
You take great photos and form the looks of it, a very talented painter!
Where are you located?
BlondeBlogger said…
I thought I commented on this already....*sigh* blonde! Anyway, you look smokin' hot in that first picture, Pamela!!
Anonymous said…
Honey I'll vote for you anyday in the week. I liked that first one Who is that??
Ms. Kathleen said…
You got my6 vote sister! Hope you win! Hugs!
Peter said…
Anyone who is prepared to blatantly beg their readers for votes in such a shallow way, just to win a contest.... Gets my vote every time.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I love the nature, neighborhood, and the night sky.

I love looking at everyone's part of their world.

Thank you for sharing it..........:)
BLOGitse said…
Great, well done!

I've never seen that kind of do you get the birds there?

ps. i do know the other hummer... :-)
Gaynor said…
Great photo's Pam. Very American!!!! Am I allowed to say that as an Aussie?????
I LOVE your photos, Pam. So many 'favourites' so I will pick the night sky for photography and the shadows of the bikes for originality. Like the last commenter, to me they do seem to give a real flavour of America.
Thank you!
Tiggerlane said…
You are so wonderfully creative - you get my vote!
Beccy said…
Hot Poop cracked me up!

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